Key Funding Strategies for Web3 Projects

The Startup Voyage - Web3 Business Growth

Dec 4 2023 • 54 mins


In this episode, Alexander Piskunov, a partner at a renowned special situations fund, shares his insights into the world of venture capital and deep tech startups. He discusses his journey into investing and his recent exposure to the Web3 space. Alexander highlights the funding trends and challenges in the Web3 landscape, particularly in Southeast Asia. He provides advice for startups on factors to consider when seeking investment and emphasizes the importance of commercialization. Alexander also discusses the role of technology in changing the fundraising scene for Web3 startups in the next five years. In this episode, Alexander Piskunov shares valuable insights on building a successful startup. The conversation covers the importance of market research, building a strong team, product development and iteration, funding and investor relations, and setting long-term goals.


  • Focus on commercialization, especially in developed markets, to attract investors
  • Consider the regional differences and investor preferences when seeking funding
  • Prioritize warm introductions and due diligence on potential investors
  • Avoid chasing high valuations and focus on strategic alignment with investors
  • Expect more funding options for Web3 startups in emerging markets in the future Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience and competition.
  • Build a strong team with complementary skills and a shared vision.
  • Iterate and improve your product based on user feedback and market trends.
  • Develop relationships with investors and communicate your long-term goals effectively.

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The Startup Journey podcast is dedicated to spotlighting the journeys and insights of tech founders and investors shaping Web3. Guests of The Startup Voyage podcast join a world of industry leaders, startup visionaries, and seasoned investors who share valuable lessons, stories, and advice to inspire and empower a global community of tech founders.​

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