Ep 34: Stop Stretching: From Pain to Joy & Wines of Rioja with Yogi Aaron

Chakras & Chardonnay

Feb 7 2024 • 47 mins

Today, Maria is joined by Yogi Aaron, and they delve into the world of yoga, anatomy, and the misconception surrounding stretching. Yogi Aaron is the creator of the revolutionary approach to yoga, Applied Yoga Anatomy and Muscle Activation, Ayama as well as the Online Platform, the Yogi Club host of the Yoga Podcast, Stop Stretching, author of Autobiography of a Naked Yogi and the recently published, Stop Stretching, a New Yogic Approach to Master your Body and live Pain Free. Yogi Aaron shares his personal journey with chronic back pain and how he transitioned from a focus on stretching to muscle activation for pain relief. They discuss the importance of understanding the language of the body and avoiding ego-driven injuries in yoga practice.

Yogi Aaron emphasizes the significance of stillness and joy in yoga poses, encouraging practitioners to find steadiness and ease rather than pushing for extreme flexibility. He also sheds light on the concept of being addicted to pain and how it can shape one's narrative.

The conversation takes a turn towards wine, with Yogi Aaron sharing his love for exploring wineries and enjoying wines from regions like La Rioja in Spain. He describes the unique tastes and stories that wines can tell, highlighting the connection between history, land, and the experience of the wine.

To connect with Yoga Aaron:

To purchase Yogi Aaron's latest book: https://amzn.to/3xHJmMk
On social: @yogi_aaron

For those interested in Yogi Aaron's approach to yoga anatomy and pain relief, he recommends checking out his free Pain-Free Series on his website: yogiaaron.com.

Featured in this Episode:

Vallobera Crianza Rioja 2020 at Trader Joe's

Learn more about Maria and her work at Take5.Health and subscribe to receive tips and free Guided Meditations each Wednesday. Connect with Maria on social:

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