Braving Business: Tales of Entrepreneurial Resilience and Courage in the Face of Adversity

Tal J Zlotnitsky

Join host Tal Zlotnitsky, a seasoned serial entrepreneur and founder of six companies, alongside co-host PJ Benoit, a dedicated entrepreneur in his own right, as they delve into candid conversations with leaders and entrepreneurs about confronting and surmounting adversity. Tune in to hear from our distinguished guests as they share their personal stories of resilience and tenacity. Our aim is to inspire, educate, and empower entrepreneurs and leaders, providing them with useful insights on how to chase their dreams and goals even in the face of hardship, while adhering to their core values and leading a life imbued with purpose and significance.

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Season Finale: Former Adidas Brand President Eric Liedtke on Leaving Adidas for Sustainable Fashion Innovation
May 20 2024
Season Finale: Former Adidas Brand President Eric Liedtke on Leaving Adidas for Sustainable Fashion Innovation
In our Season 2 Finale, join Tal and PJ as they dive into the journey of Eric Liedtke, a trailblazer in the fashion industry known for his leadership at Adidas and his courageous shift towards sustainability. Discover how Eric transformed Adidas through innovative collaborations and sustainability initiatives and why he left to co-found The UNLESS Collective, a brand dedicated to regenerative fashion. Key Discussion Points:1. Early career and what drove Eric to join Adidas2. Reflections on 26 years at Adidas, highlighting proudest achievements and key learnings3. Experiences overseeing iconic collaborations and product innovations at Adidas4. Navigating the transition from the corporate world of Adidas to launching The UNLESS Collective5. The concept of 'regenerative fashion' and its significance to The UNLESS Collective6. Challenges faced in creating a brand from scratch and strategies for overcoming them7. How experiences at Adidas prepared Eric for his entrepreneurial journey with The UNLESS Collective8. Core values from Adidas carried over to The UNLESS Collective and how they have evolved9. Advice for individuals considering leaving a secure corporate job to pursue a passion-driven, higher-risk venture10. New horizons and challenges anticipated with The UNLESS Collective in the future Quotable Moments: "Stepping away from a secure, successful career to pursue a passion for sustainability was the bravest decision of my life.""Regenerative fashion isn't just a trend; it's a necessary evolution for the industry." Connect with Eric: - LinkedIn: [Eric Liedtke] ( The UNLESS Collective: [UNLESS]( Listener Engagement: We'd love to hear your thoughts on Eric's journey from Adidas to The UNLESS Collective and how his story inspires your own path in business. Email us from our website, Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts. Stay brave and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in business and sustainability.
Dr. Marie Helene Pelletier, Workplace Mental Health Expert and Author of "The Resilience Plan"
May 13 2024
Dr. Marie Helene Pelletier, Workplace Mental Health Expert and Author of "The Resilience Plan"
Dive into the depths of workplace mental health with Dr. MH Pelletier, as she decodes the art of 'strategic resilience.' Her award-winning book, "The Resilience Plan," sets the stage for a dialogue on navigating work performance peaks and mental health valleys with strategic finesse.Key Questions:1. Dr. Pelletier, could you describe your early days in Northern Quebec and how your life experiences drew you to psychology?2. Throughout your career transitions, how has your focus on mental health evolved from clinical practice to the business sector?3. What is 'strategic resilience' and how does it intersect with successful work performance?4. Could you explain the concept of a 'strategic resilience' plan and offer an actionable step for our listeners to start crafting their own?5. Your book, "The Resilience Plan," stands out in the crowded space of wellness literature. What unique insights does it offer?6. With your extensive speaking engagements and book clubs, beyond book sales, what pivotal message do you hope to impart?7. Entrepreneurs often juggle multiple demands; how do you decide where to focus your time and energy?8. Your quote on behavioral principles touches on influencing others. What's your take on asking for 'kindness' instead of 'favors'?9. Balancing a disciplined life with fun and joy is crucial. What's your strategy for unwinding and what advice can you give to our audience?Quotable Moments:"Strategic resilience isn't just about bouncing back; it's about springing forward with a plan and purpose.""People yearn for reasons in their actions; understanding this can pivot how we influence and interact."Connect with Dr. Pelletier:- LinkedIn: ( Engagement:We're eager to hear your reflections on Dr. Pelletier's insights into the resilience plan and its role in your life. Email us through our website, www.bravingbusiness.comDisclaimer:The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Stay brave and embrace your journey with strategic resilience.
Carl Grant III, CEO of Capital Raise and Connexa, Author of "How to Live an Abundant Life"
May 6 2024
Carl Grant III, CEO of Capital Raise and Connexa, Author of "How to Live an Abundant Life"
Carl Grant III shares his transformative journey from his first startup with his father to his remarkable tenure at Cooley, where he led significant growth. Hear how personal challenges catalyzed the innovation of a patented technology and his mission to live abundantly, captured in his latest book.Key Questions:1. Carl, how did your journey begin in entrepreneurship, and what led to your significant role in business development at Cooley?2. With family being a recurring theme in your ventures, how has working with your father and son shaped your business approach?3. Can you detail how personal health adversities within your family led to a groundbreaking patented technology?4. In blending faith and business, what guiding principles do you adhere to ensure harmony between the two?5. Discuss "How to Live the Abundant Life" and how entrepreneurs can embody its teachings for success.6. Facing the intricacies of M&A with Capital Raise and clinical trials with CMFI, what strategies guide your leadership?7. You advocate for sharing the entrepreneurial burden. What practical steps can leaders take to distribute responsibilities effectively?8. How does the philosophy of a well-lived life from your book influence your mentorship and leadership style?9. With the ambitious goal of hosting 100 conferences, what preparations are underway, and what outcomes do you envision?10. Adventurous experiences have clearly impacted your risk assessment in business. How do you translate these learnings to your entrepreneurial decisions?Quotable Moments:"True abundance lies not just in wealth, but in a life filled with purpose, joy, and a deep sense of being blessed.""Carrying burdens alone will weigh you down. Looking beyond oneself can illuminate the path to resilience."Connect with Carl:- LinkedIn: ( Instagram: ( Engagement:We invite your reflections on Carl's insights and how they echo your experiences in overcoming obstacles and pursuing a life of abundance. Contact us through our website, www.bravingbusiness.comDisclaimer:The views expressed by guests are solely their own and may not necessarily align with those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Embrace your journey with courage, and let each day be a step toward an abundant life.
