Moments that Motivate with Tim Lovelace

Tim Lovelace

In these two minute podcast episodes, humorist and storyteller, Tim Lovelace, shares his unique and positive outlook on life by using everyday stories to uplift, encourage, inspire and motivate listeners. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Know The Value
Apr 1 2024
Know The Value
The other day I was at convenience store in Tennessee, paying for a couple of items, when a Canadian 20 dollar bill fell out of my wallet and onto the counter. As I picked it up, the cashier asked, “What kind of money is that?” I replied,  “It’s Canadian.” He asked to look at it, then said, “Its pretty…but you couldn’t but anything with it in this town…its not worth a dime.” As I left the store, I thought about the meaning of value. To this cashier, his perception was that the money was worthless. But his belief did not diminish the fact that this Canadian currency was absolutely worth 20 dollars.  I’ll be returning to Canada  in a few weeks, and this 20 dollar bill will probably buy me a delicious panini, a fresh éclair and a hot cup of Tim Hortons coffee…with a little money left over. Perceived value and actual value are two different things, and here two questions for all of us. What do we place great value in? What do we truly treasure? Jesus explained in Matthew 6:21” For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” He not only gave us these thought provoking words, but He also gave us the most treasured gift of all with His sacrifice upon the cross at Calvary. He had a heart to do God’s will and redeem us in the process. To think that He placed that much actual value on each of our lives is astounding! When we give our hearts to Him, we become joint-heirs, so let us confidently walk in newness of life, knowing that we are valued by God.
The Most Essential Map
Mar 4 2024
The Most Essential Map
My alarm was set for 6am, but I awoke at 5, because I’m always excited to hike in the mountains. So I read my Bible, then pulled out a map to study the trails. On this  particular hike I was going with my daughter, Gabrielle, and my dear friends Danny and Cindy Tesney. Danny brewed coffee fit for a king…but I drank it anyway. We drove to the trailhead for our 7 mile day hike. The trail led to a lush cove with two 100 foot waterfalls cascading close to each other, in stunning symmetry.   We lingered at the falls, and then began our return hike. We hadn’t seen anyone on the trail until we came across a couple that asked, “Have you passed a girl with a dog?” We had not. The couple said, “She must have gone on to the falls.” But that wasn’t possible, because we were just at the falls. Maybe she had made a wrong turn. I asked them if she had a map, and they replied, “No, we have the map.  She just wanted to go on ahead of us.” Eventually, all ended well with this story, but many times there is not a happy ending. That day, Danny and I both had maps. I also had a map on my phone, and at 5:30 that morning I had memorized portions of the map, because maps are essential.The same principal applies to our lives. God knew that life would be confusing. So many choices, yet there is only one path that will leads us Home. God doesn’t want anyone to be lost, so He gave us the Bible…the most essential map we will ever need.
Stress Fracture Stress
Feb 19 2024
Stress Fracture Stress
One dark, stormy night, while driving on the backroads in the mountains, I experienced stress that was caused by stress. Let me explain. It was raining so hard that I had my wipers on high, trying my best to see the road. Suddenly, my driver’s side windshield wiper arm broke. I immediately had to lean, with my seatbelt on, to the other side of the car, while impersonating a pretzel. If you have never driven much in the mountains, there is a fact you need to be aware of….you don't just pull off to the side of the road. There may be very little shoulder or no shoulder at all!  If you do pull over, you may need to be wearing a parachute. So, after a few menacing miles of driving, I found a place to stop and waited until the rain let up.  My vehicle was already scheduled for an oil change, so I had the wiper arm replaced while at the dealership. As I was sitting in the lobby, I began to think about the many conveniences drivers enjoy today; GPS, satellite radio, windshield wipers and many more bells and whistles. Still, they are only conveniences. When my wiper arm broke, I lost my ability to see.  My wiper arm was replaced for a nominal fee. Haha! Now that is good comedy. The mechanic said this had happened because of a small stress fracture in the wiper arm. In life, we can have undetectable fractures that eventually cause a complete breakdown. This not only causes  stress, but can also keep us from safely moving forward. I am so thankful we can trust the unfailing, strong arms of God to protect us and carry us throughout our lives.
