The Winners News Radio Network | Your Hosts Mike and David Husson

Coaches Mike and David Husson

Raw, real, relevant personal and business growth strategies from you and other great thought leaders and entrepreneurs. read less


Not Such Bright Idea…Be Careful!
4d ago
Not Such Bright Idea…Be Careful!
Believe You Can! The 90-Day Mono-Maniacs  It's basic: “Perform or you're out!" More than ever before... ...demands of our time, attention...from our families, clients, competition, pain in the arse coaches, policy changes, emails (no these), phones, apps, cats, social media, likes, comments, Gary Vee telling us to post 133 x a day, dogs, spider webs, and lizards...are at an all-time high.  These are glaring examples... ... of the overwhelming number of excuses we can devise that keep us from taking actions to 'consistently' move our businesses forward. Call them ... "Shiny Objects" Back in the horse and carriage days...those little 'shiny devils' were only available at a jewelry store.  Now?  They are everywhere there's a vacant piece of property... ...and that vacant piece of property is between two ears...our mind! Our mind ... is so vast and powerful... that it came up with the idea of "AI". It is the largest piece of land in the world if not the universe. It can think, see, visualize in color and black and white, decide, contemplate, think scarcity or abundance... Simply said ... it rivals the 'most' powerful technologies ... with one exception... "Speed" ... if "AI" has taught us one thing... that whatever the mind of man can is there for the taking. Given time...which for humans is scarce... we do can as well as "AI"...  But... who has the time? Delegate that crap out!  Let someone else do it.  Let "AI" do it...and for 20 bucks a month... 24/7/365... that's 8760 #1's at McDonald's at a savings of $175,000!  The "shiny objects" ... are there for the taking... ...they are the excuse most use to avoid behaviors critical to growth... ...and they are the most expensive part of any business. Why?  Because it keeps us from 'doing' at least one thing ... at a time...that if done consistently over time...will create more than anyone could imagine. AL Williams...founder of AL Williams Insurance and what we know today as Primerica...famously said... "Just do it!" When you don't want to call ... "Just do it!" When an excuse shows up..."Just do it!" When you need to post... "Just do it!" When you get rejected..."Just do it...again!" When you make a sale... "Just do it...again, and again, and again!" Get it? "Just do it!"  When now, for you, would be a good time to "Just do it!"?  If you "Just do it!" ... and remove the 'shiny objects excuses' ... can choose any jewelry store you want! "Hey, Google...find me the best jewelry store near me."  What are you willing to do?  What choice will you make?  When will you begin? Thanks and make it count today, Mike & David PS. Please pay this forward to a friend, family member, colleague, and of course, your business clients. PPS. Never forget: If you do what most of your competitors are NOT willing to'll be able to do what most competitors won't be able to do...and that's having a thriving, profitable, long-term, and truly enjoyable business! PPPS. “The Fundamentals” - Like anything great worth achieving, there’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. We all would like to start as masters, but let the truth be known, it takes some simple yet powerful steps, the commitment to understand those steps, and “real work” to become all you want.    PPPPS. Don't let the overwhelm of marketing get in your way of building a thriving business...take your marketing and exposure skills to the next level, both offline and online, and if you're up to a 5-day challenge... go to PPPPPS.  "Money is like oxygen... we can't live without it." Zig Ziglar - If you or you know someone looking for an additional income stream...we are looking for Referral Partners for our business capital division. We do alternative lending from start-up capital, lines of credit, and equipment finance to real estate investor loans for fix and flips or hard money.  We are nationwide and the process is seamless and typically fast... just refer, go...and earn.  Reply: "money partners" or call 954-256-1022 and let's chat.
High Performancce Marketing and Sales S1E1
1w ago
High Performancce Marketing and Sales S1E1
The 90-Day Mono-Maniacs  It's basic: “Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have.” Zig Ziglar   Have you ever wondered... Why are some people more successful than others? What separates the top performers from the average ones... How do top performers do more and earn more when they are... ... marketing and selling to the same people, in the same markets, under the same economic conditions? Let's be blunt... How do they outperform EVERYONE ELSE? These questions have been studied for many years. Thousands of books have been written and an equal amount of training programs have been developed on the subjects of high-performance marketing and sales.   From our businesses to Fortune 500 companies and everything in between... Tens of thousands of marketing efforts and sales calls have been carefully monitored to identify top salespeople's key traits, qualities, and behaviors in every industry. As we know it... marketing and sales is one of the oldest professions ...  ...short of people never buying another product or service... is our belief...even with the advent of technology and AI... ...the SKILL of marketing and selling will remain with us forever.   Having high-performance marketing & consultative selling skills ... the difference that makes the difference! Over the next several messages... ...we'll dig deep into this forgotten yet one of the most valuable assets any business owner, entrepreneur, and online and offline marketer can have... is the skill and ability to be A High-Performance Marketing and Sales Professional. ...and yes... we know that you would rather have it ALL DFY ... with a check delivered and let the AI machine and tech do the work so you don't have to...  Yeppers... we all would love that!   ....and yes... tech can leverage the heck out of us... ...but it will not replace the belly-to-belly connections that keep us thriving mentally and emotionally as humans.   Now... you may think we're in this... fantasy, horse-and-carriage land way of thinking... but that's our reality and you may want to consider it as well.   So... what does it all mean?  If you want the winner's edge to stay ahead then stay tuned... Because we have the magic wand that will give you that edge...if you want it! If you don't want to finally figure it out... then at the very least remember this: Small differences (the edge) in one's skills and abilities can lead to large differences in results and higher levels of self-esteem. What are you willing to do?  What choice will you make?  When will you begin? Thanks and make it count today, Mike & David PS. Please pay this forward to a friend, family member, colleague, and of course, your business clients. PPS. Never forget: If you do what most of your competitors are NOT willing to'll be able to do what most competitors won't be able to do...and that's having a thriving, profitable, long-term, and truly enjoyable business! PPPS. “The Fundamentals” - Like anything great worth achieving, there’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. We all would like to start as masters, but let the truth be known, it takes some simple yet powerful steps, the commitment to understand those steps, and “real work” to become all you want.    PPPPS. Don't let the overwhelm of marketing get in your way of building a thriving business...take your marketing and exposure skills to the next level, both offline and online, and if you're up to a 5-day challenge... to learn more go to... There's more at
Winners Workshop: 10 Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople Workshop
May 2 2024
Winners Workshop: 10 Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople Workshop
Winners are always asking: Where did they come from? When did they start? What do they do? How do they do it? Why do they do it that way? Who are they? They are the envy of their peers. Their competition fears them. They are some of the highest-paid individuals in the world today... They are Top Performing Salespeople!  Listen in today's world...for as painful is may seem or sound... we have to face the truth! ...and the truth is this:  You either join the ranks of the top salespeople or... ...step aside because you won't win unless you have the skills you'll learn today to compete against them! We know...that's a big promise.. but we've taught this workshop to thousands of companies and individuals... from the Mom and Pop to Fortune 25 Companies... to Tony Robbins, Les Brown, and Brian Tracy. Whether riding around in a horse and carriage carrying a beeper doing belly-to-belly sales or you're online up against millions of competitors promoting yourself...  These principles remain the foundation of success for anyone at any time! So... listen to the workshop, take notes, ask" 'what can I improve on?', and take massive actions with what you learned to WIN at the highest levels.   They are can you! Best,  Mike and David p.s. Follow us for new recordings, pay this forward, and If you have a question... reach out to us. Mike and David Husson E3 Digital Partners & Affiliates Engage | Educate | Empower Phone: 754-600-9232 email: