4) Know Your Tests: How to Skip the Guessing Game with Erika Marcoux, MA

Your Truth Revealed: Healing Fatigue and Lyme

May 23 2023 • 9 mins

There is a better way of getting a diagnosis instead of relying on Dr. Google. Why not get some real test results from your body? If you're interested in taking charge of your health, listen to this episode and get ready to feel like a real-life Dr. House.


A Quick Outline for the Tests You Can Take

01:57 BLOODWORK (1)

  • A holistic doctor may order a third more blood tests than a regular medical doctor for a physical exam.
  • Comprehensive bloodwork gives your holistic doctor a 360-degree view of what may be going on in your body.

02:54 PATHOGENS (2)

  • Pathogens are harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites called microorganisms.
  • Testing for pathogens can include Lyme, stool, and mold tests.
  • Lyme test from DNA ConneXions detects the cause of Lyme disease and ten other co-pathogens.
  • Stool test from Diagnostic Solutions Lab assesses your gut microbiome.
  • Mold test from Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly Great Plains Laboratory) detects the presence of mycotoxins in your body.


  • Testing for chemical messengers include the adrenal saliva test and the Neuro HPA Focus panel.
  • Adrenal saliva test from DiagnosTechs measures your cortisol levels over twenty-four hours.
  • Neuro HPA Focus panel from Machemehl Method Institute measures your brain chemistry.

06:16 DNA (4)

  • Testing your DNA includes nutrigenomic test from GXSciences and Max Rx test from ClarityX.
  • Nutrigenomic test analyzes your genetic blueprint to determine what diet and nutrients you need to maintain optimal health and wellness.
  • Max Rx test determines what medications may work best for you according to your DNA.



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