Mike L. Murphy, Entrepreneur and Animation Director on blockbusters such as Harry Potter, Iron Man, Fast & Furious, and Lord of the Rings

Braving Business: Tales of Entrepreneurial Resilience and Courage in the Face of Adversity

Mar 18 2024 • 1 hr 9 mins

Join us as we welcome Mike L. Murphy, the visionary behind the robots at Disneyland and a veteran visual effects artist known for his work on Hollywood blockbusters like Harry Potter and Iron Man. From animating dreams in film to mentoring animation students and building a 7-figure consulting business, Mike’s journey is a masterclass in turning passion into a thriving career.

Episode Summary:

In this episode, Mike shares insights from his transition from Hollywood to entrepreneurship, offering valuable lessons on storytelling in marketing and the creation of digital courses and personal brands. Discover how he leveraged his unique skills to mentor others and build the Visionary Planner System.

Key Questions:

How did your first job at Disneyland shape your career in visual effects and storytelling?

What prompted the shift from creating for Hollywood to launching your own business?

How do you maintain a balance between creative expression and routine entrepreneurial tasks?

What strategies helped you build confidence as an entrepreneur?

Could you share your approach to effective lead generation and marketing?

What’s your most impactful automation or time-saving strategy?

How has the philosophy of continuous steps in the face of adversity shaped your success?

How do you stay motivated by the journey, not just the destination, in your career?

Quotable Moments:

"Success only happens to those who keep taking steps, even when the journey seems endless."

"It's not the destination, it's the journey that shapes us."

Connect with Mike:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mike_l_murphy/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikelmurphy

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikelmurphy/

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/MikeLMurphyChannel

X Formerly Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikelmurphy

Closing Thoughts:

Mike’s narrative is a testament to the power of perseverance, creativity, and the willingness to adapt. His story inspires entrepreneurs to embrace their journey, leveraging their unique talents to build a legacy beyond the screen.

Listener Engagement:

We’d love to hear your thoughts on Mike’s story and how it resonates with your entrepreneurial journey. contact us at www.bravingbusiness.com


Thanks to Mike for sharing his fascinating journey with us, proving that with vision and persistence, you can turn your dreams into reality.


The opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.

Stay brave and keep pushing forward, one step at a time.