Marketing without Social Media

Viv Guy

Chances are that right now you’re spending sooooo much time every week creating content that just isn’t converting into audience growth or sales and it's frustrating as hell!

You dream of a day when waking up to an inbox full of DMs from people asking how to work with you RIGHT NOW is the NORM?

I get it! The reality for most people struggling to hit their sales targets is that the options to generate warm traffic are limited and time-consuming.

That’s where the awesomeness of borrowing other people’s audiences comes in. It’s a time-saving content superheater for your traffic, rapidly collapsing the time it takes for someone to buy from you.

Making my first 7 figures in my 20s, and launching a #1 marketing podcast has enabled me to support numerous entrepreneurs like you to save time and solve their sales conversion problems by teaching them how to market in a way that works (hint…it’s without social media). That means they can finally stop working their assess off creating content that doesn’t convert and grow their audiences, hit their income goals and have consistent, recurring revenue every month.

This podcast is unlike any other marketing podcast out there, because, let’s be real here; everyone is still banging the ‘social media is best’ drum. But when you haven’t hit your first 6 figures yet…or maybe not even got your first 6 clients yet…social media is best left well alone… that’s why you’re gonna learn how to create your entire marketing and sales ecosystems without social media, so you can learn how to grow an audience and make sales in a way that works for where you’re at right now!

Join Viv and her guests each week as she provides you with yet another episode that packs a punch.

So go hit that subscribe button now so you don’t miss a single episode.

