Ep 41 - How to be Happier with Nasreen Abdulla - Happiness Editor at Khaleej Times

The Good Intentions Podcast

Jul 28 2023 • 39 mins

Nasreen Abdulla has a very unusual job title - she’s the Happiness Editor at Khaleej Times.

I was fascinated to speak to someone whose whole job revolves around optimism - Nasreen is tasked with finding human interest stories that speak to our hearts, that uplift and inspire us. There’s a quiet revolution happening in news with a huge desire from readers to consume positive stories and it was so insightful to speak to someone on the front line of content creation.

We talked about how it feels to have a job like this, how she tackles the difficult stories and times in her life, and how her support system gets her through the challenges that she inevitably encounters at work and in life.

Nasreen and I share a passion for storytelling and I found her love of her job and her commitment to helping others very uplifting. We talked about why it’s important to tell stories that matter and how a love of Brazilian Ju Jitzu gives Nasreen purpose and meaning.

If, like me, you are an eternal optimist who loves storytelling then this episode for you - I hope you enjoy it.

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Immerse yourself in some of the books we discussed:

Louisa May Alcott - Little Women


Antoine Saint-Expury - The Little Prince


Richard Bach - Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
