Stress Fracture Stress

Moments that Motivate with Tim Lovelace

Feb 19 2024 • 2 mins

One dark, stormy night, while driving on the backroads in the mountains, I experienced stress that was caused by stress. Let me explain. It was raining so hard that I had my wipers on high, trying my best to see the road. Suddenly, my driver’s side windshield wiper arm broke. I immediately had to lean, with my seatbelt on, to the other side of the car, while impersonating a pretzel.

If you have never driven much in the mountains, there is a fact you need to be aware of….you don't just pull off to the side of the road. There may be very little shoulder or no shoulder at all!  If you do pull over, you may need to be wearing a parachute. So, after a few menacing miles of driving, I found a place to stop and waited until the rain let up.

My vehicle was already scheduled for an oil change, so I had the wiper arm replaced while at the dealership. As I was sitting in the lobby, I began to think about the many conveniences drivers enjoy today; GPS, satellite radio, windshield wipers and many more bells and whistles. Still, they are only conveniences. When my wiper arm broke, I lost my ability to see.

My wiper arm was replaced for a nominal fee. Haha! Now that is good comedy. The mechanic said this had happened because of a small stress fracture in the wiper arm. In life, we can have undetectable fractures that eventually cause a complete breakdown. This not only causes  stress, but can also keep us from safely moving forward. I am so thankful we can trust the unfailing, strong arms of God to protect us and carry us throughout our lives.