The importance of eyebrows ~ When alopecia affects your facial hair

Hair Therapy

Mar 6 2023 • 39 mins

The importance of eyebrows ~ when alopecia affects your facial hair

Jason Berndt was a fighter pilot in the military until recently, when he sete up 'My Two Brows'.

He believes that the stress of the military training and studying an engineering degree have contributed to his alopecia.

His first experience of hair loss was alopecia areata patches at around 8 years old.
Then at 19, at military college, he noticed it again, and the hair on his right eyebrow began to disappear, along with his eyelashes.
Eventually, he had lost so much hair he had to shave it off, which he describes as a traumatic experience.

He has looked into various treatments, but really found options for men to disguise what is happening pretty limited. It was difficult to find a solution that didn't draw attention to himself or look unnatural.

In the end, he came across temporary eyebrow tattoos, but there were not a lot of options or choice, so Jason began to make his own!
He now produces many different colours, styles and sizes. These help not only those with hair loss but also conditions such as trichotillomania too.

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