The Idiots Guide


Sometimes it's about "ADULTING" enough for the day, and other times it's about Keeping a job, Feeding the family, Educating the kids, and Buying the stuff.
Most of us were taught how to read, write, and math good.
But never taught how to file taxes, change a tire, or cook a meal.
How in the world have we survived?
Well, have no fear, the Idiots are here to guide you.
We don't know much more about all the stuff but we might be just a little further down the road than you.
Make no mistake, most of our advice is more like don't try this at home.
Hope it helps!

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Kids & FamilyKids & Family


ASMR: Sensory Comfort & Discomfort
May 3 2024
ASMR: Sensory Comfort & Discomfort
Ever been tickled by a whisper or soothed to sleep by the sound of rain? Joe and I, Adam, have ventured into the subdued landscape of ASMR to examine its captivating power to relax and intrigue the senses. Our latest episode takes you through a series of sensory experiments, from the gentle combing of a beard to the subtle mix of colors, all while uncovering the science behind why certain sights and sounds can trigger deep relaxation or, for some, a case of the cringes. We also share personal anecdotes and a splash of humor, offering a peek into the various ways people, including those in the autistic community, respond to the peculiar world of ASMR.Have you ever wondered if your brain could be trained to find peace in the mundane? Join us as we discuss the nature of ASMR and its resemblance to brain training techniques that aim to induce tranquility. We explore whether this phenomenon is rooted in biology or conditioned through experience, and we entertain the idea with recent studies that probe into our brains' response to ASMR. From the mystery of chill-inducing whispers to finding your personal zen object, we navigate through the complexities of sensory experiences and ponder their effects on our neurological makeup.Wrapping up our auditory adventure, we delve into the challenges faced by individuals with autism when confronted with sensory overload, drawing parallels with the cacophony of displeasing ASMR sounds. But it's not all soothing whispers and brainwaves! We lighten the mood with tales of gift-giving espionage and the art of 'gift hacking,' sharing laughs over clever strategies for uncovering the perfect present. So, whether you're an ASMR aficionado or simply looking for a unique take on the sensory quirks of the human brain, plug in and let's decode the enigmatic symphony of triggers that make ASMR a true auditory delight.
Flat Earthers: Being Reasonable, Let's Talk!
Apr 26 2024
Flat Earthers: Being Reasonable, Let's Talk!
Discover the unexpected virtue of patience and the transformative power of civil discourse with myself and my co-host Joe Haslam, as we navigate the tumultuous waters of flat earth theories and their broader implications. This episode is more than a mere scientific critique; it's an exploration of how we react and interact with ideas that stand in stark contrast to our own. We bring historical cases to the fore, like Alfred Wegener's continental drift, to instill a sense of humility and openness that may seem counterintuitive but is essential for growth and understanding in any debate.Embark on a journey where we confront the darker side of discourse—hate and intolerance—through the lens of flat earth skepticism and beyond. We strip away the animosity often found in such contentions to reveal a core lesson: the value of admitting when we don't hold all the answers. Along with Joe, we dive into the role pride plays in stifling constructive conversation, whether it's in scientific circles or the political sphere, and how embracing humility can be a beacon of strength. Our dialogue weaves through the intricacies of social interaction and the human penchant for confirmation, reminding us that fostering respectful engagement is a potent tool for personal and communal advancement.As we wrap up this episode, we reflect on the personal narratives that have shaped our perspectives on engaging with contrasting beliefs. From friendships strengthened by respectful disagreement to the societal shifts seen in political allegiances, we unpack the power of civil discourse in shaping our world. And to continue this riveting conversation beyond the podcast, we invite you to subscribe and become part of our community. Your valuable insights and diverse perspectives are what make this journey so enriching, and we thank you, our listeners, for your unwavering support and engagement.
