The Good Intentions Podcast

Kelly Harvarde

Good Intentions connects with experts and storytellers around social impact, psychology, mindfulness, personal growth, and health.

Each conversation unpacks the beliefs and rituals that drive and ground each guest. You will hear about achievements that go beyond the conventional and tangible to a deeper level, finding the meaning and intention behind what we do.

I believe that there is a deep longing in our culture and society for something more: something higher, something deeper. Material possessions and technology do not satisfy our souls. As human beings we long for connection.

I'm on a mission to spread positivity, drive connectivity and to inspire others to live a more meaningful life.

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Ep 46 - The Menopause Revolution: How to Embrace Change and Thrive - Fiona Day
May 13 2024
Ep 46 - The Menopause Revolution: How to Embrace Change and Thrive - Fiona Day
Fiona Day is an incredible woman - she's an intuitive consultant and an energy healer - and she's also the only guest I've ever had on the show twice!The last time I spoke to her was January 2020 - just before the world got turned on it's head - back then we talked a lot about energy and how we can tune into our own intuition and feelings.This time we got together to talk about the menopause - a life change that Fiona has been recently navigating. She talked to me with such honesty and positivity about her journey and it was such a welcome, refreshing conversation. Fiona has a very open personality and when you throw in the fact that she's also an intuitive consultant and an energy healer, and you really get a completely different dimension to a conversation.We talked about how culture and society affects the way we talk about the menopause,  the loss of self that many women feel and how we can navigate it and find ourselves.Fiona is so passionate about helping other women live their best lives and this shines through in this epsiode.I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: the wonderful Fiona here:https://www.fionaday.comImmerse yourself in some of the books we discussed: Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian Weiss Love is Real - Brian Weiss Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield Attached - Jessica Baum
Ep 45 - Why Your Job as a Parent Isn't to Make Your Children Happy - Joanne Jewell
Feb 20 2024
Ep 45 - Why Your Job as a Parent Isn't to Make Your Children Happy - Joanne Jewell
Joanne Jewell is a therapist, educator and speaker. Born in the UK, she became an expat at just 12 years old when her family moved to South Africa for her father’s job. She says she spent most of her adolescent years trying to fit in or to avoid fitting in – not appreciating then the theory behind the need to belong and feel securely attached. Jo lived the life that was expected of her by her family and society until she was 30, but always knew there was something missing. That despite her constant efforts, the answer to happiness was not in the world around her, but instead in the world inside her – something that I think will sound familiar to so many of my listeners. Watching her three boys grow and fearing that she would not be the mum they deserved was a catalyst to starting her mindfulness journey, and this, combined with a family loss, gave way to a new phase of her life. Jo entered into therapy, started training as a counsellor and read everything she could find about healing ourselves from within. Jo says: “My greatest learning has been that through mindfulness I can change my blueprint; whatever I was taught and no longer want to use can be changed, and this is true for all of us.” This optimistic thinking gives me hope that we all can change, and is something that I explored in our conversation.  We also talked mindful parenting and it’s power when it comes to raising resilient, optimistic children, how it isn’t our job to make our children happy, and we also discussed the genocide in Palestine and how to talk about this with children.Jo is so wise and brilliant and every time I talk to her I learn something and feel uplifted. I know you will too – please enjoy the conversation.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Joanne Jewell here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Why Love Matters - Sue Gerhardt to Do The Work - Dr Nicole Lepera
Ep 44 - If You Have a Body, You are an Athlete - Jessie Gubbins
Jan 2 2024
Ep 44 - If You Have a Body, You are an Athlete - Jessie Gubbins
Meet Jessie Gubbins, a dynamic force in the realm of fitness and coaching. Her journey from a dedicated management consultant, traveling the world and working endless hours to her current role as a fitness advocate is nothing short of inspiring.Jess treats everyone she coaches as an athlete because she believes if you have a body, you are an athlete. She wants us all to feel great about our bodies. Not only how it looks, but also what it can do. Whether it's carrying your groceries inside from the car in one trip, playing hide and seek with the kids, gardening without throwing out your back, or being able to stand up from the toilet unassisted when you're 95. The one thing that unites us as humans is that we have to live in our bodies. So why wouldn't we want to make that body as capable and as athletic as possible? Jess's infectious warmth permeates everything she does, be it strolling with her sausage dogs (or wieners for my American audience) or sharing the highs and lows of life on social media. She's always been open about her struggles with mental health and sobriety, and I loved talking to her about how to tackle the days when things don't go as planned, and how to navigate the challenges that life throws us. Her enthusiasm for life shines through in our conversation and you can feel her contagious energy. Whether you've encountered her in person or are tuning into this podcast, get ready for a discussion full of authenticity, optimism, and practical advice. I hope you enjoy it. Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Jessie here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Madelaine Blais - In these Girls, Hope is a Muscle