Tom Dawkins, CEO of StartSomeGood and Catalyst for Social Change
Apr 29 2024
Tom Dawkins, CEO of StartSomeGood and Catalyst for Social Change
Meet Tom Dawkins, the serial entrepreneur and CEO of Start-Some-Good, a catalyst for global social change. This episode dives into Tom's journey from founding three non-profits to his latest venture, Lend-For-Good. Explore his passion for social enterprise, his strategies for overcoming funding gaps, and his mission to democratize impact investment.Key Questions:1. Tom, what sparked your drive to impact society from such a young age?2. How did a crucial turning point shape StartSomeGood's trajectory?3. Could you demystify the concept of social enterprise for our audience?4. Reflecting on SXSW Sydney, what is your vision for accelerating social enterprise?5. How can individuals support social enterprises in their daily lives?6. What insights can you share about crafting compelling pitches for new ideas?7. Unpack the concept behind LendForGood and its role in impact investment.8. How has your 'why' empowered you to navigate through challenges?9. Tell us the story behind More Carrot at Burning Man and the impetus for its creation.10. With our future at stake, what actionable step can our listeners take today?Quotable Moments:"Building the future starts with the choices we make today — let's create a legacy of impact.""Entrepreneurship is about aligning your 'why' with the work that calls you, turning adversity into a roadmap for innovation."Connect with Tom:- LinkedIn: Websites: Start-Some-Good ( | Lend-For-Good ( Engagement:We're eager to hear how Tom's vision inspires your entrepreneurial journey and the steps you're taking to make a difference. Email us through our website, views expressed by our guests are their own and may not reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts. Let's stay brave and continue to build businesses that not only succeed but also contribute positively to our world.
Coach Dan Gordon: From Emotional Breakdown to No Douchbage Selling
Apr 22 2024
Coach Dan Gordon: From Emotional Breakdown to No Douchbage Selling
Coach Dan Gordon shares his tumultuous yet inspiring journey from a marketing firm CEO meltdown to becoming an elite coach and speaker. Learn how a devastating loss became the catalyst for a renewed path to success and how Coach Dan helps entrepreneurs navigate their crossroads to achieve "unlimited success."Key Questions:1. Dan, take us back to that pivotal moment in 2015—how did it steer you towards coaching and speaking?2. How did you find the courage to step back into the business arena after your company collapsed?3. What's the essence of 'no douchebag selling,' and why is it crucial for authentic sales and relationships?4. Inspired by Dr. King, Branson, and Musk, what traits do you encourage entrepreneurs to emulate for success?5. With Musk's recent controversies, what traits should entrepreneurs avoid emulating?6. Can you recount a strategic pivot you made in the face of industry changes and its subsequent opportunities?7. Share an instance where failure became a gateway to a more fulfilling career for someone you've coached.8. Resilience is central to your message. What mantra has kept you resilient through challenges?9. For those feeling limited by their mindset, what steps can they take towards realizing an 'unlimited success' mindset?Quotable Moments:"Failure isn't the opposite of success; it's the pathway to it. Embrace each setback as a step forward.""If 'Unlimited Success' sounds impossible, it's because you've been taught limits. Break free, think big, live unlimited."Connect with Coach Dan:- LinkedIn: Engagement:How has Coach Dan's journey inspired you to rethink your approach to challenges and success? Join the conversation and share your stories of resilience.Disclaimer:Opinions expressed by guests are their own and may not represent the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Keep braving your business journey, with every step turning setbacks into comebacks.
Frank McKinney, the 'Daredevil Developer', Philantro-Capitalist, and 8-time International Best Selling Author
Apr 15 2024
Frank McKinney, the 'Daredevil Developer', Philantro-Capitalist, and 8-time International Best Selling Author
Frank McKinney joins us to weave the tale of his transformation from a trouble-seeking youth to a philanthropic real estate artist. Discover how his adversity-fueled creativity birthed 44 oceanfront mansions and self-sustaining villages in Haiti, detailed in his books, including the latest, "Adversitology".Key Questions:1. Frank, how did the trials of your youth propel you to become a visionary in luxury real estate?2. What drew you to the concept of Real Estate Artistry, and how did you pioneer this niche?3. How do you excel across such diverse creative fields while maintaining high effectiveness?4. Facing a potentially terminal illness, what strategies did you employ to confront and overcome this challenge?5. "Adversitology" suggests strategies to surmount hardships. Could you share a guiding principle for entrepreneurs?6. An ultramarathoner's endurance mirrors business resilience. How has extreme running influenced your business philosophy?7. Define 'philanthro-capitalism' and the impetus behind this approach.8. How do you balance success across career, philanthropy, and family life?9. Can you give us a hint of what we can expect from your exciting new project on 4.24.24?10. Share a moment where taking a risk substantially paid off for you.11. Driving a 1988 Yugo is unexpected for a luxury real estate developer. What does this choice say about your broader philosophy?Quotable Moments:"In adversity lies opportunity. Embrace the challenge, for within it lies the seed of greatness.""Regret the deeds done, not those left undone. Action breeds triumph."Connect with Frank:- Instagram: [@thefrankmckinney]( Facebook: [@frank.mckinney.10]( YouTube: [@FrankMcKinney1]( Engagement:We're eager to hear your take on Frank's journey and the ways it resonates with your own experiences of facing and overcoming adversity, contact us at www.bravingbusiness.comDisclaimer:Guest opinions are solely their own and may not represent those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Stay brave, and keep stepping forward on your path to triumph, one courageous leap at a time.
