Sexual, romantic and life Expectations can exceed your Reality? Episode #30

DISCOVER JOYOUS LOVE with Anita DeFrancesco

Mar 6 2022 • 21 mins

Discover Joyous Love

Episode #30

Sexual, romantic and life expectations can exceed your reality?

Do your expectations exceed your reality  with love, romance and career?  Society paints a pretty picture but what is in your heart and what is the truth.  Reality is one thing and the fairy tale is another--what you want, what you expect, and what you get ??? Life is a box of chocolates, you just don't know what your gona get.

Your expectations can rob you of fully appreciating your reality and moments.

The key to fulfilling your needs and wants is to connect to the self and know what you want. If you know what you want then your able to know what you don't want.

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