Ep 43 - Empowering Young Minds with Confidence and Resilience - Yasmine Hammad
Nov 27 2023
Ep 43 - Empowering Young Minds with Confidence and Resilience - Yasmine Hammad
Yasmine Hammad, the visionary behind the Blossoming Kindness Initiative and a Certified Children’s Life Coach, is dedicated to empowering young minds through play-based coaching.In a world inundated with toxic influences, social media pressures, and peer expectations, children often grapple with anxiety, stress, and a lack of motivation, leading to a decline in their overall well-being—physically, mentally, and emotionally.Yasmine's unique approach equips children with essential life skills, enabling them to cultivate a resilient inner world. By focusing on their well-being, children can navigate external toxic influences with strength and grace.In today’s conversation, we delved into fostering a positive mindset in children, addressing challenges like screen time, and creating an open environment for meaningful parent-child dialogue. We also tackled the difficult topic of the ongoing war in Palestine, exploring ways to discuss the unimaginable horror with children.This emotional and heartfelt conversation provides valuable insights into nurturing our children's well-being amid today's complex challenges. I hope you find it both enlightening and inspiring. Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Yasmine and Blossoming Kindness here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Yasmine  Hammad - Blossoming Kindness Dyer - What do You Really Want for Your Children Blackie - If Women Rose Rooted
Ep 42 - The Military Secret Bio Hack You Need to Know - Why Peptides will Change Your Life - Dean Henry
Aug 21 2023
Ep 42 - The Military Secret Bio Hack You Need to Know - Why Peptides will Change Your Life - Dean Henry
Dean Henry became fascinated with health and fitness at an early age. He grew up in a household that was dominated by sports and was on the path to a promising athletic career before a knee injury quite literally got in his way. It was this sudden change of trajectory in his life - alongside a peanut allergy diagnosis for his daughter - that prompted him to delve deeper into the world of health and nutrition.   As a functional medicine coach, everything Dean does centres around the belief that wellness starts from within. He helps his clients to achieve balance through natural means, whether that’s lifestyle changes like functional fitness, supplements, or therapeutic nutrition.   I’m absolutely passionate about all things health and wellness and I’m always looking for ways to live life at a more optimal level - so it was truly fascinating to talk to Dean about biohacking, peptides, gut health, and hormones.Dean is incredibly warm and hugely knowledgeable - I could have chatted to him all day about how we can live our lives operating at the highest mental and physical level.Did you know that peptides were a Russian Military secret? Or that there’s 40 years of data to support their use and effectiveness? Dean kindly talked me through exactly what peptides are in layman’s terms and how they can target focus areas to ultimately slow down aging and improve health. We also talked about the monetization of health and medicine and whether a truly healthy life is only for the wealthy. Spoiler alert - it thankfully isn’t - it can be achieved by everyone.Dean is open and honest about how to navigate the world - and that includes bad days and those days when the only solution is to eat a Magnum ice cream - truly a man after my own heart.There’s heaps of excellent advice in this conversation and Dean’s passion for great health and immunity shine through.Please enjoy our conversation.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Dean and UAE Peptides here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Jeff Alson - Slight Edge Greenfield - Boundless
Ep 41 - How to be Happier with Nasreen Abdulla - Happiness Editor at Khaleej Times
Jul 28 2023
Ep 41 - How to be Happier with Nasreen Abdulla - Happiness Editor at Khaleej Times
Nasreen Abdulla has a very unusual job title - she’s the Happiness Editor at Khaleej Times. I was fascinated to speak to someone whose whole job revolves around optimism - Nasreen is tasked with finding human interest stories that speak to our hearts, that uplift and inspire us. There’s a quiet revolution happening in news with a huge desire from readers to consume positive stories and it was so insightful to speak to someone on the front line of content creation. We talked about how it feels to have a job like this, how she tackles the difficult stories and times in her life, and how her support system gets her through the challenges that she inevitably encounters at work and in life.Nasreen and I share a passion for storytelling and I found her love of her job and her commitment to helping others very uplifting. We talked about why it’s important to tell stories that matter and how a love of Brazilian Ju Jitzu gives Nasreen purpose and meaning.If, like me, you are an eternal optimist who loves storytelling then this episode for you - I hope you enjoy it.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Nasreen here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Louisa May Alcott - Little Women Saint-Expury - The Little Prince Bach - Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
