Negotiator!!! How To Ace Your Next Job Interview Ep39 TIG

The Idiots Guide

Mar 29 2024 • 53 mins

Ever wondered if the secret to acing your next job interview could be nestled within the tactics of FBI negotiators? That's precisely what Joe Haslam and I, Adam Richardson, explore in our latest episode. We kick off a dynamic discussion on how to employ active listening, empathy, rapport, influence, and behavioral change – tactics straight out of the FBI playbook – when you're in the hot seat, facing potential employers. Through vivid anecdotes and advice grounded in experience, we pull back the curtain on the strategic dance of truthfully presenting your best self, avoiding the pitfalls of resume inflation, and staying composed even when the stakes feel sky-high.

Do your palms sweat at the thought of choosing the perfect interview attire or nailing the perfect handshake? Fear not. Our conversation shifts to the nuances of making a stellar first impression, discussing everything from the ideal time to schedule an interview to the subtleties of non-verbal communication. I share personal missteps and successes, like the time my pinstripe suit sent the wrong message, to help you tailor your appearance and demeanor with precision. We wrap up with a rundown of a foolproof pre-interview checklist and the art of respectful and empathetic engagement with your interviewer, ensuring you walk into that room equipped for success.

Finally, we hone in on the meticulous preparation techniques that can set you apart from the rest. Joe and I dissect the importance of anticipating questions, the impact of a well-placed resume in an interviewer's hands, and the noble art of honest self-assessment when discussing your skills and limitations. By exuding authenticity and respect throughout the process, we discuss how you can prompt a behavioral change in your interviewer, turning the tables in your favor. If you've ever wondered how to leave a lasting, positive impression that could very well lead to your next job offer, this is the episode you won't want to miss. Join us for insights that could unlock doors in your career you never even knew existed.