Ep 36 - Why You Need to Stop Playing The Blame Game Now - Denis Liam Murphy

The Good Intentions Podcast

Mar 2 2023 • 1 hr

My guest this week is Denis Liam Murphy - author of the incredible new book: The Blame Game. I spent a weekend reading it and as I did, a thousand light bulbs went off in my head - it will honestly take everything you thought you knew and blow it to pieces.

How would you react to someone if they said the reason you feel unhappy, anxious, or lost is because you blame too much? You might, as i did initially - think - no way can this be me…

But the fact is, blame is interwoven into the very fabric of our language, society, and philosophical outlooks—it’s present in just about every conversation we have. In fact, blame has become more than just a game—it is an addiction...and that’s what Denis’s new book uncovers.

Denis is a high-performance coach, visionary thinker, and founding partner of RoundTable Global, an internationally recognised learning and development company that helps create high-performance leaders and corporate cultural change.

Over a decade ago, he had a life-changing realization—we have not only inherited an addiction to playing the Blame Game, but when we blame, we automatically become a victim.

These realizations led him to come up with a hypothesis: the more self-honest we are, the less we blame and the more effortless and painless life becomes.

He offers a truly unique and unparalleled personal development and healing experience by specialising in helping people recover from a blame addiction they didn't know they had.

Denis says: for thousands of years, we have had a masterclass in blaming. It is time for a masterclass in self-healing. Amen to that - I loved the conversation we had about blame - during which Denis challenged a lot of long held opinions with truly insightful solutions and answers.

I hope you enjoy our conversation.

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Immerse yourself in some of the books we discussed:

Denis Liam Murphy - The Blame Game


Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist


Daniel Everett - Don't Sleep, There are Snakes