Peter Goldstein, Forbes Finance Council, Managing Director of Exchange Listing, and Founder & CEO of Grandview Capital Partners
Apr 8 2024
Peter Goldstein, Forbes Finance Council, Managing Director of Exchange Listing, and Founder & CEO of Grandview Capital Partners
Join us in welcoming the multifaceted entrepreneur Peter Goldstein to the Braving Business Podcast. With over three decades of C-suite experience, Peter has excelled as a founder, CEO, and Chairman across various high-impact sectors.Episode Summary:n this episode, we delve into Peter's extensive background, from establishing Grandview Capital Partners to chairing Siyata Mobile Inc. and advising emerging companies on public listings. Peter also shares his insights on the pivotal moments that shaped his career, mentorship, market cycles, and the exciting future trends he's keeping an eye on.Key Questions:1. Can you share with us your journey from your first entrepreneurial venture to now?2. Looking back, what pivotal moment reshaped your professional trajectory?3. Of all the roles you've held, which did you find most challenging and why?4. What's your approach to mentorship, and how has it influenced business growth?5. How do you interpret market cycles, and what signals a coming shift?6. What pitfalls should CEOs of emerging companies be wary of?7. Could you recount a time when a setback morphed into an invaluable lesson or opportunity?8. Tell us about the psychedelic medicine venture that didn't pan out—any takeaways?9. What trends are you excited about, and how are you preparing your companies to engage with them?Quotable Moments:"Adapting to market trends while maintaining core values has been the cornerstone of my success.""The most exciting businesses are those that look forward, adapt, and thrive."Connect with Peter:- Exchange Listing: []( LinkedIn: []( Engagement:We're eager to hear your thoughts on Peter's experiences and how they resonate with your own entrepreneurial journey.Disclaimer:The opinions shared by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Remember to stay brave and open to learning from every venture.
Steve Siebold, Author of 12 books with 1.8 million copies in print worldwide, including international best sellers “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class “, “How Rich People Think” and “Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Teach Their Kids”
Apr 1 2024
Steve Siebold, Author of 12 books with 1.8 million copies in print worldwide, including international best sellers “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class “, “How Rich People Think” and “Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Teach Their Kids”
Welcome Steve Siebold to the Braving Business Podcast, author of 12 books with 1.8 million copies in print worldwide, a former professional athlete, and national coach who's evolved into a powerhouse author and speaker on mental toughness for sales teams.Episode Summary:Steve joins us to share his transition from the sports arena to the authorship of bestsellers like "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class". With a track record of aiding corporations to boost sales by billions, Steve unpacks the wealth of knowledge gleaned from interviews with over 1,000 affluent individuals and the key role mental toughness plays in sales and entrepreneurship.Key Questions:1. How did your professional athletic background spark your interest in entrepreneurship and mental toughness?2. From your wealth of interviews, what core mentalities have you found to be instrumental in achieving wealth and success?3. Can you tell us about a challenge that didn't go your way and how you converted it into a learning moment?4. In the face of ventures that did not succeed, how do you maintain your resilience and start anew?5. Balancing human emotions with mental toughness can be tricky. How do you manage this balance personally?6. What insights do you have for entrepreneurs about managing the complexities and costs of business success?7. Discuss the IPDA's vision for reducing human suffering through personal growth.8. Share an instance where critical thinking and mental toughness were decisive in your success.9. Illustrate the concept of entrepreneurs as 'comeback artists' with a personal anecdote.10. How do you reconcile personal affection for a project with its market performance?Quotable Moments:"Embrace passion and persistence – they're the lifeblood of successful entrepreneurship.""Mental toughness and critical thinking are the twin engines of entrepreneurial success."Connect with Steve:- X formerly known as Twitter: [@Siebold]( YouTube: [@stevesiebold]( Engagement:Join the conversation and let us know how Steve's insights resonate with your path to business resilience.Disclaimer:Views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Embrace the journey, and let's navigate the challenging yet rewarding seas of business together.
