Cara Lockwood Tanamachi, Best-selling RomCom Novelist & Founder of Edit My Novel

Braving Business: Tales of Entrepreneurial Resilience and Courage in the Face of Adversity

Feb 5 2024 • 1 hr 17 mins

Introduction: In Episode 7, we delve into the inspiring life of Cara Lockwood Tanamachi, a novelist who paints worlds with words and embodies resilience. With over thirty-five novels to her name, Cara's journey from the heart of Texas to the heights of publishing is a tale of persistence and passion. Beyond her literary success, Cara champions aspiring authors through her company, Edit My Novel, and stands as a beacon of hope and strength, sharing openly about her current battle against breast cancer.

Episode Summary: Cara discusses the genesis of her writing career, the pivotal moments of her journey, and how she reinvented herself amidst the industry's shifting sands. She opens up about the personal challenges that fueled her entrepreneurial spirit and gives us a candid look at balancing life's trials with professional triumphs.

Key Questions:

  1. Cara, what sparked your writing dream and how did you navigate the path to becoming a published author?
  2. Can you take us through the early success of "I Do (But I Don't)" and its impact on your storytelling?
  3. What unexpected lessons did the publishing world teach you and how have they influenced your novels?
  4. How did the criticism against 'chick-lit' impact your career, and how did you pivot during that trying time?
  5. The inception of Edit My Novel came during a personal crisis. How did you launch and grow this business while juggling writing and personal life?
  6. With rom-coms rising again, how does it feel to return to your writing roots?
  7. How are you balancing the fight for your health with the excitement of a new book release?
  8. How has the philosophy of 'Fall down seven times, get up eight' guided you through recent adversities?
  9. As a Keanu Reeves superfan, how has he inspired you in your work and life?
  10. And for a bit of fun, what's a story about PJ that's both embarrassing and endearing?

Notable Moments:

  • Cara's transition from a celebrated author to an entrepreneur in the face of personal and professional upheaval.
  • The resilience shown in the face of critical industry changes and personal adversity.
  • Insights into how she sustains her creativity and drive despite the challenges of a health battle.

Connect with Cara: Listeners can explore Cara's novels and editing services to inspire their own literary ventures.

Outro: Thank you, Cara, for sharing your incredible journey with us. Your story is a powerful reminder that with courage and conviction, we can pen our own life's narrative.

Next Episode Preview: Stay tuned for Episode 5, where we uncover more stories of business bravery and personal tenacity.

Listener Engagement: Have a question for Cara or a topic you want us to explore? Reach out to us with your thoughts and stay tuned for the next episode of the Braving Business Podcast.

Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.

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