California Almond Trees
Jan 22 2024
California Almond Trees
For years, I have enjoyed driving through the valleys of California while admiring the beauty of the almond orchards, especially the almond blossoms in springtime. But long before I saw the orchards, I loved eating almonds in my favorite candy bar. Just one bite of an Almond Joy and you understand why the word joy is part of the name. I was flying into California for a concert, and some friends, Gary and Kathy Oostercamp, picked me up at the airport. The Oostercamps are almond growers, and I love asking them about theirorchard and learning about how equipment and harvesting has drastically changed over the years. We discussed nutrients and pruning, and how their water supply comes from the snowcapped mountains in California.They took me to their orchard to watch their machinery in action, and my favorite machine, hands down, was the tree shaker. It had an arm that embraces the tree trunk, and in three to five seconds, it shakes the tree, causing all the almonds to drop to the ground. If I had owned one of these as a young boy, I would have been in a lot of trouble.After watching their process, one thing I realized is the correlation of a healthy almond tree and a healthy spiritual life. The tree needs to be fed, and we need nourishment from God’s Word. The tree needs plenty of water, and we need living water. The tree needs to be pruned and sodo we. So, if you feel like you are being shaken or pruned right now…be patient…God is not finished…you are about to yield a great harvest for the Kingdom.
In The Right Season
Jan 8 2024
In The Right Season
When I was a child, my parents loved to camp in the Smoky Mountains. I distinctly remember one vacation when we were passing Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga, Tennessee, and I spotted a large cave opening on the side of the mountain. I felt like Tom Sawyer, and I wanted to know more about this cavern.As a teenager, I began spelunking and throughly enjoyed the hobby of exploring caves. And although I’ve been in many caves over the years, I have never forgotten the cave I spotted as a child.Several years ago, while driving past Lookout Mountain, I told my wife about my childhood experience. So together we started scanning the area and finally spotted a very small cave opening. It had seemed much larger when I was a child. Over the years, I drove by it several times and became convinced thatmy memory must have played a trick on me? The cave entrance wasn’t as big as I’d remembered it to be. But one cold January day, while I was passing through that area and looking for the little opening, I spotted the immense cave entrance I had seen in my childhood. Over the years, vines had grown aroundit, and the leaves had kept it hidden from view. I had been searching in the wrong season. Mystery solved.You may be searching for the right opening to a new chapter in your life. Many times, we have allowed vines of distraction to block our view. Maybe it’s just not the right season, and there’s a bigger opportunity a little farther down the road. Always remember that God’s love is higher than any mountain and deeper than any cave. He wants the very best for His children. Just keep looking.
Share The Gift
Dec 25 2023
Share The Gift
Nearly everyone loves gifts, and Christmas is definitely the season for them. Our friends at Forbes state that Americans spend more than one trillion dollars during the Christmas season. Did you wrap your brain around that number? Pun intended! That’s a lot of gifts, especially if you’re shopping at the dollar store! One trillion is a huge mathematical number, but during this season, I think I’d rather think about the number one. One baby like no other, Jesus, the One and only Savior born to save the world.On the night Jesus was born, the shepherds were told about this special birth, so they went into Bethlehem and found Mary, Joseph and the miracle baby. But the shepherds not only praised God for Jesus, they were compelled to tell others. This birth, which is a gift to the whole world, must be shared.And today, we still can’t keep the good news to ourselves. Because of His birth, the Christmas soup kitchens will be flowing with nutrition and love for the homeless. Choirs will be singing old and new songs to honor and celebrate His birth and the reason He came to earth. Shoe boxes will be filled with gifts for children all over the world. Wells will be dug by people of faith, offering both physical and spiritual water to the thirsty around the world. Pastors and missionaries will lovingly retell this life altering event. And if Jesus now lives in our hearts, may we be like the shepherds who not only heard about Him, but shared the news of his birth. This Christmas, may we all share the gift.
A Cup Of Coffee And A Slice Of Cake
Dec 11 2023
A Cup Of Coffee And A Slice Of Cake
Friendships are so special. It has been said that a friend is someone who truly knows you and still likes you! The friends I have the longest history with are the Syferts. My dad’s first time to preach in their home church in Indianapolis, Indiana was in the 50s. That evening, after the church service, Norm and Eileen Syfert invited my parents and my oldest sister, Pamela, over to their house for cake and coffee. The two families laughed and talked, and a lifetime friendship was born.I grew up taking camping trips with the Syferts. They had four boys, and we went from Pogo sticks to fast cars in a hurry, with lots of laughing along the way.When my wife gave birth to our daughter, Gabrielle, the Syfert’s daughter-in-law, Charlene, became a special aunt and a big part of Gabrielle’s life. When Gabrielle was four, Aunt Charlene started a tradition of baking Christmas cookies with her.It was not until a few months before Eileen Syfert passed away that I actually knew the complete story about our family's connection. She shared,“I was very bashful years ago. But the Lord put it on my heart to invite the visiting pastor and his family to our home for cake and coffee after the service. I was out of my comfort zone, but I’m so glad I did it.”You see, God always blesses when we are obedient to His calling. In this case, His blessing was a friendship that affected generations to come. I will soon smell Aunt Charlene and Gabrielle’s Christmas cookies baking in the oven, and it all began with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake.