Ep 40 - Good Intentions Special - Purpose
Jul 4 2023
Ep 40 - Good Intentions Special - Purpose
Here on the Good Intentions podcast I love to explore the subject of purpose  - it’s one of the main reason why I started recording three years ago.I’m constantly curious about how can we become more deeply connected to the world around us and how can we gain clarity on what our path should be in the world. In my latest episode I re-visit conversations with many of my incredible guests to explore how we can fulfil our purpose with meaning and discover our own authentic power leading to the highest and truest version of ourselves. I asked each guest what they felt their purpose was on earth and the responses are thoughtful, inspiring and so insightful. I recommend taking time to ask yourself the really big life questions like this one - answering it might change your life. Thank you to all the guests who have trusted me to tell their incredible stories to the world. In this episode you will find: Hiba Balfaqih - Psychologist and Mind Hacker Erika Doyle - Founder and MD of Drink DrySasha Bates - Psychotherapist and Best Selling AuthorAaliya Raja - Public Speaking and Confidence CoachDavid Goulding - Sober CoachCassie Mather Reid - Life CoachJames Lafferty - Olympic Coach and CEO Fine Hygienic HoldingLisa Ray - Actress and Best Selling Author of Close to the BoneProfessor Rose Anne Kenny - Professor, Physician and Best-Selling Author of Age ProofAnn Hiatt - Leadership Strategist & Consultant - Best Selling Author of Bet on YourselfDenis Murphy - Blame Recovery Coach and Best Selling Author of The Blame GameThe full interviews with these talented writers, speakers and thought leaders can all be found in the Good Intentions podcast along with other insightful conversations. Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: full interviews with these talented writers, speakers and thought leaders can all be found in the Good Intentions podcast along with other insightful conversations.
Ep 39 - How to Build a Stronger Mind (and climb mountains) – Caroline Leon
Jun 12 2023
Ep 39 - How to Build a Stronger Mind (and climb mountains) – Caroline Leon
Caroline Leon is an Australian born health and fitness advocate, fitness professional, and the co-founder of A Life of Education. When Caroline broke her back four years ago, falling from an indoor climbing wall, she never thought she'd be able to walk again. Her life-threatening injuries included two shattered feet, a displaced and fragmented right pelvis that was disconnected from the left side of her body and a bust fracture to part of her spine. Her injuries were so severe that she wanted to give up, but after being confined to a wheelchair for six months, as well as undergoing 14 surgeries and 23 blood transfusions, she slowly regained her ability to walk and came up with a plan to get not only her strength back, but also her confidence to mark the end of her recovery.Caroline decided to set a new Guinness World Record to become the first person in the world to summit all of the highest points in the Middle East in the fastest possible time, a feat that had never been attempted by a woman alone. What a woman!I've wanted to talk to Caroline for the longest time. Her energy and attitude to life is so inspiring and I'm totally fascinated by her mindset, what gets her out of bed in the morning and how she faced down huge and tragic life events and emerged not only intact, but absolutely thriving. Aside from her incredible story of triumph over tragedy, Caroline and I discussed how to navigate life when it keeps throwing you curved ball and finding our purpose and meaning.  Spoiler alert, you don't have to climb a mountain to do this, thankfully!We have everything inside of us that we need to succeed - we just need to believe it. It was a really wonderful conversation and I hope you enjoy it.  Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Caroline Leon here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Ram Dass - Being Ram Dass Dyer - The Power of Intention
Ep 38 - Good Intentions Special - Success and Achievement
Jun 2 2023
Ep 38 - Good Intentions Special - Success and Achievement
