Journey To Mastery

Elzie D. Flenard III

Welcome to The Journey to Mastery, the go-to podcast for High-Octane, High-Impact Entrepreneurs. This is your resource for actionable strategies and insights to master your-self so you can master your purpose. We focus on creating clarity, boosting performance, and fostering a vibrant community of like-minded entrepreneurs. read less
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473: Mastering the Art of Influence: How Strategic Storytelling Shapes Leaders
6d ago
473: Mastering the Art of Influence: How Strategic Storytelling Shapes Leaders
Storytelling has the power to transform your communication and leadership. Cesar Castro, a renowned expert in strategic storytelling, shares invaluable insights and practical tips to elevate your narrative skills, ensuring your stories resonate and inspire!🌟 Here are 3 Key Takeaways:1️⃣ The COSA Framework for Storytelling: Master the art of crafting compelling stories with Cesar's COSA model: Context, Obstacle, Solution, and Application. This simple yet powerful method ensures your stories connect deeply with your audience, engaging their emotions and conveying your message effectively. 🎯2️⃣ Embrace Vulnerability for Impact: Genuine stories resonate the most. Cesar emphasizes the importance of showing vulnerability in your narrative to create authenticity and trust. Sharing your challenges humanely invites engagement and builds a stronger connection with your audience. ❤️3️⃣ Consistent Practice Leads to Mastery: Like any skill, storytelling prowess comes from practice. Cesar encourages aspiring storytellers to keep crafting and narrating their stories, as repetition will refine and perfect your ability to captivate and influence your listeners. 🔄Tune in and transform your communicative approach with the power of strategic storytelling, guided by Cesar Castro's expert insights!Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityConnect with Cesar WebsiteLinkedInPodcastMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
472: Unraveling Mastery in Life and Business: A Real Estate Mogul's Journey
Jun 3 2024
472: Unraveling Mastery in Life and Business: A Real Estate Mogul's Journey
Drew McWilliams opens up about mastering key facets of life—from his roles as a parent and husband to spearheading the growth of a top-tier preschool franchise. Join us as he talks about the catalysts, challenges, and triumphs on his path to career and personal fulfillment.🌟 Here are 3 Key Takeaways:1️⃣ Intentional Family Interactions: Drew highlights the importance of being present and actively engaging in his children's learning, particularly about entrepreneurship and critical problem-solving. Such interactions not only foster a nurturing home environment but also set a strong foundation for the children's future success. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦2️⃣ Mastery as a Continuous Journey: Whether it's personal development or professional expertise, mastery is not a destination but a journey. Drew shares his ongoing venture into mastering real estate and his educational efforts through Starting Point Capital, underscoring the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. 🔄3️⃣ Strategic Investment in Education: Drew offers actionable advice for aspiring real estate investors, emphasizing the need for proper education in the field. Take advantage of his free resources to enhance your understanding and gain insights into effective investment strategies. 📘💡Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityContact Drew LinkedInIvybrook Academy WebsiteStarting Point Capital Website Mentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
471: Harmony Over Balance: Marie Hunter's Path to Entrepreneurial Success
May 30 2024
471: Harmony Over Balance: Marie Hunter's Path to Entrepreneurial Success
In this compelling solo episode, Marie Hunter dives deep into her personal journey from a performing arts background to becoming a successful entrepreneur in the petroleum industry. Through candid reflections and actionable insights, Marie illustrates how connectivity, harmony, and movement have fueled her unique entrepreneurial path.🌟 Here are 3 Key Takeaways:1️⃣ Connectivity is Key: Leveraging her background in dance and film, Marie emphasizes the power of forming genuine connections. Whether through building relationships in business or linking with your target audience, connectivity is a foundational strength. 🌐2️⃣ Embrace Harmony, Not Balance: Marie challenges the idea of work-life balance, advocating instead for harmony. By explaining her intense focus on work during peak times and compensating with quality family moments, she shares her holistic approach to a fulfilling life. 🕊️3️⃣ Movement as Stress Management: Marie reveals how physical movement, be it through exercise, dance, or outdoor activities, serves as her primary stress-relief and self-mastery technique. This movement helps shift energy, clear the mind, and prepare for new challenges. 🏃‍♀️Don't miss this episode if you're looking for fresh perspectives on entrepreneurship, personal growth, and finding harmony in both life and business! 🌟Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityConnect with MarieWebsiteLinkedInMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