One Degree
Nov 27 2023
One Degree
Have you ever known someone who is addicted to the weather channel? I have a friend who can tell me the barometric pressure in Bulgaria or when a tropical storm is going to hit the Samoan Islands. Although he never leaves his farm in Stinking Creek, TN.But I don't have to watch the weather channel to know when it is going to snow here in east TN. If I walk into Walmart and everyone is grabbing bread and milk like it’s the last time in their lifetime to buy them, then I know the local forecast is snow. We can have a prediction of one inch of snow, and people still buy enough food for one year.Speaking of snow, one cold, rainy night last winter I went to the gas station near our home. It was 33 degrees when I left the house, and as I was pumping gas I noticed the beautiful rain glistening under the station’s bright lights. All of a sudden, the raindrops started turning into beautiful snow flakes right before my eyes. Definitely a surreal moment.I didn’t feel the difference, but I saw water droplets turning into beautiful snowflakes with only one degree difference. That one degree made a change for me and everyone else in our town. What if we could be that one degree difference in someone’s life? Perhaps one prayer or one word of encouragement would be the tipping point to drastically change their outcome. What if one statement caused someone to commit to the cause of Christ? One degree can change everything.
Limousine Ride Of A Lifetime
Nov 13 2023
Limousine Ride Of A Lifetime
Years ago, a close friend and I flew up north to a city covered in snow. Arriving at the airport, there were three people there to pick us up, and one was wearing that little black cap. You know, it was a limo driver.With the wind howling, we all climbed into the warm limousine and took off on the most memorable limo ride of my life. About 30 minutes away from the airport, we felt the car engine sputter. Everyone giggled nervously, like you do at the beginning of a rollercoaster ride. All of asudden, the limo died. We coasted, and the driver was barely able to get the car off the road. And this happened BCP, which means before cell phones! The driver opened his door and said, “I’ll be back with help.” With the limo not running, it cooled down fast. As we began to shiver, I was thinking my last meal may be the smoked almonds that had been offered as a snack. There was now ice on the windows. Time was as frozen as we were.All of a sudden, we saw the reflection of a yellow flashing light. The driver opened a door and said, “I got a tow truck, but there’s only room for me to ride with him. Hang tight.” The next thingwe knew, the front of the limo was being raised in the air. I felt like an Apollo astronaut. We laughed at the absurdity. When we pulled into the limo lot, I got my first look at the tow truck. It was beat up on the outside, but the engine was full of power due to regular maintenance.As believers, we also need regular maintenance and tune-ups. With prayer and Bible study, the Holy Spirit can empower us to do God’s will.
Okay, I’ll Do It
Oct 30 2023
Okay, I’ll Do It
“Ok, I’ll do it.” Have you ever said those words and regretted them later? I have. I was in fourth grade when my teacher, Mrs. Lyles, told me she had an idea for a school program. She explained that one of my classmates would sing a sad country song, and I would walk out on stage and pretend to cry. “It will be funny! Will you do it?” Although I felt like it was an awfulidea, I said, “Okay, I’ll do it.”I slowly rode my bike home while thinking, ‘No one is going to laugh. This will never work.’ But I had agreed to do it. The dreaded day finally arrived. Nervously standing back stage, I heard the girl start singing a Hank Williams song. Mrs. Lyles said, “You’re on!” I walked onto the stage and started pacing, crying and looking forlorn. To my surprise, the audience burst into laughter. I recall leaving the stage for a moment and, as the soloist sang “When tears come down like falling rain,” I emerged from underneath the curtain, crawling on my hands and knees, moaning louder than before. The audience laughed even harder. It worked!The best part of the day wasn't the sound of the laughter or the hug from Mrs. Lyles, but a teacher I didn’t know stopped me and said, “That was so funny. I laughed so hard.” Then, in a very serious tone, she said, “I really needed this today.” In that moment, I was given a glimpse into the ministry of laughter. When we step out of our comfort zones, we learn a lot. Maybe it’s time for you to say, “Ok,I’ll do it.”