GREED: It's Killing Capitalism
Apr 19 2024
GREED: It's Killing Capitalism
Embark with us on an explorative voyage across the entrepreneurial seas, where Joe and I lift the veil on the often staggering costs of starting your own business. We tear down the barriers to entry, from the unforeseen expenses of bookkeeping and licensing to the financial leaps needed for scalable growth. As a seasoned self-employed adventurer, I'll share the candid realities of flexible work against the financial giants aspiring entrepreneurs must slay. We navigate through the hidden costs and licenses that loom over new ventures and the value – or lack thereof – that these investments bring as your business expands.Join us as we scrutinize the fine line between capitalism driven by greed and the kind that genuinely enriches consumers' lives. Fueled by the actions of figures like Grant Cardone and Robert Kiyosaki, our discussion sets sail towards the ideal of responsible capitalism, showcasing the positive societal ripples from models such as Free Water. We celebrate the power of advertising-supported essentials and responsible corporate practices that not only support environmental and social causes but also pave the way for sustainable business success.We wrap up our episode not just with financial insights, but with life hacks, like how a touch of colorful nail polish can transform your jumbled keyring into an organized delight. More than just a podcast, we're building a community where your stories and experiences are the compass guiding our journey. So grab your map, check your shoes, and join us in the laughter and learning that comes with navigating the unpredictable waters of life and business. Together, let's chart new courses and discover the treasures of entrepreneurship!
The Realities of Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality - What's Better and Why? Ep41 TIG
Apr 12 2024
The Realities of Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality - What's Better and Why? Ep41 TIG
Ever found yourself laughing as you watch a teenager navigate a virtual landscape, while simultaneously tripping over the dog in the living room? That's where Joe Haslam and I, Adam Richardson, begin our exploration into the captivating yet complex world of virtual and augmented reality. We share candid moments and dive into how these technologies are altering our daily routines, the educational landscape, and even the way we exercise. From the safety concerns that come with immersive gaming to the potential of virtual classrooms and fitness apps, we cover it all with a mix of humor and insight.Imagine a world where your workout transcends the four walls of the gym, and language learning transports you to a bustling virtual marketplace. In this episode, Joe and I ponder the vast potential of VR and AR in revolutionizing the way we learn and interact. We take a practical turn too, discussing life hacks like the photographic contract for borrowed items—yes, you'll want to hear about this one. And we don't shy away from the importance of moderation in screen time, acknowledging the value of games that stimulate more than just our thumbs.So, grab your headset (or maybe just your headphones for now) and join us for a journey that promises to be as educational as it is entertaining. We wrap up with a call to engage, laugh, and keep that spark of curiosity alive. Remember, life's too short not to chuckle at the thought of someone wearing a VR headset on a crowded bus. Tune in, learn something new, and don't forget to like and subscribe for more episodes that marry the lighter side of tech with its profound impact on our world.
Tax Pro!!! - Beginners Guide To Getting Your Taxes Done            Ep40 TIG
Apr 5 2024
Tax Pro!!! - Beginners Guide To Getting Your Taxes Done Ep40 TIG
Unlock the mysteries of tax filing with a beginner's guide that's anything but taxing! Navigating the maze of income streams and deductions is a breeze with financial guru Joe Haslam's six vital steps. We tackle the nitty-gritty, from income tracking to beating those deadlines, and arm you with the know-how to distinguish tax credits from deductions. It's not just about numbers; it's about gaining the confidence to handle your finances or knowing when to call in the cavalry of tax professionals.Where do 1099 contractors fit in the tax puzzle? This episode is a treasure trove of insights for the self-employed, shedding light on Schedule C forms and the art of business expense deductions. We discuss the landscape shift towards standard deductions and demystify forms like the 1099 NEC. And, we've got a plot twist—did you know that home office deductions aren't as perplexing as they seem? Whether you're a gig economy old-timer or a fresh freelancer, this is your primer for financial finesse come tax time.As the curtain falls on our tax talk, we share a quirky yet effective solution to the cable chaos in your life (yes, toilet paper rolls can be game-changers!). But the heart of our episode lies in the importance of financial responsibility, with Hollywood tax blunders serving as cautionary tales. Together, we're building a community that values meaningful content, so subscribe and join our mission for advice and anecdotes that make tax season less taxing and much more enjoyable.