470:  Navigating the Darkness: Marie Hunter on Cultivating Success in Entrepreneurship & Environmental Impact
May 27 2024
470: Navigating the Darkness: Marie Hunter on Cultivating Success in Entrepreneurship & Environmental Impact
Join us this week as our remarkable guest, Marie Hunter, an accomplished entrepreneur in the petroleum business, shares her transformative journey and the lessons learned along the way. From mastering problem-solving to nurturing essential communication skills, Marie's insights are invaluable for anyone looking to thrive in business and life.🌟 Here are 3 Key Takeaways:1️⃣ Embrace the Growth in Darkness: Marie Hunter shares a powerful analogy about being planted in darkness, much like a seed, to inspire listeners facing challenges in life or business. She underscores the importance of nurturing oneself to bloom into success, mirroring the growth of a seed into a beautiful tree. 🌳2️⃣ Master Communication & Problem-Solving: Learning how to effectively communicate with different customer types and solve problems swiftly is essential, according to Hunter. She discusses mastering these skills to maintain a thriving business environment and adapt to various challenges that arise. 👥3️⃣ Environmental Consciousness in Business: Hunter elaborates on her new venture, Beautifuel, and its focus on creating a positive impact through environmental initiatives, underscoring the role of businesses in contributing to global well-being. She highlights tree planting efforts in Thailand, the Philippines, and Ghana as part of their mission. 🌍Don't miss this empowering discussion that could change how you see your business struggles and successes!Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityConnect with MarieWebsiteLinkedInInstagramMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
468: Unmasking the Myths of Sales Mastery: Discover Your Path to Success with Dr. Nadia Brown
May 20 2024
468: Unmasking the Myths of Sales Mastery: Discover Your Path to Success with Dr. Nadia Brown
Would you like to increase your business growth and transform your sales approach? Join Dr. Nadia Brown, renowned sales coach and strategist, as she shares her expertise on the latest episode of Journey to Mastery podcast hosted by Elzie Flenard. 🎧 Explore the secrets of mastering sales, embracing your unique selling style, and building lasting relationships.🌟 Here are 3 Key Takeaways:1️⃣ Embrace Your Unique Sales Style: Not everyone is cut out to be a slick, fast-talking salesperson. Understanding and accepting your own style can enhance how you connect with potential clients, making your interactions more genuine and effective. 🤝2️⃣ The Power of Silence in Sales: After you've presented the investment, stay quiet! This technique gives your prospective clients the space to think and respond, which can lead to more positive outcomes in your sales conversations. 🤫3️⃣ Self-Care is Crucial: Entrepreneurs often push their limits, but Nadia stresses the importance of self-care. Regular workouts, scheduling downtime, and even enlisting help for daily tasks are critical to maintaining your well-being while managing a hectic business schedule. 🌱Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityConnect with NadiaWebsiteLinkedInPodcastMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
467: Success Without Sacrifice: Jim Manning's Journey to Balance and Business Mastery
May 16 2024
467: Success Without Sacrifice: Jim Manning's Journey to Balance and Business Mastery
What does true success look like? In this episode, real estate mogul Jim Manning shares how he manages five businesses and excels as a dad, all while staying grounded in faith and gratitude. Learn his secrets to balancing personal life with entrepreneurial ambitions. 🌟🏠🌟 **Here are 3 Key Takeaways:**1️⃣ **Success Measured by Sacrifice**: Jim emphasizes that true success is gauged by what you give up to achieve it. He contrasts his own fulfilling life with the loneliness of a billionaire mentor who lost everything that mattered. 🌟💼2️⃣ **Harnessing Failures as Lessons**: Jim recounts his numerous setbacks and stresses the importance of viewing failures as lessons rather than defeats. This mindset has been pivotal in his journey from struggling deals to owning five thriving businesses. 📉➡️📈3️⃣ **Balancing Business with Personal Life**: Jim offers practical advice for maintaining equilibrium between work and home life. He integrates his entrepreneurial approach into personal goals, ensuring he remains a present father and husband while growing his ventures. ⚖️🏡Don't miss this inspiring episode filled with actionable insights and heartfelt experiences!🎧 Listen now and unlock the secrets to a balanced, successful life! 🎧Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityContact Jim ManningLinkedInWebsiteMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