"What have I achieved?"  is a question we all ask ourselves as we progress through the valleys and hills of our lives. Whereas this was once a cliched mid life crisis question - it now seems to be coming up earlier and earlier. We can compare ourselves so much more readily to one another on social media, and so this comparison steals our joy and makes us question our progression. Are we doing enough? Progressing enough. Are WE enough?So that’s the self analysis element - then throw in the fact that as a society, our perception of achievement can feel at odds with a spiritual life. We glorify financial and professional success above all other, we consciously and unconsciously judge and benchmark on the material and we idolize those who rise to the top of business.And whilst I feel there’s place for progression and growth - of course there is - I’ve always felt uncomfortable with these societal frameworks of achievement. Is there a way to measure ourselves beyond the typical success factors?Instead of chasing an unattainable dream of success, might we have had it all along?In this episode of Good Intentions, I re-visit conversations with many of my incredible guests to explore the subject of achievement - to discover how they benchmark their lives and what they consider to be their greatest achievement.Thank you to all the guests who have trusted me to tell their incredible stories to the world. In this episode you will find:Dr Saliha Afridi - Clinical Psychologist, Founder & Managing Director of The LightHouse ArabiaEmilie Jacob - Founder of Stella and the StarsJad Toubayly - CEO and Founder of IdealzAakanksha Tangri - Founder of Re-SetIsobel Abulhoul - Founder of the Emirates Literature FestivalLeila Rezaiguia - Executive CoachGaj Ravichandra - International Career Path Strategist and Executive CoachShereen Qutob - Clarity Coach and Mental Health and Corporate Wellness AdvocateKaren Osman - Best Selling Author and Writing CoachMimi Nicklin - Best Selling Author and Empathy AdvocateThe full interviews with these talented writers, speakers and thought leaders can all be found in the Good Intentions podcast along with other insightful conversations. Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast:
Ep 37 - Leadership Soul - Why Meaning and Connection are Crucial in Life and Business - Kate King
May 19 2023
Ep 37 - Leadership Soul - Why Meaning and Connection are Crucial in Life and Business - Kate King
Kate King is a top Leadership and Team Coach who has coached thousands of the world’s top CEO’s through her own coaching practice and as an Executive Coach at London Business School.She creates meaningful and lasting change in her clients, their teams, and their businesses. Formerly a Londoner, Kate now lives in the Middle East, where she has quickly become the go-to coach for change-making leaders in this future-focussed region.We covered so much in our conversation - how an empowering mindset is a game changer, about reaching our full potential and how to live a more meaningful life.Kate has such fantastic insights on how leadership is changing and evolving to become more empathetic , more conscious and connected. Her term ‘Leadership Soul’ really resonated with me and the themes we love to explore in this podcast.I’m also borderline obsessed with the fact that her ideal coaching client is none other than King Charles the third himself - incredible. Just a bit of intergenerational trauma to unpack there!Kate is incredibly wise and warm and she was full of practical tips that we can all use in our daily personal and professional lives. I’m sure you’re going to love this conversation.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Kate King here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Gabor Mate - The Myth of Normal Diana Chapman, Kaley Klemp, Jim Dethmer  - The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
Ep 36 - Why You Need to Stop Playing The Blame Game Now - Denis Liam Murphy
Mar 2 2023
Ep 36 - Why You Need to Stop Playing The Blame Game Now - Denis Liam Murphy
My guest this week is Denis Liam Murphy - author of the incredible new book: The Blame Game. I spent a weekend reading it and as I did, a thousand light bulbs went off in my head - it will honestly take everything you thought you knew and blow it to pieces.How would you react to someone if they said the reason you feel unhappy, anxious, or lost is because you blame too much? You might, as i did initially - think - no way can this be me…But the fact is, blame is interwoven into the very fabric of our language, society, and philosophical outlooks—it’s present in just about every conversation we have. In fact, blame has become more than just a game—it is an addiction...and that’s what Denis’s new book uncovers.Denis is a high-performance coach, visionary thinker, and founding partner of RoundTable Global, an internationally recognised learning and development company that helps create high-performance leaders and corporate cultural change.  Over a decade ago, he had a life-changing realization—we have not only inherited an addiction to playing the Blame Game, but when we blame, we automatically become a victim.  These realizations led him to come up with a hypothesis: the more self-honest we are, the less we blame and the more effortless and painless life becomes. He offers a truly unique and unparalleled personal development and healing experience by specialising in helping people recover from a blame addiction they didn't know they had.Denis says: for thousands of years, we have had a masterclass in blaming. It is time for a masterclass in self-healing. Amen to that - I loved the conversation we had about blame - during which Denis challenged a lot of long held opinions with truly insightful solutions and answers.I hope you enjoy our conversation.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Denis Liam Murphy here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Denis Liam Murphy - The Blame Game Coelho - The Alchemist Everett - Don't Sleep, There are Snakes
Ep 35 - Silicon Valley Success Secrets - Ann Hiatt
Jan 25 2023
Ep 35 - Silicon Valley Success Secrets - Ann Hiatt