Joe Roberts, Famed Canadian Entrepreneur and Philanthropist known as the 'Skidrow CEO'
Mar 25 2024
Joe Roberts, Famed Canadian Entrepreneur and Philanthropist known as the 'Skidrow CEO'
In this episode, Joe Roberts takes us on his remarkable journey from pushing a shopping cart on the streets to inspiring change and advocating for homeless youth across Canada. He shares how his past struggles fueled his extraordinary success in business and his mission to empower others.Key Questions:1. Joe, tell us about the series of events that led you from a promising young individual to becoming homeless on the streets of Vancouver.2. Your story is a powerful testament to personal transformation. What was the catalyst that propelled you from the streets to a path of recovery and success?3. You’ve managed to channel your past experiences into a successful business. How have those hardships influenced your approach to business?4. Facing the volatile tech world, what strategies helped you persist and stay the course?5. In your talks, what key insights from overcoming failures do you focus on to inspire your audience?6. Holding on to the belief in possibility has been transformative for you. Can you share how this belief has shaped your life and work?7. As you look to inspire global leaders, what is the core message you want to impart?8. Your cross-country journey to raise awareness for youth homelessness is awe-inspiring. What drove you to take on such an epic challenge?9. How do you balance the demands of advocacy work with running a business and personal development?10. Your quote, "There's More To You Than You Can See," is compelling. How can listeners apply this to unlock their potential?Quotable Moments:"Embrace the belief in possibility; it can reshape your business, dreams, and impact on the world.""There's More To You Than You Can See" – reminding us all that our potential is often beyond our current perception.Connect with Joe:- LinkedIn: [Joe Roberts]( Website: []( Engagement:Share your thoughts on Joe’s transformative journey and how his story resonates with your challenges and aspirations. Connect with us at []( views expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts. Remember, no matter where you start, there's always a path to achieve your dreams.---
Mike L. Murphy, Entrepreneur and Animation Director on blockbusters such as Harry Potter, Iron Man, Fast & Furious, and Lord of the Rings
Mar 18 2024
Mike L. Murphy, Entrepreneur and Animation Director on blockbusters such as Harry Potter, Iron Man, Fast & Furious, and Lord of the Rings
Join us as we welcome Mike L. Murphy, the visionary behind the robots at Disneyland and a veteran visual effects artist known for his work on Hollywood blockbusters like Harry Potter and Iron Man. From animating dreams in film to mentoring animation students and building a 7-figure consulting business, Mike’s journey is a masterclass in turning passion into a thriving career.Episode Summary:In this episode, Mike shares insights from his transition from Hollywood to entrepreneurship, offering valuable lessons on storytelling in marketing and the creation of digital courses and personal brands. Discover how he leveraged his unique skills to mentor others and build the Visionary Planner System.Key Questions:How did your first job at Disneyland shape your career in visual effects and storytelling?What prompted the shift from creating for Hollywood to launching your own business?How do you maintain a balance between creative expression and routine entrepreneurial tasks?What strategies helped you build confidence as an entrepreneur?Could you share your approach to effective lead generation and marketing?What’s your most impactful automation or time-saving strategy?How has the philosophy of continuous steps in the face of adversity shaped your success?How do you stay motivated by the journey, not just the destination, in your career?Quotable Moments:"Success only happens to those who keep taking steps, even when the journey seems endless.""It's not the destination, it's the journey that shapes us."Connect with Mike:Instagram:     Facebook:  Youtube  X Formerly Twitter: Thoughts: Mike’s narrative is a testament to the power of perseverance, creativity, and the willingness to adapt. His story inspires entrepreneurs to embrace their journey, leveraging their unique talents to build a legacy beyond the screen.Listener Engagement:We’d love to hear your thoughts on Mike’s story and how it resonates with your entrepreneurial journey. contact us at Outro: Thanks to Mike for sharing his fascinating journey with us, proving that with vision and persistence, you can turn your dreams into reality.Disclaimer:The opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts. Stay brave and keep pushing forward, one step at a time.
Ray Higdon, bestselling author, esteemed keynote speaker, and CEO of The Higdon Group
Mar 11 2024
Ray Higdon, bestselling author, esteemed keynote speaker, and CEO of The Higdon Group
Warning: This episode include discussion on child abuse. Listener and Viewer Discretion is advised. Today Tal and PJ welcome Ray Higdon, bestselling author, esteemed keynote speaker, and CEO of The Higdon Group. Ray's journey from adversity to triumph embodies the essence of entrepreneurial resilience.Episode Summary:Ray Higdon shares his transformative journey from a difficult childhood, facing foreclosure and debt to establishing an Inc. 5000 company. He discusses the power of overcoming challenges, the impact of incorporating faith into business, and the importance of consistency and investing in oneself.Key Questions:1. Can you share the pivotal moments that led from financial despair to founding The Higdon Group?2. What motivated your transition from network marketing to coaching and training others?3. What vision drove the success of The Higdon Group, and how did you achieve rapid growth?4. What are the core messages you aim to convey through your podcast, Home Business Profits?5. How have interactions with renowned thought leaders influenced your approach to mentorship?6. Could you elaborate on your recent faith journey and its integration into your business ethos?7. What can attendees expect from your upcoming event, Faith Over Fear?8. Why is consistency and self-investment critical in entrepreneurship, and how can others gauge their effectiveness in these areas?9. How does childhood observation affect consistency, and what can be done to address this?10. From dance novice to ballroom champion in six months, what inspired you to take up dancing?Special Mentions:- The Higdon Group's recognition as an Inc. 5000 fastest-growing company.- Ray's co-mentorship in the Higdon Maxwell Mentorship Program with John Maxwell.- Ray's upcoming event, Faith Over Fear.Quotable Moments:- "God gives us challenges to perfect and grow us, not to stop us."- "The reason people aren't consistent is always based on an observation they made as a kid."Closing Thoughts:Ray's journey highlights the transformative power of resilience, faith, and strategic focus in entrepreneurship.Connect with Ray:- Facebook: [Ray Higdon Page]( Instagram: [Ray Higdon]( X (formerly Twitter): [@rayhigdon]( LinkedIn: [Ray Higdon]( you, Ray, for sharing your inspiring story and insights. Your determination and innovative spirit offer valuable lessons to our listeners.Listener Engagement:We invite listeners to share their thoughts on Ray's journey and insights. Connect with us on social media to continue the conversation, or contact us via Disclaimer:The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Remember to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get your podcasts. Stay brave!