That’s Why I Came To School
Oct 16 2023
That’s Why I Came To School
I’m wondering if any of you remember your first day of school. For many of us, it was a long time ago, but the smell of Elmer’s glue still sticks in my memory. What about the size of our first pencils? They had the circumference of a giant redwood tree. My generation didn’t have superhero backpacks, but we did have super awesome lunch boxes.Another thing I remember about my first day of school is that the teachers took us to the playground, and all of the first graders had a race. Our teachers really just wanted us to enjoy our first day of school.My good friend Larry Pate and his wife Vicki have five grandchildren. Their grandson Jamison, or Jamo, as they call him, is full of questions. Jamo was thrilled when his first day of school finally arrived. He had been anticipating that day for a long time. His teacher let the childrenhave a fun-filled day, but when she made the announcement that class was almost over, Jamo raised his hand and asked, “Are we going to learn something today?” He then added, “That’s why I came to school—to learn something.”His question and comment were not only funny, but profound. I wonder what would happen if we applied that zest for life and knowledge to everything we do? What if we approached each day with a quest to learn and to continue seeking wisdom? Let Jamo’s passion for life inspire you to learn something new today. Thanks, Jamo!
Moving A Ship
Oct 2 2023
Moving A Ship
The USS Alabama, a World War II Battleship, has been visited by millions of people since it was first brought to its permanent home at Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile Bay. What a lot ofpeople don't know is how several young children helped move the 45,000 ton ship.The Mighty A, as she was nicknamed, served for three years during World War II as the floating home of 2,500 valiant crew members. She eventually received nine Battle Stars for her meritorious service. After the war, she was eventually decommissioned and was sitting at a Naval station in Seattle, Washington, where she was going to be scrapped and forgotten. Several patriotic citizens from Mobile, Alabama, decided that something needed to be done to preserve the Mighty A and tohonor her history. They created a fundraiser and began the efforts to relocate her.As the money was being raised, someone had the brilliant idea to get Alabama schoolchildren involved. I think I was in second grade when our teacher informed us we could help make a difference by raising funds ourselves. When the time came to donate our money, I brought whatI had collected from picking up coke bottles and cashing them in.Children all across Alabama opened up their piggy banks and their hearts. When the money was tallied, it was just shy of 100,000 dollars. Astounding! You’re never too young to make a difference, so encourage the young people in your life to join forces with a worthy cause. They might just move a mountain…or a ship!
But Wait, There’s More
Sep 18 2023
But Wait, There’s More
If you watch television, you have seen a zillion commercials; advertisements luring people to purchase items they don't need, like knives that cut through concrete, glue that can hold a rocket ship together and a Chia pet that looks like Darth Vader.Many of the ad agencies use a catchphrase to appeal to the listeners. Somecommercials sound like this, “Are you tired of flashlights not working? Well, we have the best light in the world, guaranteed, for only nineteen ninety five...BUT WAIT...THERE’S MORE! You also get a light to hang on the bow of your boat, and with this low price, we’ll also send you a light specifically designed for your bicycle…BUT WAIT...THERE’S MORE! If you order today, we will send you an extra flashlight for free!” And you're sitting in your recliner thinking, I don't have a boat or a bicycle...but I can’t pass up this deal, because everyone loves to receive more than what they were expecting.The absolute best deal on earth is knowing the Lord. When we ask Him into our lives, He gives us forgiveness and joy, blessings and purpose. We become joint heirs. He enriches us with wisdom through His Word, and He gives us love. Not just any love, but perfect, unconditional, endless love. Our cost for all of this...well, it’s free.BUT WAIT...THERE’S MORE! Someday we’re going to our eternal home. Heaven is a destination so incredible that it cannot be described in an earthly language. So, as much as we enjoy walking in abundant life with Christ on earth, just wait...there’s much more to come!
Look For The Shade
Sep 4 2023
Look For The Shade
My late Uncle Otis had a saying, “If you are looking for me, look for the shade.” I was remindedof his expression while performing at an outdoor music festival. It was not a typical hot summerday…it was a scorching, sizzling, mind melting day. The large  stage had a roof, so I didn’t see a sunburn in my future. However, I was concerned for the festival attendees. By the time the concert started, the sun was beyond brutal. I was sitting backstage, listening to a group and waiting on my slotted time to perform when I noticed the covering over the stage was affording a shady spot on the ground to the left of center stage. And yet, no one was sittingthere. Just then, I saw a lady in the audience stand up. She proceeded to take her chair to the shady area and sat there by herself. A few minutes later, three of her friends joined her. Then, slowly, peoplestarted moving to where she was sitting. Soon, there were probably 75 people sitting near her. It only took one person, making an obvious right choice, to encourage others to do the same. Withvery little effort, she became a leader. Making the right decision does so much more than just having a positive impact on our personal lives. It affects others around us and can even affect people we may never know. In the heat of daily battles, may we all strive to make the right choice. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Look for the shade.