Ann Hiatt is a bestselling author, executive consultant, speaker, and investor. She’s a Silicon Valley veteran who reported directly to CEOs including Jeff Bezos from Amazon, Eric Schmidt  from Google and Yahoo!’s Marissa Mayer.Ann consults with CEOs and their leadership teams across the globe on C-suite optimisation and has published articles in publications such as Harvard Business Review, Fast Company and CNBC. She has also contributed to articles in the New York Times, Economic Times, the Financial Times and Forbes. She’s in Dubai at the Emirates Literature Festival to talk about her book Bet on Yourself.  Incredibly, she’s taken the leadership principles that guide the work of celebrity CEOs and explains how to use them to take a bet on yourself and use them as stepping stones towards a dream career.Ann is so warm and full of amazing advice. I loved what she had to say about making sure your job gives as much to you as you do to it - and also her take on the tech bro culture and how to navigate an often patriarchal business system.And of course I had to ask her what it was really like to work for Jeff Bezos in such a once in a lifetime role.Whether you’re just starting on the career ladder, feeling stuck in your current job, or wanting to finally be recognised for promotion or a leadership role, this episode will help you identify how to create something extraordinary from ordinary opportunities. That Even when options appear limited, you can take charge of your career, and build a future that exceeds your wildest expectations. Please enjoy the conversation.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Ann Hiatt here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Ann Hiatt - Bet on Yourself Clear - Atomic Habits Dweck - Mindset Growth
Ep 34 - Age Proof - How to Live a Longer, Healthier Life - Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Jan 17 2023
Ep 34 - Age Proof - How to Live a Longer, Healthier Life - Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Does old age fill you with dread? What about dying - how do you feel about that?  Why do some of us live longer than others?  What does the latest science teach us that will help us not only live longer lives but also to live fitter, healthier, and happier lives even in our ‘twilight’ years?Well, this week my guest has all the answers where ageing is concerned - she’s Professor Rose Anne Kenny, who has 35 years of experience at the forefront of ageing medicine. She is a professor of Medical Gerontology at Trinity College Dublin, director of the Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing and founding principal investigator for the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. Her book Age Proof - The New Science of Living a Longer and Healthier Life - draws on her own pioneering research and she’s in Dubai at the Emirates Literature Festival leading discussions on a life well lived.As you would expect, Professor Rose is an absolute goldmine of information when it comes to ageing and we had such an enlightening conversation about everything from misconceptions about ageing to loneliness and we also discussed how purpose plays a huge part in how we age.80% of our ageing is under our control and a positive attitude is scientifically proven to help us age well. I loved how much science and data Professor Rose brought to the table, along with a healthy dose of practicality and useful tips.Please enjoy our conversation.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Professor Rose here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Professor Rose Anne Kenny - Age Proof Walker - Why We Sleep Gladwell - Outliers
Ep 33 - Bollywood, Hollywood and Cancer - Lisa Ray
Jan 6 2023
Ep 33 - Bollywood, Hollywood and Cancer - Lisa Ray
Lisa Ray is an internationally acclaimed performer, philanthropist, author and public speaker. She’s also one of India’s most successful models and an award-winning actress who starred in Canada’s Oscar nominated film Water. After Ray was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2009, her forthright, courageous and humorous approach to navigating her experiences with this incurable blood cancer, which she chronicled in her blog, ‘The Yellow Diaries’, earned her international respect. She is the author of the memoir Close to the Bone and will be attending the Emirates Literature Festival in Dubai in February 2023 - I can’t wait to attend her sessions.I talked to Lisa about her career in the entertainment business and what it’s like to navigate that challenging space as a woman, and of course we talked about her cancer diagnosis and how the illness shaped her and her life.Lisa spoke so beautifully about spirituality and purpose and and was full of wisdom about life, connection and community. I also loved out chats about raising children and how to stay centred and connected in the madness of family life.Lisa is warm and wise and I loved her sense of humour and her pragmatism. I’m sure you’ll love this conversation as much as I did.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Lisa here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Gabor Mate - In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Schwartz - Attentionögyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Ep 32 - Authenticity in Leadership - James Lafferty
Jan 4 2023
Ep 32 - Authenticity in Leadership - James Lafferty
