Steve Werner, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Founder of Hour Of Champions

Braving Business: Tales of Entrepreneurial Resilience and Courage in the Face of Adversity

Feb 7 2024 • 1 hr 10 mins

Introduction: Today, we're diving into the life of Steve Werner, a man whose resilience in the face of adversity has shaped a career spanning over four decades. From the intense energy of a Bond Trader to the challenges of navigating family business crises and personal battles with addiction, Steve's journey is a testament to the power of never giving up. His creation of 'Hour of Champions' is not just a personal triumph but a beacon of hope for others fighting their own battles.

Episode Summary: Steve Werner shares his riveting story from the trading floors of Chicago to entrepreneurial success, a daunting family business turnaround, and a personal health revolution that led to the founding of Hour of Champions. Listeners will find inspiration in his candid recount of overcoming a $5 million deficit, addiction, and the mental health crisis he now seeks to alleviate for others.

Key Questions:

  1. What pivotal experiences from your early trading days shaped your approach to business and life?
  2. Can you describe the strategy and mindset that allowed you to turn around a family business mired in $5 million debt?
  3. How did you navigate the emotional and financial turmoil of the 2000s credit crisis?
  4. Sharing such a personal struggle with addiction is brave. What was the turning point in recognizing the issue and starting the journey to recovery?
  5. What does the 'Hour of Champions' regimen involve, and how did you refine this approach?
  6. What's the ethos behind the name 'Hour of Champions'?
  7. Tell us the fascinating story of how Hour of Champions played a role in the sale of your business.
  8. How do conviction and coping strategies play a role in your success?
  9. The origins of your quotes offer powerful life lessons. Can you elaborate on these insights?
  10. As an open book, is there any advice you'd offer to our entrepreneurial audience on perseverance and resilience?

Special Mentions:

  • Steve Werner's transformative journey from addiction to founding 'Hour of Champions.'
  • His strategic maneuvering in business, leading to a successful sale to a private equity firm.
  • Steve's mission to impact the mental health crisis, emphasizing lifestyle over medication.

Quotable Moments:

  • "Life, like the markets, is filled with never-ending noise. You need conviction to keep you in the game."
  • "You can't cure a soul problem with a pill."

Closing Thoughts: Steve's life illustrates that the true champions are not those who never fail, but those who refuse to surrender to their struggles. His story is a call to action for anyone facing adversity—get up, fight back, and transform challenges into triumphs.

Connect with Steve: Listeners can dive deeper into Steve's philosophy and join the Hour of Champions community for support and inspiration.

Outro: Steve Werner's journey reminds us that with conviction and the right strategies, we can turn the noise of life into a symphony of success. Join us next episode for more insights into the minds of business mavericks.

Listener Engagement: Reach out to!

Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.

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