Unlocking the Benefits of AI with Kitty Newman

Marketing without Social Media

Apr 27 2023 • 34 mins

Time is money so efficiency and productivity are things we need to develop within ourselves and our businesses.

So, it’s a hot topic and something that has grown faster than we could have ever imagined.

It’s AI.

My biz buddy had dinner together a couple of months ago and had a great conversation about how AI can help us both in our businesses.

One thing that really caught my attention was how chatbots can be used to generate content. As Kitty explained, chatbots are like little robots that can mimic human conversation. They can generate content such as poems, email subject lines, blog posts, and even Facebook copy!

But what are the things we need to watch out for and be wary of as business owners and marketeers? Surely it can’t replace the need for humans and our own expertise and experience as well?

That’s what we are talking about today.

  • AI on saving you time

  • AI and its potential impact on your SEO performance

  • AI as a sounding board.

I think this is such an interesting idea because it frees up so much time for other important tasks. Instead of spending hours brainstorming ideas and writing content, we can simply set up a chatbot to do the work for us. And the best part? We can be sure that the content is high-quality and consistent.

Kitty and I also discussed how AI can help with managing time and improving business efficiency. It's amazing to think about all the possibilities and how we can use technology to enhance our work.

Overall, it was a great conversation and I'm excited to see how AI will continue to shape our industry. Thanks for listening and we'll catch you next time!

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