Negotiator!!! How To Ace Your Next Job Interview Ep39 TIG
Mar 29 2024
Negotiator!!! How To Ace Your Next Job Interview Ep39 TIG
Ever wondered if the secret to acing your next job interview could be nestled within the tactics of FBI negotiators? That's precisely what Joe Haslam and I, Adam Richardson, explore in our latest episode. We kick off a dynamic discussion on how to employ active listening, empathy, rapport, influence, and behavioral change – tactics straight out of the FBI playbook – when you're in the hot seat, facing potential employers. Through vivid anecdotes and advice grounded in experience, we pull back the curtain on the strategic dance of truthfully presenting your best self, avoiding the pitfalls of resume inflation, and staying composed even when the stakes feel sky-high.Do your palms sweat at the thought of choosing the perfect interview attire or nailing the perfect handshake? Fear not. Our conversation shifts to the nuances of making a stellar first impression, discussing everything from the ideal time to schedule an interview to the subtleties of non-verbal communication. I share personal missteps and successes, like the time my pinstripe suit sent the wrong message, to help you tailor your appearance and demeanor with precision. We wrap up with a rundown of a foolproof pre-interview checklist and the art of respectful and empathetic engagement with your interviewer, ensuring you walk into that room equipped for success.Finally, we hone in on the meticulous preparation techniques that can set you apart from the rest. Joe and I dissect the importance of anticipating questions, the impact of a well-placed resume in an interviewer's hands, and the noble art of honest self-assessment when discussing your skills and limitations. By exuding authenticity and respect throughout the process, we discuss how you can prompt a behavioral change in your interviewer, turning the tables in your favor. If you've ever wondered how to leave a lasting, positive impression that could very well lead to your next job offer, this is the episode you won't want to miss. Join us for insights that could unlock doors in your career you never even knew existed.
How to Talk Like a Tier One Negotiator in Your Own Living Room!!! Ep38 TIG
Mar 22 2024
How to Talk Like a Tier One Negotiator in Your Own Living Room!!! Ep38 TIG
Ever wondered how FBI negotiation tactics could turn your parenting woes into wins? Strap in as we reveal the secret five-step strategy that can revolutionize the way you communicate with your kids. You'll discover how active listening, empathy, and rapport aren't just for defusing crises—they're tools to forge stronger bonds and foster peaceful, effective communication at home. From personal parenting tales to the transformation of traditional power dynamics, we're peeling back the curtain on the art of the deal—parent edition.But why stop at parenting? We've got the lowdown on enhancing your communication skills across all walks of life. Imagine mastering the power of strategic pauses or mirroring to build trust and engagement, all while hearing how a Great Dane's first encounter with a new kitten teaches us about our natural instincts to connect. It's about tapping into the subtle conversational techniques that can make or break relationships, whether you're negotiating with a toddler or a CEO.To cap it off, we're getting real about the health and fitness journey—beyond the marketing hype and into the heart of our own trials and triumphs. We're swapping out fitness fads for a Mediterranean diet, cheering on increases in daily activity, and yes, even tackling emotional eating head-on. Join us as we laugh and struggle through the commitment to a healthier lifestyle, and don't forget to share your own stories in the comments. It's all about embracing growth, understanding, and connection—so hit play and let's embark on this adventure together.
Teen Talks: Negotiator Tactics For Parents vs. Teens Ep37 TIG
Mar 15 2024
Teen Talks: Negotiator Tactics For Parents vs. Teens Ep37 TIG
Ever found yourself locked in a verbal tug-of-war with a teenager over something as simple as podcast preferences? Joe Haslam and I, Adam Richardson, did just that, sparking a conversation about the art of communication with our often-misunderstood teens. This episode is an invitation to parents and guardians to step into the shoes of a parenting coach, equipped with listening skills and a safe space for every topic under the sun. We get personal as we share stories from our own parenting trenches, offering insights into how we can all become more effective communicators and create stronger family bonds.Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of the teenage years can feel like deciphering an ancient language, but Joe and I lay out some strategies that actually work. We talk about how to accept the 'gifts' of trust our teens offer us when they share their lives, and why their dramatic outbursts are not personal attacks but rather opportunities for connection. From the power of mutual respect to recognizing when to take a breath and de-stress, we cover the essential groundwork for opening the lines of communication early, so that navigating stress becomes a team effort within the family.Finally, we cap off the episode with an intriguing look at the animal kingdom, drawing parallels between the complex behaviors of monkeys and magpies and our own familial interactions. These stories not only provide a dose of humor but also a unique perspective on the relationships we nurture with our teens. So, join us as we laugh, learn, and embark on the continuous journey of self-improvement, all in the name of bettering the lives of our families and the communities we serve.