Welcome to Marketing Without Social Media

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Episode 077 | When to start a podcast to boost sales?
Mar 27 2024
Episode 077 | When to start a podcast to boost sales?
If you're looking to get off the social media hamster wheel then you might be considering starting a podcast.Awesome! But when should you start a podcast?The reality is there is a right and a wrong time.It's one of the reasons why 8:10 podcasts fail before they publish 10 episodes!!!Start too soon and you'll be investing a whole heap of time for little to no ROI when it comes to your audience growth, lead generation or sales!But the flip side is we can wait too long and miss out on all the benefits of podcasting.Join me in this episode where we're diving into when to start a podcast and what to consider before taking the leap so that you set yourself up for creating a PROFITABLE podcast.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 076 | The real reason you're not getting enquiries and how to fix it FAST
Mar 20 2024
Episode 076 | The real reason you're not getting enquiries and how to fix it FAST
Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly busy but not seeing the revenue results you desire? It's time to shift your focus from busy work to revenue-generating activities that will propel your business forward. But what the heck are the 'right' activities to focus on? Well, I'm uncovering all that in the latest episode of "Marketing Without Social Media," Plus I'm sharing my personal experiences, struggles, and successes, shedding light on the mindset shifts and actions necessary for achieving tangible results.These insights will help you identify the tasks that truly move the needle and distinguish them from time-consuming activities that don't directly contribute to your bottom line. Plus I'm offering practical advice on how to allocate your time to ensure you're consistently working on activities that drive sales, growth, and client acquisition.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 075 | Cracking the Code: How I Reached My First 500 Email Subscribers
Mar 13 2024
Episode 075 | Cracking the Code: How I Reached My First 500 Email Subscribers
Aghhhhhh. You hear it all the time.... "build your email list", "The money's in your list!"Great....but the question on almost every entrepreneur's lips who is struggling to build an ENGAGED audience (yep we don't want 1000's of LinkedIn connections or 5000 Instagram followers who never convert to sales calls) is..."how do you build your damn email list organically?" The reality is we need to look outside of social media. Promo threads on Facebook don't convert like they once did, paying for ads is prohibitively expensive for most (and the quality of leads isn't always great).So in this episode, I'm sharing with you how I got my first 500+ email subscribers in just 7 days and how you can too.Plus, I'll be dishing out tips on getting visible, speaking to other people's audiences cracking the code to sustainable business growth and learning how to make a real impact without solely relying on social media.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 074 | The Inside Scoop on Reverting to Our Original Podcast Title
Mar 6 2024
Episode 074 | The Inside Scoop on Reverting to Our Original Podcast Title
Welcome to a bold new chapter of "Marketing Without Social Media." In this episode, we're throwing back the curtain on why just 6 weeks after our relaunch and rebrand we are throwing out the new and going back to our original show name!I'll be sharing some real-time and heartfelt realignments that have been happening here at HQ and in my personal life.I've realised it's time to circle back to the core values that initially fueled my passion: empowering entrepreneurs through marketing without social media, and ensuring that my own venture remains authentic and aligned with my vision for a balanced life.With raw honesty, I open up about my mental health challenges, the struggles I've faced in education, and the previous business ventures that led me here. It's a narrative of transformation and of a renewed commitment to the strategies that truly resonate.Tune in to Episode 74 as we explore:- The powerful realization that sparked a dramatic pivot in my business model, and how it could change the way you think about marketing.- Practical advice for entrepreneurs feeling overwhelmed by social media, including alternative, effective marketing strategies.- Insights into designing a business that prioritizes your well-being and the lessons learned from my own entrepreneurial journey.- How my experience with at-risk youth shaped my approach to business and the valuable parallels it offers to any entrepreneur.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 073 | 4 Reasons You're Struggling with Low Conversion Rates?
Feb 28 2024
Episode 073 | 4 Reasons You're Struggling with Low Conversion Rates?
If you're struggling to get your listeners to take action on your Call to Action then this episode is for you.We want to make sales…if you're in biz that’s what it’s about..otherwise it's a hobby. That means we need people to respond to our calls to action and click through on them, download this, learn more, sign up, buy now…but what happens when you’re just not getting the conversions?Tune in to discover my four-point strategy for increasing your conversions and making more sales.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 072 | 5 Steps to Launching a Top 100 Podcast
Feb 21 2024
Episode 072 | 5 Steps to Launching a Top 100 Podcast
Having launched a #1 Marketing Podcast I know what it takes to rank in the Top 100 of the podcast charts.But does the ranking even matter or is it just a vanity metric?The short answer is HELL YES it matters.Building your podcast isn't just an art, it's a science where strategy is the secret ingredient for explosive growth. In this episode, we're diving into the tactical masterpiece of a podcast launch that not only gets you listed, but loved by listeners from the start.With the heaps of podcasts out there, it's crucial to not just create but also command attention. I've cracked the code on how to make a grand podcast entrance so that your show doesn't become just another blip in the ocean of online audio content.Tune in to today's episode to get the 5 steps to launching in the Top 100 of the Podcast charts.Remember to connect with me, Viv Guy, on Instagram and share your takeaway from today's show. Your insights, reviews, and ratings don't just make my day - they might win you an exclusive mentoring call!Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 071 |  - 4 Reasons You Need an Email List to Have a Profitable Podcast
Feb 14 2024
Episode 071 | - 4 Reasons You Need an Email List to Have a Profitable Podcast
Ready to discover the hidden power of your inbox? Ever wondered how to transform casual listeners into engaged customers? Well, wonder no more!  In this episode, we dive deep into why email marketing isn't just another tool—it's an essential pathway to nurturing relationships and maximizing sales in your business. I'm digging deep into the reasons why your email list is more precious than you might think.Listen closely because in this episode I'm sharing the 4 reasons why every podcaster (and biz owner) NEEDS an email list as part of their marketing ecosystem and funnel.Grab the FREE EMAIL CONVERSION CALCULATOR that I'm talking about in this episode.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 070 | 3 Podcast Guest Interview Ingredients to Boost Sales Every Time