465: Mastering Balance: Learning Life and Business Harmony
May 9 2024
465: Mastering Balance: Learning Life and Business Harmony
🎙️ Mastering Balance: Learning Life and Business Harmony 🎙️🌟 Discover how successful entrepreneur Logan Hughes juggles work-life balance, harnesses personal setbacks for growth, and continuously evolves in both personal and professional spheres. Tune in for an inspiring deep dive into mastering the delicate art of balance! 💼👨‍👩‍👦🌟 Here are 3 Key Takeaways:1️⃣ Embrace Structured Flexibility: Logan stresses the importance of a structured daily schedule to enhance productivity in business, while also advocating for a flexible transition period that aids in seamlessly shifting from work to family life. Learn to manage time effectively to maintain balance! ⏱️🏡2️⃣ Cultivate Resilience Through Challenges: Facing a challenging health scare with his family, Logan adopted a day-by-day approach, emphasizing the power of staying present and tackling challenges as they come. His story teaches us the importance of resilience in the face of uncertainty. 🌍💪3️⃣ Continuous Self-Improvement: From quitting a collegiate sports team to becoming a confident entrepreneur, Logan’s journey highlights the significance of never settling and continuously striving for personal and professional growth through learning and adaptation. 🚀📈Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
458: The R.I.C.H Method for Living
Apr 1 2024
458: The R.I.C.H Method for Living
Felicia reveals the pivotal moment when she heard the voice of God telling her to shutdown her successful business, leading her to redefine what it means to be successful and live a rich life through what she calls the "rich method for living".Episode Highlights08:27 - Understanding Fulfillment Beyond Success: "But sometimes the results that we think we want are not conducive for the life that we think we wanna live."10:57 - Finding Balance in Success and Personal Life: "Women were healing in places they didn't know they were broken, and now they're finding a way to love their business again. They're finding a way to love their life again."15:09 - Internal Metrics for Success: "Until you see yourself as successful already, you're always gonna be chasing something else."21:36 - The Importance of Relationships and Personal Growth: "But what do your relationships look like? Who makes you thrive? Who drains you? What is your relationship like with your creator? Where's your foundation? Because your relationships are what carry you through moments of success when you wanna call that person who's not gonna roll their eyes as something amazing you did. Also, when things go wrong, those relationships are gonna carry you and hug you and say, friend, it's gonna be fine."Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityContact Felicia KellyLinkedInWebsiteMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
456: Navigating the E-Commerce Boom with Ken Burke
Mar 25 2024
456: Navigating the E-Commerce Boom with Ken Burke
Elzie gets into the nitty-gritty of e-commerce and e-learning with Ken Burke, an esteemed entrepreneur who took his online commerce company to generate $2 billion in annual revenue. Ken shares his transition into leveraging AI in his microcasting platform, his dedication to curating seamless courses, and his withstanding belief in the significance of specializing in the early stages of entrepreneurship. This is a master class in focus, riding the wave of emerging trends, and the critical importance of sales and marketing.Episode Highlights:16:14 - When I talk about land and expanding, I focus on one market, on selling one set of feature sets, and on one message, right? So here's what I want to make sure of, there's another one of my sayings. When you try to talk to everyone, you talk to no one because your message doesn't resonate.18:54 - When the engine is starting to work, you, as the entrepreneur, don't need to attend to the engine every day. That's when, you know, you can actually move on to something else. You can either broaden your product, or you're going to naturally broaden your product or service offering.26:30 - So, by having that thought leadership position and having the ability to educate on an ongoing basis using webinars, which is in the olden days, that's what you used to do. Now we do it through e-learning. And so, all I'm doing is bringing that level of engagement that I had with my prospects, partners, and customers to light in a system that actually works, and you can just plug content in, and it does everything else for you. Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityContact Ken BurkeLinkedInWebsiteMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
455: Growing Your Business By Mastering Merchandising with Amanda Hofman
Mar 18 2024
455: Growing Your Business By Mastering Merchandising with Amanda Hofman