Bill Harper, founder and CEO of BrandBoss and wmHarper Marketing Agencies
Mar 4 2024
Bill Harper, founder and CEO of BrandBoss and wmHarper Marketing Agencies
In today's episode, we welcome Bill Harper, founder and CEO of BrandBoss and wmHarper Marketing Agencies. Known for his innovative approach to marketing, Bill has propelled brands like CarFax into the national spotlight with his "Strategic storytelling."Episode Summary:Bill discusses his journey from a passion for sheet metal to becoming a marketing visionary. He shares insights into his career, including memorable campaigns for Enterprise Rent a Car and EverBank, and emphasizes simple ideas executed with elegance.Key Questions:1. How did an early interest in automotive design influence your creative process in advertising?2. Can you share a serendipitous moment that changed your career path?3. Discuss your views on MBA programs and their understanding of marketing.4. Advice for entrepreneurs romanticizing the gig economy.5. A pivotal moment where overcoming fear was crucial for you or your business.6. How learning from mistakes led to significant breakthroughs in your career.7. The power of storytelling in your successful campaigns.8. Bucket-list professional goals or projects you're excited about.9. An example when your "90% grit and determination" mindset paid off.10. Adapting to new platforms and trends, including an amusing digital anecdote.Special Mentions:- CarFax, Enterprise Rent a Car, and EverBank campaigns.- Harper's view on MBA programs and marketing.- The significance of storytelling in marketing.Quotable Moments:- "The most effective work comes from simple ideas executed elegantly."- "Success is about 90% grit and determination."Closing Thoughts:Bill Harper's marketing philosophy highlights the importance of storytelling and simplicity in creating compelling brand narratives.Connect with Bill:@brandbosshq (X formerly known as Twitter) (LinkedIn)Outro:Thanks to Bill Harper for sharing his marketing wisdom and stories. His approach to branding through storytelling continues to inspire.Listener Engagement:We invite listeners to share their thoughts and stories of overcoming challenges in their own entrepreneurial journeys at www.bravingbusiness.comDisclaimer:The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Remember to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get your podcasts. Stay brave!
Terace Garnier, Journalist, Ms. International World 2023, Entrepreneur and author of "No Longer Silent"
Feb 26 2024
Terace Garnier, Journalist, Ms. International World 2023, Entrepreneur and author of "No Longer Silent"
Introduction: Joining us on the Braving Business Podcast is Terace Garnier – a multifaceted talent spanning journalism, advocacy, fitness, and entrepreneurship. From her roots as a military child to being Pentagon Correspondent and Fox News reporter, to gracing the title of Ms. International World 2023, Terace's journey is an inspiring narrative of transformation and resilience.Episode Summary: In this episode, Terace delves into the myriad avenues of her career, the adversities she overcame, and how she channeled her experiences into advocacy, art, and entrepreneurship. We'll explore her memoir "No Longer Silent," her unique craft in live edge wood tables, and her vision for the future.Key Questions:1. From military service to journalism and entrepreneurship, what propelled your diverse career trajectory?2. During your struggle with homelessness, what was the pivotal moment that led to change?3. As a Pentagon correspondent, how did you navigate belonging and recognition in the field?4. What lessons have others' treatment taught you throughout your journey?5. Your memoir reveals deep personal struggles; can you share the impact of telling your story?6. What self-discoveries emerged while writing your memoir?7. Balancing the title of Ms. International World with other roles, how do you maintain equilibrium?8. How did you discover your talent for crafting live edge wood tables and what's your favorite creation's backstory?9. What central message do you aim to convey through your book and speaking engagements?10. Facing public scrutiny, how do you stay true to yourself amidst various public roles?Special Mentions:- "No Longer Silent," Terace's memoir.- Terace's advocacy for trauma awareness and her entrepreneurial venture in live edge wood tables.Quotable Moments:- "Never give up. Your journey is uniquely yours, and the power to overcome lies within."Closing Thoughts:Terace Garnier's story is a powerful reminder of the indomitable human spirit, showing us that transformation and success can follow even the darkest times.Connect with Terace:To learn more about Terace's work and her memoir, visit Outro:Thank you, Terace, for a truly insightful conversation and for sharing your multifaceted journey with us.Listener Engagement:We invite listeners to share their thoughts on today's episode and reach out with their stories of resilience to Disclaimer:The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Remember to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get your podcasts. Stay brave!
