Steve Siebold, Author of 12 books with 1.8 million copies in print worldwide, including international best sellers “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class “, “How Rich People Think” and “Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Teach Their Kids”

Braving Business: Tales of Entrepreneurial Resilience and Courage in the Face of Adversity

Apr 1 2024 • 1 hr 9 mins

Welcome Steve Siebold to the Braving Business Podcast, author of 12 books with 1.8 million copies in print worldwide, a former professional athlete, and national coach who's evolved into a powerhouse author and speaker on mental toughness for sales teams.

Episode Summary:

Steve joins us to share his transition from the sports arena to the authorship of bestsellers like "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class". With a track record of aiding corporations to boost sales by billions, Steve unpacks the wealth of knowledge gleaned from interviews with over 1,000 affluent individuals and the key role mental toughness plays in sales and entrepreneurship.

Key Questions:

1. How did your professional athletic background spark your interest in entrepreneurship and mental toughness?

2. From your wealth of interviews, what core mentalities have you found to be instrumental in achieving wealth and success?

3. Can you tell us about a challenge that didn't go your way and how you converted it into a learning moment?

4. In the face of ventures that did not succeed, how do you maintain your resilience and start anew?

5. Balancing human emotions with mental toughness can be tricky. How do you manage this balance personally?

6. What insights do you have for entrepreneurs about managing the complexities and costs of business success?

7. Discuss the IPDA's vision for reducing human suffering through personal growth.

8. Share an instance where critical thinking and mental toughness were decisive in your success.

9. Illustrate the concept of entrepreneurs as 'comeback artists' with a personal anecdote.

10. How do you reconcile personal affection for a project with its market performance?

Quotable Moments:

"Embrace passion and persistence – they're the lifeblood of successful entrepreneurship."

"Mental toughness and critical thinking are the twin engines of entrepreneurial success."

Connect with Steve:

- X formerly known as Twitter: [@Siebold](

- YouTube: [@stevesiebold](

Listener Engagement:

Join the conversation and let us know how Steve's insights resonate with your path to business resilience.


Views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Braving Business Podcast or its hosts.

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