Feb 7 2024
Episode 070 | 3 Podcast Guest Interview Ingredients to Boost Sales Every Time
How do you make sales and grow your audience from EVERY podcast interview you give?In this episode of "Podcast Sales Made Easy," I'm diving into the art and science of making a profound impact during guest interviews, ensuring that they result in tangible action and conversions.I'm sharing my own early experience of the mistakes I made that resulted in ZERO conversions and sharing the common mistakes I see guests making during their interviews that are sabotaging their sales success so that you can avoid them.You'll hear how to turn your interviews into revenue by:Discovering the crucial mistakes to avoid when using guest interviews to drive conversions.Learning how to structure podcast episodes to captivate audiences and position yourself as an expert in your niche.Understanding the art of crafting a compelling call to action that motivates listeners to take meaningful next steps toward conversion.Tune in to understand the transformational strategies that will elevate your guest interviews and drive substantial conversions for your business.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 069 | How to Avoid Your Podcast Guest Pitch Being Rejected
Jan 31 2024
Episode 069 | How to Avoid Your Podcast Guest Pitch Being Rejected
Do you want to grow your audience and drive more sales?Well, just ONE 30-minute podcast interview can rapidly boost your sales and grow your audience because those listeners are HIGHLY ENGAGED. In fact, 80% of podcast listeners will listen to a whole episode!But to get those results you first have to get a YES from the podcast host to be a guest.That means pitching!The reality is though that 99% of pitches received get sent straight to the TRASH, meaning you don't get the opportunity to showcase your awesomeness and drive sales and growth to your business.That's why I'm sharing the tried and tested pitching secrets that have led to a huge number of yes' over the years.Tune in to discover:Why borrowing an audience could be your fastest track to business growth and how to do it effectively.The Art of Crafting Magnetic Pitches: Get insights on creating pitches that resonate.Email Pitch Etiquette: Create Email pitches that stand out and capture interest to get you that "Hell yes" response.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 068 | The Science Behind Why Your Content Isn't Converting Into Sales
Jan 24 2024
Episode 068 | The Science Behind Why Your Content Isn't Converting Into Sales
We've cracked the code to making sales skyrocket while slashing content creation time in half. Dive deep into the psychology of content consumption and why podcasting is your golden ticket in a world of fleeting social media attention. If you're an ambitious entrepreneur, you're likely still at the stage where you're wearing multiple hats and doing 90% of the tasks within your business alone. That means you don't have time to spend on creating content that doesn't convert into consistent sales.There's often a fear that podcasting will take MORE time out of your already overloaded weeks...but that's not the case when you use podcasting strategically within your marketing strategy.In fact, podcasting has helped me and my clients reduce our content creation by over 50%!!!!Dive into today's episode to discover: >>  How to leverage the psychology of content consumption for your marketing edge,  and how to use this to boost sales.>> The type of content to stop focusing on in 2024 and why>> The mistakes that make podcasting a time drain >> The astonishing amount of time you could save by mastering one key platform over another.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 067 | Want to hit 6 figures and beyond this year? Do this
Jan 17 2024
Episode 067 | Want to hit 6 figures and beyond this year? Do this
It's just a number...6 figures, but it holds a whole lot of weight for a lot of people in the entrepreneurial space.  100k as a business owner is a big milestone, and for many, it signifies the transition into the realms of financial stability and a degree of freedom (the ability to hire VAs and team members, draw a regular income and replace your previous salary).The sad reality is though that there are only 6% of small business owners globally who are achieving this income level of 6 figures and beyond. If you're here then you're an ambitious and driven online course creator, coach or biz owner ready to join shoulders and take your place with the 6% of other ambitious entrepreneurs with 6, 7 and 8 figure businesses.Tune in because in this episode you'll discover:The mistake that's keeping you from hitting your income goalsThe 5 choices you need to make right now about the next 12 monthsWhat ONE thing to implement and for how longWanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 066 | 2024: The Ultimate Marketing Platform To Boost Your Sales!
Jan 14 2024
Episode 066 | 2024: The Ultimate Marketing Platform To Boost Your Sales!
Are you struggling to hit your enrolment targets for your group programme each month or every time you launch?Do you currently use organic short-form content (aka social media) as your core marketing strategy?If you're an online coach or course creator and you've been struggling to hit your enrolment and sales targets for at least 6 months then tune in as I share why podcasting is the ultimate marketing platform to be getting on board with in 2024.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: The benefits of podcast content versus short-form content when it comes to selling.The psychology behind why podcasters are now the leading influencers in marketingHow podcasting reduces the timeline it takes for dream clients to go from stranger to clientWanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 065 | 5 Podcast Growth Hacks: Get More Listeners Now
Jan 14 2024
Episode 065 | 5 Podcast Growth Hacks: Get More Listeners Now
How do you get your dream listeners to choose your show over your competition?The answer is NOT your content! As podcast hosts, we need to take a step back and look at the steps a potential listener takes waaaay before anyone hits the PLAY button to uncover what is stopping perfect listeners from selecting your show.Tune in to today's episode to discover the five download drivers that impact and affect the number of people discovering and selecting your show.Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 064 | The #1 reason your podcast isn't generating sales for you
Jan 14 2024
Episode 064 | The #1 reason your podcast isn't generating sales for you
