Relationship to Cycling - Ep151
In this final walking podcast for this year, I ask you to consider what your relationship is to cycling, and does this relationship serve you? I unpack a few archetypes of riders I have worked with and raced with over the years.
Everyone has their own relationship to the sport. From my perspective, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to relate to cycling, this is a child’s perspective. We can think past The Disney Bias, everything in life is not good or bad. In fact, most things aren’t. That said, I think some people are likely playing out unconscious programming while they practice sport. This won’t lead to anything good in and of itself usually, although it can medicate your problems to some degree.
I would offer that most will be served by looking inwards at the true reason why the practice cycling, or any sport. The only way to do anything properly is with presence, which gives reverence, and with consciousness.
Otherwise, you might as well just live someone else’s dream.