What The Health? A Journey from Self-Critique to Pokémon Go Fitness Ep35 TIG
Mar 1 2024
What The Health? A Journey from Self-Critique to Pokémon Go Fitness Ep35 TIG
Join us, Adam Richardson and Joe Haslam, as we embark on a heartfelt exploration of the complex world of body image and health. Ever felt the sting of fat shaming or struggled with the mirror's reflection? We've been there, and in this episode, we unravel the intricacies of self-perception, emphasizing the necessity for self-compassion on your journey toward well-being. It's time to break free from the chains of unrealistic standards and navigate the path to better health, remembering that our unique stories are as diverse as our genetics and life circumstances.From the deceptive sodium traps in our favorite dining spots to the sanctuary of home-cooked meals, we serve up practical tips to outsmart diet downfalls and share the secret sauce to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Our candid stories will guide you through the often-overlooked benefits of meal prep and the treasure trove of workouts at We also wade into deeper waters, tackling the emotional riptides that accompany physical limitations and how they intertwine with mental health. Discover how embracing alternative exercises and professional support can empower you through life's adversities.This episode isn't just about the scale. It's a mosaic of topics, including the ethics of animal treatment and the unexpected inspiration from apps like Pokémon Go. We'll even take you on a detour through an unusual event involving livestock transport that left a community holding its nose, steering the conversation to the roads less traveled. So forget the typical fitness rhetoric; our conversation is as unpredictable as life itself, and we're inviting you to join the ride.
Car Buying Master Class: Tips, Tales, and Avoiding Sour Deals!
Feb 23 2024
Car Buying Master Class: Tips, Tales, and Avoiding Sour Deals!
Ever found yourself second-guessing a car purchase or worse, stuck with a lemon that you impulsively bought? Buckle up for a ride through the maze of car buying, as Joe and I dissect the highs and lows of automotive acquisition. We're drawing from the well of personal experience, like that '94 Mazda Miata misadventure, to guide you through murky dealership waters. From my daughter's first car-buying experience to my unexpected letdown with the new Bronco, we're sharing the wisdom you need to make savvy decisions without the regret.Navigating today's seller's market can be a daunting task, but we're here to share insider strategies that tip the scales in your favor. Get the skinny on everything from understanding your trade-in's true worth to the art of leveraging pre-approved loans. We'll walk you through the test drive process, highlighting the importance of meticulous research—backed by our personal tales of victory and the odd hiccup. You'll leave armed with tools like our 10-criteria evaluation system, ready to tackle the car market with confidence.When it's time to ink the deal, don't let the paperwork intimidate you. We're breaking down each document in layman's terms, ensuring you're informed and ready to protect your interests. Discover the ins and outs of financing, the best times to buy, and how to sniff out—and avoid—a potential lemon. From DIY maintenance tales involving my trusty old Toyota Four Runner to the perks of buying from rental fleets, consider this your masterclass in turning car buying from a chore into an adventure worth taking.
How To Ask Your Parents For Money! And Other Kid Money Hacks! Ep33 TIG
Feb 16 2024
How To Ask Your Parents For Money! And Other Kid Money Hacks! Ep33 TIG
Are your kids ready to handle their finances like pros? Join Joe Haslam and me, Adam Richardson, as we tackle the often-ignored yet crucial topic of financial literacy for the younger crowd. In a world where piggy banks have evolved into digital wallets, this episode promises a treasure trove of insights for parents and youngsters alike, all while sharing a good laugh at the quirks of growing up and learning about money.From the sweet nostalgia of childhood allowances to the eye-opening demands of teenage financial independence, we weave personal anecdotes with practical advice. We reminisce about our own entrepreneurial escapades—like Joe's hilariously elusive lawn-mowing payments—and discuss why these early experiences matter. As we share these stories and strategies, we explore how they lay the groundwork for a future of savvy spending, saving, and earning.But it's not just about the money; it's about the values behind it. We confront darker issues, such as unethical practices and their consequences, through a shocking incident at a funeral home. These moments underscore our belief in the power of integrity and honest work, whether that's a neighborhood job or simply understanding the worth of a dollar. Tune in for a heartening mix of wisdom, warnings, and wit that will leave you with a fresh perspective on how to guide the next generation towards responsible and ethical financial behavior.
