Story Time | Choose Your Struggles Wisely

The Winners News Radio Network | Your Hosts Mike and David Husson

Jun 28 2022 • 14 mins

"People really are afraid to find out just how much hardship and poverty they can stand. They are afraid to find out how tough they are.” —  William Faulkner

Believe You Can! Today...This week...This quarter...This year...The rest of your lives... CHOOSE YOUR STRUGGLES WISELY! When I read the following last night written by Gary Ryan Blair a great thought leader and writer... I wanted to share this... not just because asked me to pay this forward...but... Because it reminded me and I hope you... ...that without struggles, challenges, he wrote... will never know what you are capable of in your life and business!

Listen in on today's message... Choose Your Struggles Wisely

Now, make it a great day!