Elzie chats with Amanda Hofman, CEO and Co-Founder of Go To Market, a woman-owned business looking to revolutionize the way the world handles swag. Amanda takes us on a journey through her challenging entrepreneurial experiences, from running an events company in New York City to delving into the kid's toy industry. Amanda emphasizes the value of learning from past mistakes, seeking honest feedback, and the value of networking in an entrepreneur’s journey and gives us a sneak peek into the company's future, including exciting growth plans and staying competitive. Episode Highlights:08:19 - I think that's something that people miss, like people really do want to help each other. And so, if you're clear about asking for help, I think you'll find that a lot of people will outstretch, you know, put their hand out to you. Especially if you do it in a respectful way and you're not asking for too much time, but just to say, Hey, I'm really interested in getting into this industry, or I'm having trouble breaking into this industry, or I have questions about the kind of job you do. First of all, people love talking about themselves, and people like being helpful. So, if you're bold enough to ask, you might, you know, what's the harm in asking? As long as you can get the courage to do it.09:39 - I think that the main thing that I can tell people is to be open to and seek out negative feedback. So, like, you hear all the time from people like, "Oh, ignore the haters." You know, don't read the negative comments, and yeah, you don't want to hear what every Joe Schmo has to say about your business, but your friends are going to be an echo chamber for you, and people who love you are going to be an echo chamber for you. So, I looked out, and I was like, What am I doing wrong? What could I be doing better? And I would really reward people who would be honest with me.20:12 - My dream is that companies all across the country will, like, let's completely do away with boring, unsustainable merchandise. It's a real lose-lose for companies. They're spending all of this money to print their logo on something that people don't want, then they gift it, and then people have garbage from this company. And it's really like an expensive, junk-filled, time-consuming, negative process.Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityContact Amanda HofmanLinkedInMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town
454: Scaling the High Notes of Leadership with Susan Drumm
Mar 13 2024
454: Scaling the High Notes of Leadership with Susan Drumm
Elzie sits down with the multi-talented Susan Drumm, a widely respected entrepreneur and leadership expert. Susan has revolutionized a decade-old program, transforming it into a model that empowers anyone to foster better teamwork. Explore her journey from Harvard Law, consulting, acting, and her unique blend of music and neuroscience in leadership outlined in her book, "The Leader's Playlist". Get a glimpse into her 17-year journey with Meritage Leadership, the hurdles of entrepreneurship, and the balancing act of scaling a business. Susan also introduces the Enneagram tool, which reveals the essentially of recognizing and addressing blind spots for effective leadership. This episode is an enriching exploration of leadership, personal growth, and the transformative power of music. Tune in now!Episode Highlights:09:12 - I think I'm going to bring something that you probably never heard, which is related to how music can actually help you be a better leader and a better human. So what do I mean by that? Well, I wrote this book called The Leader's Playlist, and it's about how to unleash the power of music and neuroscience to transform your leadership and your life. And essentially, it looks at the power that music has to help us form new neural pathways in the brain. It's basically how we learn more quickly and efficiently. So, everything's faster when you kind of embed it with music, but it has an important component to it, which is the fact that I think my superpower is pattern recognition. That's what I've been coaching.10:18 - And what I noticed in those patterns is that a lot of that has to do with what happened to them in their childhood. And what happened to you in your childhood, meaning whatever challenges you had or traumas, more specifically, or just wounds. We've all been wounded in some way, that influence and help us create a superpower, and so that superpower is what you want to leverage, but it also comes with a liability.24:26 - It's going to be hard for you to get to the next level. And so in this book, I both articulate why what happens to your childhood shows up in your leadership today and also how music can actually interrupt this pattern and help you create a new path forward when you pair it with music.Connect with Elzie LinkedInSupport the journeyLaunch OR re-launch your podcastJoin the JTM CommunityContact Susan DrummLinkedInWebsiteThe Leader's Playlist BookMentioned in this episode:Podcast TownCheck out our services for your B2B brand! Grow With Podcast Town