Pausing in Anger to Move Toward a State of Well-Being - Episode 67

Awareness That Heals

Jul 17 2022 • 26 mins

This week Robert and Dave go more deeply into the seven steps to transform anger. The podcast coincides with the final chapter of Robert’s book, Awareness that Heals. We all have loads of hypnosis or conditioning from our parents, our culture, our movies, and our friends that lead us in directions that make anger a divisive force, rather than one that can be directed in a way that serves everyone. This show is zeroing in on how to find a spaciousness inside us that can choose to guide us in our anger and resistant emotional reactions.

It is normal (but not healthy) to be in the heat of our anger as most of us have rationalized that the other person or circumstance has caused it. We feel so deserving that we are not aware that our repressed or suppressed anger is our reaction rather than learning how we can find a beneficial way to contemplate it. When attempting this pivot, everyone needs to cultivate awareness of what we need. If we don’t, it is inevitable that we will express ourselves insensitively when in this state of mind. We are aspiring to find the best sides of ourselves, find ways to be sensitive, balanced, and aware of the process that can move us toward this kind of healing. Robert and Dave offer tools and concrete examples of how to cultivate this inner spaciousness.

For many of us, it may be hard to be aware of our anger until days later or even suppress it for a lifetime. It’s never too late to be aware. It’s never too late to be aware of a part of you that wants to care. It's never too late to evolve to the next step of finding and expressing our needs sensitively. The idea is to be balanced and recognize that we are not suppressing anger. We are feeling it in a safe way inside ourselves. Or, when circumstances allow us to go to a safe location to feel it as totally as possible and use it to find our strength and capacity for intimacy. We are not suppressing vulnerability. We are using it to find a more gentle, tender, caring side of ourselves that can be expressed in a balanced way when we are with someone who can handle honest caring communication.

Read the transcription and listen to this episode at Awareness That Heals.

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