Are Democrats and Republicans As Divided As The Media Says They Are? - Ep25 TIG

The Idiots Guide

Dec 15 2023 • 1 hr 3 mins

Prepare to be swept off your feet as we journey through the twists and turns of politics, media, and a dash of unexpected gardening exploits. My co-host, Joe Haslam, and I, Adam Richardson, embark on a remarkable journey, weaving through the complex labyrinth of politics and media. We'll dissect the bitter political divisions tearing the United States apart, and strive to find the common ground we are all searching for, all the while emphasizing the paramount importance of your voting rights.

Dive into the second half as we venture into the realm of demographics and advertising, a world where your actions and preferences are meticulously tracked for political gain. We'll shed light on how this data collection feeds into an increasingly divisive media landscape and how, despite our contrasting political views, the majority of us fall within the central viewpoint or the first standard deviation. Trust us, it's not as complex as it sounds.

But we're not all about serious discussions; we like to mix in a little bit of fun too. Brace yourself for some astonishing real-life stories, like the tale of a couple who were using a live bomb from the 1890s as a gardening tool for over four decades. We also uncover other shocking finds of unexploded bombs and weapons from World War II across the globe. So, whether you're a political junkie, a media enthusiast, or a history buff, we've got you covered. So come along, and let's unravel the mysteries of politics, media, and explosive gardening tools together.