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How Do I Create an Amazon Music Playlist on iOS?

Create a Playlist at any time within the Amazon Music app.

To create a Playlist from any song's overflow menu or Now Playing overflow menu:

  1. Select the overflow menu .
  2. Select Add to Playlist.
  3. Select New Playlist.
  4. Enter the name of your new Playlist and select Save.
Note: To make the Playlist public, select the overflow menu and select Make Playlist Public.

To change the order of songs in a Playlist:

  1. Select Library.
  2. Select the playlist that you wish to edit.
  3. Select the menu next to the Playlist that you wish to edit.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Drag and drop the songs in the desired order.

Helpful Tips:

  • User-created Playlists that aren’t "All-Access" are only available for playback while online.
  • Changes made to user-created Playlists while in Offline Music Mode don't get saved.