Are You Broke? Or Just Suck At Time Management? Ep32 TIG
Feb 9 2024
Are You Broke? Or Just Suck At Time Management? Ep32 TIG
Ever feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day? Join myself, Adam, and the astute Joe, as we unravel the mysteries of time management, proving that you really do have more time than you think. Together, we dissect the 168 hours that make up your week and expose the myth that being 'too busy' is anything but a state of mind. From rethinking daily routines to optimizing the hours you didn't know you had, we're here to equip you with tangible strategies to master your calendar and get back in control of your life.Balancing the books while hitting the books can be a high-wire act for college students. This episode doesn't shy away from the nitty-gritty of navigating college on a shoestring budget. We discuss the trials of managing a full course load alongside a full-time job, and the art of living frugally yet realistically in the pursuit of education. The conversation takes a deep dive into smart budgeting and the value of family support, offering not just sympathetic ears but hands-on advice for those counting pennies and credit hours alike.Wrapping up on a light-hearted note, we talk about the delightful tradition of naming snow plows, a cultural quirk that's snowballed into a phenomenon of public engagement. From "Plowy McPlow Face" to "The Truck Formerly Known as Plow," we explore how this whimsical trend brings communities together and sparks joy. My contribution to the mix, "A Plow with No Name," aims to add to the fun, reminding us all to take a moment to laugh amidst our busy lives. Tune in and join us for a hearty blend of life lessons, laughter, and the pursuit of mastering time and resources.
Are We Thinking Too Much? Is It Our Own Thoughts That We Are Thinking? Ep31 TIG
Feb 2 2024
Are We Thinking Too Much? Is It Our Own Thoughts That We Are Thinking? Ep31 TIG
Ever found yourself suddenly noticing your "unique" car model all over the roads or wondered why certain historical figures dominate our textbooks? Prepare to have your mind expanded as Joe and I, Adam, take you through an enlightening exploration of cognitive biases on the Idiots Guide. Joe and I dissect the mental traps that lead us to see the world through a distorted lens, from the frequency illusion to the overrepresented tales of successes like those of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.Picture this: you're seething with road rage or witness someone stealing and think, "What's wrong with people these days?" Our episode doesn't hold back as we delve into the darker consequences of dehumanization, a cognitive bias that can justify harm and perpetuate conflict. We unravel the psychological threads that allow such behaviors to manifest, from the derogatory dehumanization in warfare to the subtler forms in our daily encounters. But it's not all grim – we also pause to marvel at the underestimated intelligence of species like Orcas, challenging our anthropocentric views and urging a more nuanced appreciation of animal smarts.Wrapping up this mind-bending episode, we reflect on the importance of staying vigilant against the subtle biases that shape our actions and judgments. Through a mix of humor and hard-hitting truths, Joe and I aim to arm you with the awareness you need to make more informed decisions and view the world with a fresh, critical eye. So come and join us in hacking your way to a clearer understanding of the human mind, where the only thing we promise is that you'll never look at your biases—or Orcas—the same way again.
Are You Smarter If You Swear A Lot??? What The Cuss? Ep30 TIG
Jan 26 2024
Are You Smarter If You Swear A Lot??? What The Cuss? Ep30 TIG
Are swear words merely the spice of language, or do they carry deeper significance? Joe Haslam joins me, Adam Richardson, in a captivating discussion that peels back the veneer on language censorship and the vibrancy of profanity. As we weave personal narratives with cultural insights, we promise an enlightening look into the words society often whispers.From the living room to the TV screen, the world of censorship spins an intriguing tale. Joe and I draw from our parenting experiences and media observations to untangle the complex web of what's considered suitable language. We delve into the historical tapestry of swear words, revealing their transformation from mere utterances to powerful tools of expression. Along the way, we find that these taboo terms not only reflect vocabulary but can also hint at one's honesty, intellect, and even offer a surprising balm for pain. In this verbal adventure, we invite you to consider the charm and evolution of communication, from the economical telegrams to the brevity of today's text lingo.To round off our linguistic foray, we polish off some Shakespearean insults, proving that contempt need not be laced with vulgarity. Discussing the fluidity of language, we argue that context is king when it comes to the power of a word. Joe and I agree that understanding the roots and intentions behind our language can enhance our communication, allowing us to express ourselves with both clarity and creativity. So, buckle up and prepare to expand your lexicon—this episode promises to amuse, educate, and perhaps, even reform your view of the 'swear jar'.
