That’s Why I Came To School

Moments that Motivate with Tim Lovelace

Oct 16 2023 • 2 mins

I’m wondering if any of you remember your first day of school. For many of us, it was a long time ago, but the smell of Elmer’s glue still sticks in my memory.

What about the size of our first pencils? They had the circumference of a giant redwood tree. My generation didn’t have superhero backpacks, but we did have super awesome lunch boxes.

Another thing I remember about my first day of school is that the teachers took us to the playground, and all of the first graders had a race. Our teachers really just wanted us to enjoy our first day of school.

My good friend Larry Pate and his wife Vicki have five grandchildren. Their grandson Jamison, or Jamo, as they call him, is full of questions. Jamo was thrilled when his first day of school finally arrived. He had been anticipating that day for a long time. His teacher let the children
have a fun-filled day, but when she made the announcement that class was almost over, Jamo raised his hand and asked, “Are we going to learn something today?” He then added, “That’s why I came to school—to learn something.”

His question and comment were not only funny, but profound. I wonder what would happen if we applied that zest for life and knowledge to everything we do? What if we approached each day with a quest to learn and to continue seeking wisdom? Let Jamo’s passion for life inspire you to learn something new today. Thanks, Jamo!