Building Boring Businesses, Embracing Questions, and Doing Hard Things with Codie Sanchez

The Jasmine Star Show

Feb 14 2023 • 34 mins

“I buy boring businesses and talk about it on the internet.” That, my friend, is how Codie Sanchez describes what she does… but I’ll deal it to you straight:, her life and business is anything BUT boring. You’ll gonna want to click play on this conversation ASAP - in just over 30 minutes we cover everything from the importance of asking questions while embracing the truth that there is no such thing as a “right” question… to how success is rarely linear… to how create content that positions you as a thought leader… and why Codie intentionally choose at least one day each year to do something so hard that the other 364 days in the year are easy by comparison. (And a whole lot more!)

Check out the full show notes with links to all resources mentioned in this episode >>HERE<<.