The Border Crisis, Is It Really a Crisis or Just a Political Chess Match? Ep29 TIG
Jan 19 2024
The Border Crisis, Is It Really a Crisis or Just a Political Chess Match? Ep29 TIG
Have you ever found yourself drowning in a sea of sensational headlines, trying to decipher the border crisis while sidestepping media bias? Joe and I have been there, and we're bringing you a candid exploration of the truths often shadowed by the noise. We tackle the struggle of sorting through the fruit salad of information and confront the reality that our perspectives are tinted by personal experiences. Join us as we journey through the intricate dance of distinguishing fact from fiction, and how this shapes our understanding of immigration policies and their human impact.Schools transforming into shelters in Chicago during a cold snap is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ethical quandaries we face in this episode. We grapple with the value of human life in crisis times, drawing stark parallels to global conflicts and the contentious immigration debate on home soil. Listen as we navigate the treacherous political and budgetary tensions, questioning who is deemed worthy of aid. This isn't just a dialogue; it's an invitation to reflect on the delicate balance of empathy and economics in policy-making.Compassion, sacrifice, and the broader economic ramifications of immigration policies are dissected in our discussion, which spans from biblical inspirations to the realities of border security. Weaving personal anecdotes with critical thought, Joe and I share our vision of the U.S. as a safe haven. And for a dose of levity, we reminisce on the charm of antiquated tech like DOS, while championing the courage to embrace change. This episode isn't just a podcast; it's a lighthouse guiding you through the complexities of one of today's most pressing social issues.
Why Drivers Suck At Driving, No Matter Where You Live! Ep28 TIG
Jan 12 2024
Why Drivers Suck At Driving, No Matter Where You Live! Ep28 TIG
Ever found yourself white-knuckling the steering wheel as the first snowflakes of the season send fellow drivers into a frenzy? Join Joe and me as we courageously navigate the slippery slopes of modern driving, from unpredictable weather to the tantalizing future of autonomous vehicles. We'll unpack the emotional rollercoaster of road rage and why sometimes, going with the traffic flow—or daringly against it—could actually save your life. It's a labyrinth of speed limits, traffic signals, and technological advancements that might make you question whether you're in the driver's seat or just along for the ride.Strap in for an audibly delightful journey down the highways and byways of coping with long hauls. Whether you're a podcast enthusiast or an audiobook aficionado, we'll share our personal anecdotes on how to make those miles fly by in the company of good stories. And as we peek under the hood of America's driving statistics, we'll reveal the shocking number of road warriors just like us, and why understanding the complexities of aggressive driving is crucial for everyone's bumper-to-bumper well-being.Finally, don't miss our light-hearted pit stop at the intersection of AI and human patience, where we ponder Microsoft Copilot—the latest co-driver that's more silicon than flesh and blood. With humor as our guide, we'll explore how embracing the absurdities of life, including the quirks of voice recognition technology, can keep us sane in a world where cars might just be getting a little too smart for comfort. So, tune in for a ride that's as informative as it is entertaining—and may just help you dodge your next automotive aggravation.
