Are organisations sacrificing adult learning for the sake of online learning and the economy of self-directed learning?

Koap Bitesized

Mar 22 2021 • 49 mins

In this episode I get to talk to Katherine Handin who is the CEO of the Global Coaching Alliance, who are as their website says "an executive coaching and leadership consulting firm dedicated to helping organizational leaders inspire the best in others and passionately pursue business objectives with vigour, insight and precision."

I have known Katherine for almost ten years now through our work with global clients, and like me she has  a clear idea of how adult learning is being challenged by the economies of digital learning, and how cost benefits don’t outweigh the lack of "stickiness" and ultimate change in behaviour.  In this discussion we look at both sides of the argument and provide our joint knowledge and experience to hopefully give organisations a better understanding of how self-directed learning and supported learning can live symbiotically to best serve the individual’s development, and ultimately the organisations goals.