From Fluff to Fame: How To Make Your Pet Product Go Viral With Influencers

Marketing Tails

Nov 21 2023 • 28 mins

Dan Coughlin is the Co-founder and Managing Director of Get Hyped, a leading influencer and social media marketing agency. His keen eye for innovation and passion for delivering measurable results with influencers have helped Dan navigate brands to unprecedented heights across an ever-evolving social media landscape. Now a seasoned marketing strategist, Dan’s early career years were spent as an engineer, where he engineered nuclear submarines for the US Navy.

In this episode…

Social media is a dynamic platform for marketing pet brands. It’s a community builder where brands can reach their target audience and engage them with visual and entertaining content. What strategies help accounts stand out from the competition?

Marketing strategist Don Coughlin declares that you should just start posting content. Many people erroneously believe they need a team of videographers and photographers, but Don affirms that any team member can shoot great content with a smartphone. He also explains that pet niches have the advantage of filming fun and humorous material — content that consistently dominates on TikTok and Instagram. Additionally, Don advises partnering with influencers to market products. Brands can foster a connection with followers who are content creators and offer to send them free products to review on their platforms.

In this episode of Marketing Tails, Mark Bevington welcomes Dan Coughlin to discuss the benefits of influencer marketing. Dan explains influencer marketing, how smaller pet companies can leverage social media to scale their business, and brand strategies for partnering with influencers.