Larry Namer, co-founder of E! Entertainment, Legendary Media Entrepreneur, and CEO of Metan Global Entertainment Group
Feb 19 2024
Larry Namer, co-founder of E! Entertainment, Legendary Media Entrepreneur, and CEO of Metan Global Entertainment Group
Introduction: Joining us on the Braving Business Podcast is the renowned Larry Namer, a veteran innovator in entertainment and the architect behind E! Entertainment Television. As President and CEO of Metan Global Entertainment Group, he's a dynamic force in bringing Western media to global audiences, especially in China.Episode Summary: In this episode, Larry Namer, a giant in the entertainment industry, shares his journey from the formative cable days to the glamour of E! Entertainment Television. He offers his insights into the seismic shifts in media, the surge of streaming platforms, and his work in adapting Western content for Chinese viewers.Key Questions:How did the vision for E! Entertainment Television come to life, and what spurred your entry into the cable industry? Reflecting on reality TV's trajectory, how do you assess its influence on the entertainment sector? Was the focus on celebrity culture at E! a strategic move, or did it evolve organically? With the advent of streaming, how do you perceive the changing tides of media consumption? What have been your key takeaways from introducing Western entertainment to an international, particularly Chinese, audience? Discuss the cultural challenges faced while working with Metan Development Group in China. What did receiving the "Aaron Spelling Award" signify for you in your career? From your advisory position, what emerging trends do you see reshaping television and streaming content? Throughout your entrepreneurial journey, what core principles have you adhered to that have guided your success? What cardinal piece of advice would you impart to those looking to carve out a niche in the media industry? Special Mentions: Metan Global Entertainment Group and its reach in ChinaLarry's receipt of the "Aaron Spelling Award" Larry's advisory roles and his influence on emerging media trends Quotable Moments: "I've always believed that understanding your audience is the cornerstone of successful entertainment." "Innovation isn't just about technology; it's about reimagining how we tell stories." Closing Thoughts: Larry's pioneering work in entertainment continues to inspire a new generation of media enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.Connect with Larry: Listeners can delve deeper into Larry's work and connect with him through LinkedIn and at Our profound thanks to Larry Namer for a truly enlightening conversation and for sharing his wealth of experience with us.Listener Engagement: We invite listeners to share their thoughts on today's discussion and their own stories of innovation at www.bravingbusiness.comDisclaimer: The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Remember to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get your podcasts. Stay brave!
Todd Crandell, The 'Original Sober Triathlete' and founder of Racing for Recovery
Feb 12 2024
Todd Crandell, The 'Original Sober Triathlete' and founder of Racing for Recovery
Introduction: Today we welcome Todd Crandell, known as The Original Sober Triathlete, to the Braving Business Podcast. A clinician, counselor, and founder of Racing for Recovery, Todd's personal odyssey from addiction to transformation embodies the spirit of true resilience.Episode Summary: In this episode, Todd shares his remarkable journey from battling substance abuse to becoming an Ironman triathlon competitor. He discusses how physical fitness and well-being were instrumental in his recovery and how these experiences led to the foundation of Racing for Recovery.Key Questions:What was the catalyst that propelled you towards sobriety and becoming 'The Original Sober Triathlete'?How did engaging in extreme physical fitness become a cornerstone of your recovery?Can you walk us through the mindset shift required to go from addiction to competing in Ironman triathlons?Discuss a time when juggling family, training, and your non-profit was particularly challenging.Share a story from Racing for Recovery that emphasizes the importance of your mission.What founding principles of Racing for Recovery were influenced by your personal experience?How has learning to delegate enhanced your personal growth and Racing for Recovery's success?Explain the first steps one should take to realize the mantra "With Sobriety, Anything Is Possible."Tell us about your upcoming Times Square billboard campaign and its significance.How do humor and levity play roles in recovery, as shown by your early Christmas decorating?Special Mentions:Racing for Recovery, Todd's non-profit organizationTodd's upcoming Times Square billboard campaignTodd's books: "From Addict to Ironman," "There’s is More than One Way to get to Cleveland," and "Choices and Consequences"Quotable Moments:"With self-esteem, we can learn to love ourselves while enjoying a life that we never thought we deserved.""Life, like the markets, is filled with never-ending 'noise' that will try to shake you out. You have to have Conviction that keeps you in the game."Closing Thoughts: Todd's story is not just one of conquering personal demons but also one of inspiration, showing that sobriety can unlock doors to potential we never knew we had.Connect with Todd: Listeners can connect with Todd and learn more about his work with Racing for Recovery by visiting Outro: Thank you, Todd, for sharing your powerful journey with us. Your strength and dedication are truly inspiring.Listener Engagement: We encourage listeners to share their thoughts on today's episode and to reach out with their own stories of overcoming adversity.Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Remember to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get your podcasts. Stay brave!
Steve Werner, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Founder of Hour Of Champions
Feb 7 2024
Steve Werner, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Founder of Hour Of Champions
Introduction: Today, we're diving into the life of Steve Werner, a man whose resilience in the face of adversity has shaped a career spanning over four decades. From the intense energy of a Bond Trader to the challenges of navigating family business crises and personal battles with addiction, Steve's journey is a testament to the power of never giving up. His creation of 'Hour of Champions' is not just a personal triumph but a beacon of hope for others fighting their own battles.Episode Summary: Steve Werner shares his riveting story from the trading floors of Chicago to entrepreneurial success, a daunting family business turnaround, and a personal health revolution that led to the founding of Hour of Champions. Listeners will find inspiration in his candid recount of overcoming a $5 million deficit, addiction, and the mental health crisis he now seeks to alleviate for others.Key Questions:What pivotal experiences from your early trading days shaped your approach to business and life?Can you describe the strategy and mindset that allowed you to turn around a family business mired in $5 million debt?How did you navigate the emotional and financial turmoil of the 2000s credit crisis?Sharing such a personal struggle with addiction is brave. What was the turning point in recognizing the issue and starting the journey to recovery?What does the 'Hour of Champions' regimen involve, and how did you refine this approach?What's the ethos behind the name 'Hour of Champions'?Tell us the fascinating story of how Hour of Champions played a role in the sale of your business.How do conviction and coping strategies play a role in your success?The origins of your quotes offer powerful life lessons. Can you elaborate on these insights?As an open book, is there any advice you'd offer to our entrepreneurial audience on perseverance and resilience?Special Mentions:Steve Werner's transformative journey from addiction to founding 'Hour of Champions.'His strategic maneuvering in business, leading to a successful sale to a private equity firm.Steve's mission to impact the mental health crisis, emphasizing lifestyle over medication.Quotable Moments:"Life, like the markets, is filled with never-ending noise. You need conviction to keep you in the game.""You can't cure a soul problem with a pill."Closing Thoughts: Steve's life illustrates that the true champions are not those who never fail, but those who refuse to surrender to their struggles. His story is a call to action for anyone facing adversity—get up, fight back, and transform challenges into triumphs.Connect with Steve: Listeners can dive deeper into Steve's philosophy and join the Hour of Champions community for support and inspiration. Outro: Steve Werner's journey reminds us that with conviction and the right strategies, we can turn the noise of life into a symphony of success. Join us next episode for more insights into the minds of business mavericks.Listener Engagement: Reach out to!Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Remember to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get your podcasts. Stay brave!
