Ep 46 - The Menopause Revolution: How to Embrace Change and Thrive - Fiona Day

The Good Intentions Podcast

May 13 2024 • 48 mins

Fiona Day is an incredible woman - she's an intuitive consultant and an energy healer - and she's also the only guest I've ever had on the show twice!

The last time I spoke to her was January 2020 - just before the world got turned on it's head - back then we talked a lot about energy and how we can tune into our own intuition and feelings.

This time we got together to talk about the menopause - a life change that Fiona has been recently navigating. She talked to me with such honesty and positivity about her journey and it was such a welcome, refreshing conversation. Fiona has a very open personality and when you throw in the fact that she's also an intuitive consultant and an energy healer, and you really get a completely different dimension to a conversation.

We talked about how culture and society affects the way we talk about the menopause,  the loss of self that many women feel and how we can navigate it and find ourselves.

Fiona is so passionate about helping other women live their best lives and this shines through in this epsiode.

I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.

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Immerse yourself in some of the books we discussed:

Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian Weiss


Only Love is Real - Brian Weiss


The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield


Anxiously Attached - Jessica Baum


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