Brian Will, Entrepreneur and Best-Selling author of "The Dropout: Multi-Millionaire" and "NO... The Psychology of Sales and Negotiations."

Braving Business: Tales of Entrepreneurial Resilience and Courage in the Face of Adversity

Jan 22 2024 • 1 hr

Season 2, Episode 4: Tal & PJ Speak with Brian Will - Author, Entrepreneur, and City Councilman


Today's episode features Brian Will, the best-selling author of "The Dropout: Multi-Millionaire" and "NO... The Psychology of Sales and Negotiations." With over 35 years of experience, Brian has navigated the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, from losing everything in a failed business to creating several highly successful companies across diverse industries. Now, as a city councilman in Alpharetta, Georgia, he's influencing public service with the same acumen he applies to his ventures.

Episode Summary:

Brian shares his journey of resilience, detailing the pivotal moments that shaped his career. From the collapse of his first company to his current success in sales, real estate, and politics, Brian's story is a masterclass in the relentless pursuit of success and the practical application of lessons learned from failure.

Key Questions:

  • What sparked your entrepreneurial spirit after the military, and how did that drive shape your diverse business ventures?
  • After the loss of your first company, how did you rebuild, and what safeguards did you implement in your future endeavors?
  • As a multi-industry entrepreneur, what foundational business principles have you found to be universal?
  • What inspired you to share your story in "The Dropout: Multi-Millionaire" and what core message did you want to impart?
  • How does "NO... The Psychology of Sales and Negotiations" reflect your approach to business, and what's a key takeaway for our listeners?
  • Can you discuss the continuous learning mindset and share an instance where it turned a potential failure into a success?
  • How has serving on the City Council influenced your perspective on business and community impact?
  • For those hesitant to ask for help, what advice can you offer to overcome that resistance and make that crucial 'ask'?

Special Mentions:

- Brian's commitment to guiding businesses to substantial growth and his dedication to empowering entrepreneurs through his coaching and speaking engagements.

Quotable Moments:

- "Your background isn't where your journey ends; it's where it begins. Success or failure depends on your mindset and your willingness to learn."

Fun Fact:

Brian's unexpected journey from high school challenges to military service and now to city governance, with a passion for landscaping in between.

Closing Thoughts:

Brian's path is a reminder that every setback is a setup for a comeback. His story encourages all to embrace learning, seek mentorship, and stay persistent in the face of adversity.

Connect with Brian:

Listeners can dive into Brian's insights by exploring his books and coaching programs at


Thanks for joining us, Brian. Your insights on business, resilience, and lifelong learning have been invaluable.

Episode Resources:

- [Brian Will's Books](

- [Brian Will Media](

Connect with the Hosts:

- [Tal's LinkedIn](

- [Podcast Website](