No Presents Allowed!!! Unwrapping the True Meaning of Christmas. Ep27 TIG
Dec 23 2023
No Presents Allowed!!! Unwrapping the True Meaning of Christmas. Ep27 TIG
As the twinkling lights and jingle bells take over, Adam and Joe invite you to a heartfelt conversation that strips away the tinsel to reveal the foundational elements of Christmas. Picture this: a world where December 25th is just another winter day, devoid of the glitz we're so familiar with. We trace this holiday back to its early Christian roots, when celebrating one's birthday was unheard of in the community, and gift-giving wasn't the main event. A personal anecdote from Adam's stint directing a Christmas Concert unveils the holiday's performative layers, leaving us wondering about the authenticity of our modern festivities.Navigating through history's hallowed hallways, we discover the intersection of Jewish feast days and Christian traditions, contemplating the influence of ancient observances like Shabbat and the Year of Jubilee on our present-day celebrations. The adventure continues as we scrutinize the perplexing origins of Christmas, dissecting theories that early Christians might have piggybacked on pagan festivals to promote the faith. This historical expedition is not just a pursuit of facts; it's a call to remember that these holidays were once about something more profound than what's on the sale rack.In our candid discussion, the spotlight turns to the rampant commercialization of Christmas, challenging listeners to reconnect with the holiday's deeper message of unity and generosity. Joe's own genealogy comes under the microscope, humorously drawing lines to Jesus and European royalty—an anecdote that, while whimsical, underscores the holiday's drift from its intended spirit. We wrap up with a reflection on the life lessons from the retail trenches during the Christmas rush, advocating for empathy and respect in all seasons—yes, even when faced with "Karen" and "Kevin." Join us for an episode that's more than just talk; it's an invitation to rediscover the heart of Christmas.
Is Santa Claus Real? And What Have We Done To Christmas? - Ep 26 TIG
Dec 22 2023
Is Santa Claus Real? And What Have We Done To Christmas? - Ep 26 TIG
Peel back the layers of Christmas with us, Adam Richardson and Joe Haslam, as we journey through time and tradition to understand the holiday's true meaning and relevance today. This isn't just your typical tinsel-covered banter; we're here to unpack the complexities of a celebration that's evolved from Christian sacrament to consumer spectacle, and everything in between. We'll share our candid experiences and tackle the evolution of Santa Claus, all while providing a hearty dose of laughter and the occasional groan-worthy holiday pun.Wrestling with the commercial frenzy of the season, we ponder if it's outshone the essence of Christmas. Join us as we explore the "12 Days of Christmas" - not just a melody to hum while hustling through crowded malls, but a narrative rich with historical significance and symbolism. With each gift revealing a facet of Christian faith, we'll navigate the historical journey from the Council of Tours to the partridge in a pear tree, reconnecting with the holiday's message of human connection and compassion that resonates across faiths and cultures.And who could forget the man in red? We trace the historical voyage of the venerable St. Nicholas, from the saintly Bishop of Myra to the cherished Santa Claus adorning modern mantelpieces. We'll dissect the influences of Sinterklaas and the Christkind on our contemporary jolly figure and how storytelling, from C.S. Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien, has kept the narratives of Christmas alive and meaningful. As we wrap up (pun intended), remember to keep your wits as sharp as your candy canes and join us on this festive romp through the wonder, whimsy, and wisdom of Christmas. #Christmas #SantaClaus
Are Democrats and Republicans As Divided As The Media Says They Are? - Ep25 TIG
Dec 15 2023
Are Democrats and Republicans As Divided As The Media Says They Are? - Ep25 TIG
Prepare to be swept off your feet as we journey through the twists and turns of politics, media, and a dash of unexpected gardening exploits. My co-host, Joe Haslam, and I, Adam Richardson, embark on a remarkable journey, weaving through the complex labyrinth of politics and media. We'll dissect the bitter political divisions tearing the United States apart, and strive to find the common ground we are all searching for, all the while emphasizing the paramount importance of your voting rights.Dive into the second half as we venture into the realm of demographics and advertising, a world where your actions and preferences are meticulously tracked for political gain. We'll shed light on how this data collection feeds into an increasingly divisive media landscape and how, despite our contrasting political views, the majority of us fall within the central viewpoint or the first standard deviation. Trust us, it's not as complex as it sounds.But we're not all about serious discussions; we like to mix in a little bit of fun too. Brace yourself for some astonishing real-life stories, like the tale of a couple who were using a live bomb from the 1890s as a gardening tool for over four decades. We also uncover other shocking finds of unexploded bombs and weapons from World War II across the globe. So, whether you're a political junkie, a media enthusiast, or a history buff, we've got you covered. So come along, and let's unravel the mysteries of politics, media, and explosive gardening tools together.