My Meditation Deep Dive

DJ and Da Bear: Keeping You at the Top of Your Game

Jun 22 2015 • 56 mins

DeEtta has been teaching holistic leadership development for 20 years, practicing yoga for 15 years, and integrating Eastern wisdom and practices with the Western scientific approach to coach emerging leaders on the benefits of mindfulness as a part of a sustainable and holistic leadership practice. Now she's going deeper. Join DJ and Da Bear for this special episode, when DeEtta (DJ) shares her experience at a 6-day deep dive meditation retreat at the Deepak Chopra Center in San Diego. Richard and DeEtta will talk about her experience in order for you to learn strategies for beginners, like DeEtta, who believe in the power of quieting the mind and finding center. You will also learn about some of the practical techniques for overcoming obstacles, immediate benefits of meditation on mental clarity and physical well-being, and about the role of diet and exercise in her journey.

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