James Lafferty is the CEO of Fine Hygienic Holding and has been described as one of the most unique and diversified CEO’s in the world today. He’s not just a successful CEO, he’s also an Olympic coach. An award-winning journalist. A college professor. A competitive athlete.  A philanthropist, husband and father of 6. James started his career with humble roots, as a youth track and field coach. Hired by Procter and Gamble in his native Cincinnati, Ohio, James was recruited from the ranks of fitness instructor to enter P&G’s “Brand Management” program and after delivering incredible results on the US business, James was transferred into an international career that took him to North Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, The Middle East, Western Europe, Africa and Asia. Jams is clearly a business powerhouse, and I was so keen to speak to him to understand what drives him to achieve so much and how he uses his experience for good. He spoke with great honesty and candour about his challenging upbringing, what he considers to be his own personal failures, and how these have driven him to become the person and leader that he is today.We talked about consumer culture, working practices post-Covid and how a modern CEO needs to bring empathy and energy to everything that they do.He only hires on desire and his purpose in life is to leave the world a little better than he found it. James is warm, optimistic and his honesty made our conversation a real pleasure. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: James here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Erik Weihenmayer - Touch the Top of the World Lombradi - The Lombardi Rules Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom
Ep 31 - Living a Fearless Life - Cassie Mather-Reid
Sep 20 2022
Ep 31 - Living a Fearless Life - Cassie Mather-Reid
Cassie Mather-Reid is a holistic life coach who left her 18-year career in corporate IT behind to follow her calling. One of her main areas of focus is blocked energy and how we store trauma and distress at a cellular level, leading to emotional and physical problems. She works with clients on both their belief systems and energy systems to overcome limiting beliefs and release energy blocks - sounds fascinating, doesn’t it?We talked about how Cassie recognised that she was feeling lost and unfulfilled in life and chose to take a different path, healing her own trauma, discovering her goals and learning to live in alignment.We also talked abut leadership and the challenges of the corporate world, discussed the mind body connection and how it works and how our body has everything that it need within it to heal itself. We just need to listen to it.Cassie is warm and approachable and as you might expect, she has great energy - it was a delight to talk to her. I hope you enjoy this episode.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Cassie here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Gay Hendrix - The Big Leap Elrod - The Miracle Morning King - Healing is the New High
Ep 30 - Freedom from our Addictions - David Golding
Aug 15 2022
Ep 30 - Freedom from our Addictions - David Golding
I really do have an incredible conversation for you today. David Goulding is a Sober and Recovery Coach who has been on a 15-year journey of addiction discovery, which saw several attempts to get clean and sober in addition to several rehab stints and attempts to take his own life.A recovered alcoholic and gambling addict, David finally surrendered and transformed his life.It’s now his main goal in life to help those who are in similar situations, which led him to launch a programme unique to the Middle east called Sober Lifestyle Coaching.David anonymously and confidentially supports and mentors clients who have made the brave decision to change their lives and embark on the journey of recovery. Of course we talked about alcohol, it’s pervasive and addictive role in our culture and society, and how insidious it has become in our every day lives.We also talked about grey area drinking - how the term alcoholic can act as a barrier to change and acceptance and why addiction occurs in the first place - what trauma are we trying to numb or escape from by drinking or taking drugs.More than that, we talked about hope, about connection, about how talking can save our lives and how we as humans are hard wired to help and connect with one another.David says the best thing about no longer drinking is that he is free and at peace.Our conversation was open and honest and beautiful and I left with the most incredible feeling of peace and hope and safety.If you want to fulfil your full potential - if you want to navigate the stresses of life without running away from them, this conversation has so much to give you - whether you’re questioning your relationship with alcohol or not.Please enjoy it.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: David here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Jordan Peterson - The 12 Rules for Life Byrne - The Secret Brand - Recovery - Freedom from our Addictions
Ep 29 - Organised Life Organised Mind - Shelina Jokhiya
Aug 3 2022
Ep 29 - Organised Life Organised Mind - Shelina Jokhiya