When your content is discoverable by dream listeners and your downloads are increasing each episode, but you're still not seeing the conversions into sales it can be highly frustrating. I've been there!You have people subscribing to the show, and bingeing on your episodes, downloads are increasing and comments are positive, it looks like you're doing all the right why aren't you seeing that success translate into sales?Together in the final episode of the 4-part mini-series on profitable podcasting,  let's uncover how to make money from your podcast.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: Why you need to drive traffic away FROM your podcast to make more salesWhat needs to change in your messaging if you want to turn listeners into leadsHow to get consistent recurring monthly revenue predictabilityWanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 063 | #1 way to double your podcast downloads in the next 90 days
Jan 14 2024
Episode 063 | #1 way to double your podcast downloads in the next 90 days
Downloads - the #1 metric podcasters look at. After the energy and hype of your launch or relaunch, download numbers can and often do what do you do when your downloads dip or plateau? Without listeners, your podcast isn't going to be profitable and is going to become something you resent producing. Audience growth is critical to your business success, and as podcasters, we need to have a plan to attract more listeners week in and week out; otherwise, like a car engine without fuel, our sales will stall.Listen in to the third episode in our 4-part mini-series on how to create a profitable podcast, because in this episode we're diving into the #1 way to double your downloads in 90 days AND that will increase your sales in the process.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN: How to get more people to discover your podcast every weekThe three types of content needed to grow your podcast and make salesSetting a 90 day planWanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 062 | Unlocking Sales Success: Launching a Top 100 Podcast
Jan 14 2024
Episode 062 | Unlocking Sales Success: Launching a Top 100 Podcast
A whopping 88% of podcasts fail! Yep, only 2 in 10 make it past 6 episodes before heading off to the Apple Graveyard.Why, because they failed to launch well and didn't see the results they'd hoped for when they decided to start a podcast. Launching well, with a strategic plan in place is going to make the difference to your podcast and sales success.Already launched and things aren't going well? Don't worry we're covering all that and more in this episode.Tune into Episode 2 of our 4-part mini-series on how to create a profitable podcast so you can hit your enrolment and sales targets EVERY SINGLE MONTH.Let’s plan an effective launch strategy that is going to help you get to the top of the charts and help you get the maximum number of downloads.DISCOVER:  Why launching in the TOP 100 is so important to the future success of your show How to get your dream listeners to choose your show over your competitionHow a relaunch can get you traction, momentum, and energy and bring people to your podcast. Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 061 | 4 secrets to a profitable podcast in 2024
Jan 14 2024
Episode 061 | 4 secrets to a profitable podcast in 2024
Are you ready to learn the secrets to driving sales from podcasting?Whether you already have a podcast or are thinking of starting a podcast for the first time, there are 4 secret ingredients you're going to need if you want a podcast that not only gets you in front of dream potential clients but also gets them converting from listeners into paying clients.Hit play to find out what the first of these four ingredients is in part 1 of our 4 part mini-series, and what happens if you're missing this foundational element.In this episode, you'll learn the secrets to creating captivating content that:Subconsciously hooks your listeners into an episode and keeps them listening through to the end of every episodeHas listeners reaching out  asking "How do I work with you!?"Boosts your engagement and amplifies your authority within your nicheWant to know what these ingredients are and how to incorporate them into your podcast (or podcast-to-be)? Hit play and let's dive in!Resources mentioned:Building Your Story Brand by Donald MillerWanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Episode 060 | How to figure out what’s missing in your marketing
May 4 2023
Episode 060 | How to figure out what’s missing in your marketing
This is a flashback episode to the 80’s and my childhood.Sometimes we can miss things that are right under our noses. We can smell that there's something wrong, but we just can’t fathom out what and where.It’s something I see time and time again in business. We know there's a problem, but we either can’t figure it out of continue to let this problem go on and don't take action. I've done it myself, my peers have done it, we've all done it and if you're in that position then this episode is for you!I’m sharing the lessons from the story of the 10 shits that can teach us all something valuable in our business.Stay tuned! Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...
Unlocking the Benefits of AI with Kitty Newman
Apr 27 2023
Unlocking the Benefits of AI with Kitty Newman
Time is money so efficiency and productivity are things we need to develop within ourselves and our businesses. So, it’s a hot topic and something that has grown faster than we could have ever imagined.  It’s AI. My biz buddy had dinner together a couple of months ago and had a great conversation about how AI can help us both in our businesses. One thing that really caught my attention was how chatbots can be used to generate content. As Kitty explained, chatbots are like little robots that can mimic human conversation. They can generate content such as poems, email subject lines, blog posts, and even Facebook copy! But what are the things we need to watch out for and be wary of as business owners and marketeers? Surely it can’t replace the need for humans and our own expertise and experience as well?   That’s what we are talking about today. AI on saving you time  AI and its potential impact on your SEO performance AI as a sounding board. I think this is such an interesting idea because it frees up so much time for other important tasks. Instead of spending hours brainstorming ideas and writing content, we can simply set up a chatbot to do the work for us. And the best part? We can be sure that the content is high-quality and consistent. Kitty and I also discussed how AI can help with managing time and improving business efficiency. It's amazing to think about all the possibilities and how we can use technology to enhance our work. Overall, it was a great conversation and I'm excited to see how AI will continue to shape our industry. Thanks for listening and we'll catch you next time!  Wanna get clients every month without spending hours working your ass off creating content for social media that just DOES NOT convert? Join me for our next free, no pitch Live workshop my eyes on your business for a full 45 minutes and let’s figure out the key areas to focus on in your marketing to get you hitting your enrollment targets and making 5k+ months and beyond. 3000+ online coaches and course creators and get access to the weekly Insider Secrets to Marketing that Works newsletter with insider tips on how to start, grow and MAKE SALES to hit your enrollment and sales targets every single month. the episode? Drop me an email - and let me know.Love the show? Leave a 5-star review, take a screenshot, and tag me on IG and you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing. Website: Facebook Messenger Facebook ...