Unstruck Sound

"Positivity Witch" Jewels

Welcome to a series named after a discovery made in the pilot. Daily readings, affirmations, nuggets—all with the intention of creating little pockets of space in your life where you can BE—reminders that you are whole, brilliant, and can access your own wisdom in the space of the "unstruck sound." I look forward to practicing and celebrating BEing with you. See the show notes for links to access full works from creators. No affiliate links. read less
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Unstruck Sound: 30—What do GPS, Christianity, and traffic have in common, and what can we learn from it?
May 14 2023
Unstruck Sound: 30—What do GPS, Christianity, and traffic have in common, and what can we learn from it?
Join me for an exploration on how GPS and Christianity are related, an exercise from Tristan Gooley’s How to Read Nature, and some influence from an essay from the 90’s sparked by a presidential affair … and how that all leads to the question of what lesson have we yet to learn from traffic? Perhaps, traffic is a paradox that won’t go away until we really accept it and face it …. because the mapping apps that were supposed to make it better haven’t really done that at all—and I’d posit that they’ve made it worst.  The book: How to Read Nature by Tristan Gooley https://www.workman.com/products/how-to-read-nature/https://theexperimentpublishing.com/2017/10/learn-how-to-read-nature-with-an-exercise-from-tristan-gooley/ — with exercise and trailer The essay: Imperial Bedroom by Jonathan Franzen https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1998/10/12/imperial-bedroomhttps://bigthink.com/videos/jonathan-franzen-on-privacy/ — the author discussing his essayhttps://us.macmillan.com/books/9780312422165/howtobealone — the book of essays including “Imperial Bedroom” What do the concepts of today's episode evoke for you? Let me know at https://unstrucksound.com   Credits: music and photography by me. No affiliate links, just love. Transcript: ⁠https://share.descript.com/view/MA9SyHL5hD6⁠ --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unstruck/message
Repost of Episode 1: The Wild Unknown & The Bell and The Blackbird
May 1 2023
Repost of Episode 1: The Wild Unknown & The Bell and The Blackbird
Join me as we discover what in the world the “Unstruck Sound” is anyway—and how this podcast came to be. Audio slightly adjusted to be more consistent throughout. Originally aired: February 1, 2023. Welcome to a new series born of an experiment and named after a discovery made in this pilot. Daily poetry, readings, discoveries, affirmations, nuggets, all with the intention of creating little pockets of space in your life where you can be reminded that you are brilliant—that you already contain the wisdom you seek and can access it in the space of the "unstruck sound." About me: a middlish-life student learning how to better embrace what it means to be human. This series is an exploration and expose of my journey into daily somatic practices to better my ability to BE ... to be a human "BEing". I struggle with meditation—so perhaps this is my wrangling. And yet another imperfect, vulnerable voice here to share that you're not crazy—it's hard to make space and yet so worth it. And, so I figure, 5 minutes is better than none. What do you say? I look forward to spending +5 minutes a day with you, assuming I figure this out. In this raw and sometimes awkward episode: 1. Kim Krans's "Animal Spirit Cards"—Explore her artwork and "Wild Unknown" decks. She has children's books, too. 2. David Whyte's "The Bell and The Blackbird"—a poem in an eponymous book. While looking for a good link, I found this site which displays it elegantly and includes a link to where you can buy it. Check your local library if you can. (And if you live in Portland, perhaps you can request it, so they'll order it for our collection.) Transcript: https://share.descript.com/view/Y9aW6k8WeJC What do the concepts of today's episode evoke for you? Let me know at https://unstrucksound.com  Credits: music and photography by me. No affiliate links, just love.  --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unstruck/message
23—An intro to The Music of Life by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Mar 26 2023
23—An intro to The Music of Life by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Join me as we discover another description of the Unstruck Sound, within Hazrat Inaya Khan’s “Music of Life”—and a reflection on all that which has been known before us, finding our resonating chord, and the wisdom inherent within all of us. ps. In contrast to the translation provided in the book’s forward, “Fare forth to the West as a musician of the soul and tune the hearts of men to the divine harmony,” an online article (link below) states that Inayat’s dying teacher instructed him: “Fare forth into the world, my child, and harmonize the East and the West with the harmony of thy music. Spread the wisdom of Sufism abroad, for to this end art thou gifted by Allah, the most merciful and compassionate.” — a reminder that despite all that we read being someone's interpretation of their experience, so much can be lost and added or shifted in translation. How does this resonate with where you are on your path? Let me know at ⁠https://unstrucksound.com⁠  Episode Transcript: ⁠https://share.descript.com/view/baYzSdqNz4u⁠ Brief on Hazrat Inayat Khan: They were born in Baroda, India on July 5, 1882Their early life included music and awards for singing; their maternal grandfather was a Hindustani classical musician and educator known as “the Beethoven of India.”In 1903, they published a Hindustani collection of ±75 songs as Professor 'Ināyat Khān Raḥmāt Khān PaṭhānThey established an order of Sufism in London in 1914, Inayatiyya—and by the time of their death in 1927, centers had been established throughout Europe and North America And Sufism: Sufism, or Islamic mysticism, is found mainly within Sunni Islam but also Shia Islam and characterized by a focus on Islamic spirituality, ritualism, asceticism, and esotericism. Practitioners typically belong to “orders”—congregations formed around a grand “wali” who would be the last in a chain of successive teachers linked back to Muhammad.If anybody asks you, “What is Sufism?” … you may answer: “Sufism is the religion of the heart, the religion in which the most important thing is to seek [Source/Spirit/Allah/God/Goddess] in the heart of humanity.”— Hazrat Inayat KhanWhile there are many Sufi schools and lineages, the Sufism of the Inayatiyya is universalist in its acceptance of all people and paths leading to the unfoldment of the light and power latent in the human being. Sufism is an endless path, pursued over a lifetime. Sources Links: https://wahiduddin.net/hik/hik_origins.htmhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inayat_Khanhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sufismhttps://inayatiyya.org --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unstruck/message