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff you have? Do you have too many things at home that you don’t know what to do with? You are not alone: most of us have a bit of a hoarding streak and live with clutter in our lives.So my guest this episode is perfect for all of us. Shelina Jokhiya discovered she had a natural gift for organising when she was a child, spending hours organising cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs and her huge collection of Madonna memorabilia into simple systems. While school teachers admired her organised files, it wasn’t considered a career choice, and she was encouraged to study law. After reading law at university, Shelina became a solicitor working in London and Dubai, but despite her success, she knew her heart was elsewhere. She never gave up on her dream of becoming a professional organiser and decided to take the leap, launching DeCluttr Me in 2013, where it became the region’s first licenced, professional organising service.Shelina’s mission is to help people lead more relaxed, motivated, and productive lives – free of clutter - and we talked a lot about how the things that we own can overwhelm us, and this goes way deeper than you might think - affecting us on a very deep, cellular level.We explored the  huge emotional side of decluttering and I loved what she had to say about conscious consumerism - thinking hard about what we buy and why we are buying it and how clutter can act as a cloud over our heads and hearts.Shelina has also written a book “Can You Find it in Five Seconds?” which you’d better believe I am buying a copy of - everything she said spoke straight to my soul.If you’re yearning to lead a more simple life with less then this episode really is for you  - Shelina is warm, wise and she’s also absolutely hilarious - I loved our conversation and I know you will too. Please enjoy it.Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: David here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Shelina Jokhiya - Can you Find It in Five Seconds Allen - Getting Things Done Buzan - Mind Maps Seth - A Suitable Boy
Ep 28 - Silencing the Inner Critic - Aliya Rajah
Jun 29 2022
Ep 28 - Silencing the Inner Critic - Aliya Rajah
On this episode, I had a super conversation with Aliya Raja. Aliya is a personal and professional development coach, a corporate trainer, a podcast host an entrepreneur and founder of Coaching with Aliya. She helps people develop the range of skills they need to maximize their potential, which obviously I couldn't wait to hear more about.We talked about changing our lifestyle and our habits, how organizations need to change and evolve post COVID at the confidence gap between men and women. Fascinating stuff. Aliya says: "Have big goals, have wonderful relationships, have huge amounts of success in your life. But unless you're also dedicating yourself to knowing who you are, knowing what you want and nurturing the relationship you have with yourself, you will end up feeling empty and disconnected, no matter how many boxes you tick that look impressive to other people."She gave lots of practical tips about how to stay connected to what's important to you, how to succeed at work and at home, and she gave me lots of food for thought about how we classify success in our lives. I hope you enjoy the conversation. Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Aliya here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Adam Poswolsky - The Quarter Life breakthrough Jeffers - Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway Green - She means Business
Ep 27 - The Journey Through Grief and Finding Hope - Sasha Bates
Apr 6 2022
Ep 27 - The Journey Through Grief and Finding Hope - Sasha Bates
My guest this episode is Sasha Bates: psychotherapist, journalist and former BBC and Channel Four producer. Sasha’s husband, the actor and playwright Bill Cashmore, died unexpectedly at the age of 56. When Bill died, Sasha turned to writing and the resulting book, called Languages of Loss, is a moving, powerful and informative narrative account of how grief works, how it feels and how it can be managed; a searingly honest account of losing a loved one, and a practical guide to help anyone who is grieving. In this beautiful conversation, Sasha talked to me about the death of her husband Bill and how her best selling book The Languages of Loss, is a conversation between her therapist self and her grieving self in an attempt to express and make sense of the inexpressible and incomprehensible. We talked about the five stages of grief and how they are not necessarily helpful, why we are so bad at talking about death as a society and how we can best support someone who has lost a loved one. We also talked about guilt- how feeling happy doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten a loved one, yet it is an inevitable part of the grief process.Sasha is warm and wise and open about her experiences and has so much practical advice about how to attempt to navigate grief, and why it will never be the same experience for two people. Our conversation is a powerful insight into what it is to lose someone you love, and is also filled with hope and healing. Sasha says: “Fear is at the root of our inability to talk about death, we are absolutely terrified of speaking about it.” I really hope that my having more conversations like this, we can bring grief out of the darkness and into the light, where it can heal.I hope you enjoy this episode. Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast: Sasha here: yourself in some of the books we discussed: Sasha Bates - Languages of Loss Bates -  A Grief Companion Mandela - The Long Walk to Freedom Mandela - Going to the Mountain - 11 Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela Dalai Lama - Cultivating Happiness