Are you frustrated daily because you can't connect with a child who is out of control or defiant? Host Lynn McLaughlin is joined by Ginny Luther who has experienced crises in her life that are unimaginable. She has now authored her book, Blue Star Grit: A Mother’s Journey of Triumph and Tragedy Raising a Defiant Child into an Exceptional Leader to help parents see there is a way! Through her own experiences and trauma, Ginny Luther helps us see how we can change our approach and how our response at any moment has an impact on a child. The connection we have with them is the key to discipline and what we do in that moment with empathy or compassion shows them we are a safe and secure person. Control comes with a cost to connection. How we talk to ourselves is how we talk to children, reflecting our Inner speech. How many of us are shoulding our children and what does this provoke in them? Peaceful or conscious parenting comes with consequences. We DO NOT give up our limits. Ginny will help us see how we can be assertive, set boundaries and be kind/firm at the same time with very clear and actionable examples.