Share The Gift

Moments that Motivate with Tim Lovelace

Dec 25 2023 • 2 mins

Nearly everyone loves gifts, and Christmas is definitely the season for them. Our friends at Forbes state that Americans spend more than one trillion dollars during the Christmas season. Did you wrap your brain around that number? Pun intended! That’s a lot of gifts, especially if you’re shopping at the dollar store!

One trillion is a huge mathematical number, but during this season, I think I’d rather think about the number one. One baby like no other, Jesus, the One and only Savior born to save the world.

On the night Jesus was born, the shepherds were told about this special birth, so they went into Bethlehem and found Mary, Joseph and the miracle baby. But the shepherds not only praised God for Jesus, they were compelled to tell others. This birth, which is a gift to the whole world, must be shared.

And today, we still can’t keep the good news to ourselves. Because of His birth, the Christmas soup kitchens will be flowing with nutrition and love for the homeless. Choirs will be singing old and new songs to honor and celebrate His birth and the reason He came to earth. Shoe boxes will be filled with gifts for children all over the world. Wells will be dug by people of faith, offering both physical and spiritual water to the thirsty around the world. Pastors and missionaries will lovingly retell this life altering event.

And if Jesus now lives in our hearts, may we be like the shepherds who not only heard about Him, but shared the news of his birth. This Christmas, may we all share the gift.