Look For The Shade

Moments that Motivate with Tim Lovelace

Sep 4 2023 • 2 mins

My late Uncle Otis had a saying, “If you are looking for me, look for the shade.” I was remindedof his expression while performing at an outdoor music festival. It was not a typical hot summer
day…it was a scorching, sizzling, mind melting day. The large  stage had a roof, so I didn’t see a sunburn in my future. However, I was concerned for the festival attendees.

By the time the concert started, the sun was beyond brutal. I was sitting backstage, listening to a group and waiting on my slotted time to perform when I noticed the covering over the stage was affording a shady spot on the ground to the left of center stage. And yet, no one was sitting

Just then, I saw a lady in the audience stand up. She proceeded to take her chair to the shady area and sat there by herself. A few minutes later, three of her friends joined her. Then, slowly, people
started moving to where she was sitting. Soon, there were probably 75 people sitting near her. It only took one person, making an obvious right choice, to encourage others to do the same. With
very little effort, she became a leader.

Making the right decision does so much more than just having a positive impact on our personal lives. It affects others around us and can even affect people we may never know.

In the heat of daily battles, may we all strive to make the right choice. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Look for the shade.