Cara Lockwood Tanamachi, Best-selling RomCom Novelist & Founder of Edit My Novel
Feb 5 2024
Cara Lockwood Tanamachi, Best-selling RomCom Novelist & Founder of Edit My Novel
Introduction: In Episode 7, we delve into the inspiring life of Cara Lockwood Tanamachi, a novelist who paints worlds with words and embodies resilience. With over thirty-five novels to her name, Cara's journey from the heart of Texas to the heights of publishing is a tale of persistence and passion. Beyond her literary success, Cara champions aspiring authors through her company, Edit My Novel, and stands as a beacon of hope and strength, sharing openly about her current battle against breast cancer.Episode Summary: Cara discusses the genesis of her writing career, the pivotal moments of her journey, and how she reinvented herself amidst the industry's shifting sands. She opens up about the personal challenges that fueled her entrepreneurial spirit and gives us a candid look at balancing life's trials with professional triumphs.Key Questions:Cara, what sparked your writing dream and how did you navigate the path to becoming a published author?Can you take us through the early success of "I Do (But I Don't)" and its impact on your storytelling?What unexpected lessons did the publishing world teach you and how have they influenced your novels?How did the criticism against 'chick-lit' impact your career, and how did you pivot during that trying time?The inception of Edit My Novel came during a personal crisis. How did you launch and grow this business while juggling writing and personal life?With rom-coms rising again, how does it feel to return to your writing roots?How are you balancing the fight for your health with the excitement of a new book release?How has the philosophy of 'Fall down seven times, get up eight' guided you through recent adversities?As a Keanu Reeves superfan, how has he inspired you in your work and life?And for a bit of fun, what's a story about PJ that's both embarrassing and endearing?Notable Moments:Cara's transition from a celebrated author to an entrepreneur in the face of personal and professional upheaval.The resilience shown in the face of critical industry changes and personal adversity.Insights into how she sustains her creativity and drive despite the challenges of a health battle.Connect with Cara: Listeners can explore Cara's novels and editing services to inspire their own literary ventures.Outro: Thank you, Cara, for sharing your incredible journey with us. Your story is a powerful reminder that with courage and conviction, we can pen our own life's narrative.Next Episode Preview: Stay tuned for Episode 5, where we uncover more stories of business bravery and personal tenacity.Listener Engagement: Have a question for Cara or a topic you want us to explore? Reach out to us with your thoughts and stay tuned for the next episode of the Braving Business Podcast.Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Reminder: Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you listen to podcasts. Thank you for joining us on this journey of courage and business acumen. Stay brave!
Alla Bardov, Founder of Sell Yourself for Success and Author of 'Get Out of the Rabbit Hole: Building Confidence to Overcome Self-Doubt, Improve Performance and Reach Your Potential'
Jan 31 2024
Alla Bardov, Founder of Sell Yourself for Success and Author of 'Get Out of the Rabbit Hole: Building Confidence to Overcome Self-Doubt, Improve Performance and Reach Your Potential'
Introduction:Alla Bardov brings three decades of corporate expertise to 'Sell Yourself for Success', helping leaders and organizations enhance their sales, productivity, and leadership impact. With a background that spans from door-to-door vacuum sales to executive ranks in a Fortune 500 giant, Alla's diverse experience underscores her belief that selling is an innate part of life and leadership.Episode Summary:In this episode, Alla Bardov shares her remarkable journey from a 15-year-old immigrant selling vacuums to a celebrated entrepreneur and sales coach. She discusses her unique approach to sales training, the transformative power of self-confidence, and her strategies for overcoming self-doubt, which she has encapsulated in her book and accompanying workbook available on Amazon.Key Questions:1. How did early life challenges shape your resilience and approach to sales?2. What pivotal lessons did you learn from your door-to-door sales experiences?3. Can you delve into overcoming self-doubt during your entrepreneurial journey?4. Why is sales training crucial even for non-sales roles?5. How does the "Go Away Rabbit" technique help manage negative thoughts?6. What insights can the audience gain from your new workbook?7. What did learning to ride a bike at 55 teach you about building confidence?8. How do you relate mental health to learning from setbacks?Quotable Moments:- "VIEW CHALLENGES AS LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES THAT HELP YOU GROW."- "The key to greater self-confidence is stepping out of your comfort zone."Special Mentions:Alla's dedication to mental health as a component of professional success and her commitment to empowering others through her 'Get Out of the Rabbit Hole' workbook.Closing Thoughts:Alla Bardov's story is a powerful reminder that self-confidence is not an inborn trait but a skill that can be developed. Her journey inspires us to view challenges as opportunities and to escape the confines of self-doubt.Connect with Alla:Explore Alla Bardov's techniques for success and confidence-building.Sell Yourself For Success | Sales education for consistent results ( Resources:- Check out the book "Get Out of the Rabbit Hole"- Discover the workbook on AmazonListener Engagement:Inspired by Alla's story or have a question? Reach out to us with your thoughts!www.bravingbusiness.comDisclaimer:Opinions expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Subscribe Reminder:Join us for more empowering stories by subscribing to Braving Business Podcast on your preferred streaming platform.
