453: Clarity, Savings, and Giving Back with Jeff Maine

Journey To Mastery

Mar 8 2024 • 33 mins

Dive into the journey of entrepreneurship with Jeff Maine, Founder of Pay Proudly. His mission is twofold: to provide business owners with payment clarity and to support communities through charity. Discover how Jeff, from his humble beginnings to becoming a seasoned entrepreneur, harnesses his strengths and strategy to fill the gaps in his ventures.

Episode Highlights:

09:06 - We know our customers need to know us. They need to like us, and they need to trust us. So how do we achieve that? Every single step of the way, and it's getting in front of businesses. And so, really, for our side, sales 101, we're bringing people in and saying, "All right, we've got to get out into the end of the town, and we've got to be talking to businesses, and they've got to know us, like us, and trust us." And so, once we cross that, the sales side is easy. It's easy to sell somebody who already likes and trusts you; you know, it's not really hard anymore from a sales standpoint.

21:55 - Its real money that these business owners are saving. And listen, I've saved businesses just in rate reduction—over $10,000 a month—and fees, you know, it's businesses. A lot of businesses just don't look at this stuff, and they don't have clarity around it. And so it's real; it's a real number. It's a real line item. Businesses are paying a lot in credit card fees, and it's something we can really help them with.

24:05 - We give our business owners credit for those gifts because, without their processing on our platform, we wouldn't be able to give them. And so we want our business owners to have credit for that. So through social media and through everything we do, we thank our businesses. We push the business owners to say, "Hey, because they process it with Pay Proudly, we're able to do this." Without them, we wouldn't be able to do it. So, we love it. It's who we are. We're always going to do it. And we're just going to keep giving, and hopefully we get more and more because we're going to sign more and more accounts.

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