Fred Cary - CEO of 'Super VC' IdeaPros and Visionary Founder of 10+ Companies Worth Billions
Jan 29 2024
Fred Cary - CEO of 'Super VC' IdeaPros and Visionary Founder of 10+ Companies Worth Billions
Introduction:Fred Cary is a powerhouse entrepreneur who has founded over ten companies worth billions of dollars. In the cutthroat world of entrepreneurship and sales, few have carved a path quite like Fred Cary. Fred's journey from his first startup, Boxlot, which was an early competitor to eBay and failed to take off, to a maestro of one successful startup after another, all the way to his current role as CEO of IdeaPros, a company that helps entrepreneurs turn their ideas into profitable ventures, Fred’s story is a masterclass in about vision and grit.Episode Highlights:Fred Cary shares his entrepreneurial journey, highlighting the transition from initial setbacks with Boxlot to massive success. We explore the philosophy of IdeaPros and how it's disrupting the traditional VC model. Fred imparts wisdom on the importance of failing fast, the art of pitching to investors, and how he leverages his social media presence to influence aspiring entrepreneurs.Key Questions:1. What catalyzed your transition from Boxlot to IdeaPros?2. How does IdeaPros redefine the role of a super venture partner?3. What strategies does IdeaPros employ that differ from traditional VCs?4. How do you balance preparation and fortune in business success?5. Can you demystify the concept of 'failing fast' for us?6. In pitches, what should entrepreneurs focus on to captivate investors?7. What are the indicators for a venture that it might be a winner?Quotable Moments:- "No idea is imagined perfectly - if you want to be a winner, you must be willing to pivot, sometimes repeatedly."- "We exist to empower ordinary people to become extraordinary entrepreneurs."Special Mentions:A nod to Fred's viral weekly show for entrepreneurs, which has amassed over 8 million viewers and his strong social media following that contributes to his influence in the business community.Closing Thoughts:Fred Cary's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and innovation in the entrepreneurial world. His insights serve as a valuable resource for anyone looking to make their mark on the business landscape.Connect with Fred:Discover more about Fred Cary's entrepreneurial insights and IdeaPros' initiatives.Episode Resources:- Visit IdeaPros: Follow Fred on Instagram: Engagement:Contact us at www.bravingbusiness.comDisclaimer:The opinions expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.Subscribe Reminder:Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to Braving Business Podcast on your favorite streaming service and join us for a journey through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship.
Brian Will, Entrepreneur and Best-Selling author of "The Dropout: Multi-Millionaire" and "NO... The Psychology of Sales and Negotiations."
Jan 22 2024
Brian Will, Entrepreneur and Best-Selling author of "The Dropout: Multi-Millionaire" and "NO... The Psychology of Sales and Negotiations."
Season 2, Episode 4: Tal & PJ Speak with Brian Will - Author, Entrepreneur, and City CouncilmanIntroduction:Today's episode features Brian Will, the best-selling author of "The Dropout: Multi-Millionaire" and "NO... The Psychology of Sales and Negotiations." With over 35 years of experience, Brian has navigated the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, from losing everything in a failed business to creating several highly successful companies across diverse industries. Now, as a city councilman in Alpharetta, Georgia, he's influencing public service with the same acumen he applies to his ventures.Episode Summary:Brian shares his journey of resilience, detailing the pivotal moments that shaped his career. From the collapse of his first company to his current success in sales, real estate, and politics, Brian's story is a masterclass in the relentless pursuit of success and the practical application of lessons learned from failure.Key Questions:What sparked your entrepreneurial spirit after the military, and how did that drive shape your diverse business ventures?After the loss of your first company, how did you rebuild, and what safeguards did you implement in your future endeavors?As a multi-industry entrepreneur, what foundational business principles have you found to be universal?What inspired you to share your story in "The Dropout: Multi-Millionaire" and what core message did you want to impart?How does "NO... The Psychology of Sales and Negotiations" reflect your approach to business, and what's a key takeaway for our listeners?Can you discuss the continuous learning mindset and share an instance where it turned a potential failure into a success?How has serving on the City Council influenced your perspective on business and community impact?For those hesitant to ask for help, what advice can you offer to overcome that resistance and make that crucial 'ask'?Special Mentions:- Brian's commitment to guiding businesses to substantial growth and his dedication to empowering entrepreneurs through his coaching and speaking engagements.Quotable Moments:- "Your background isn't where your journey ends; it's where it begins. Success or failure depends on your mindset and your willingness to learn."Fun Fact:Brian's unexpected journey from high school challenges to military service and now to city governance, with a passion for landscaping in between.Closing Thoughts:Brian's path is a reminder that every setback is a setup for a comeback. His story encourages all to embrace learning, seek mentorship, and stay persistent in the face of adversity.Connect with Brian:Listeners can dive into Brian's insights by exploring his books and coaching programs at for joining us, Brian. Your insights on business, resilience, and lifelong learning have been invaluable.Episode Resources:- [Brian Will's Books]( [Brian Will Media]( with the Hosts:- [Tal's LinkedIn]( [Podcast Website](