E71: Shame In Recovery - Escaping the Shame Cycle

Through The Glass Recovery Podcast

Jan 15 2024 • 43 mins

Nearly everyone experiences shame in recovery… and it seems many of us drank to try to avoid feeling shame in the first place. "I drank to avoid feeling the shame of drinking," is a familiar concept to many of us. The shame cycle perpetuates, keeping us going round and round and never quite knowing how to stop. In this episode, we address dealing with shame in recovery. We're joined by social media sober influencers Benjamin Lerner and Sonya Johnson, and CEO of Camelback Recovery Tim Westbrook as we talk about how shame held us trapped in our addictions, and how overcoming that was key to staying successfully sober.

"I drank to avoid feeling the shame from drinking."

In this episode:

  • Using honesty to combat shame
  • Avoiding the feeling of shame by drinking, lying, and other unhealthy habits
  • Talking about what you're ashamed of is ultimately how you'll set yourself free
  • Finding the right people to share your truth with is imperative
  • Allowing someone to walk alongside you in the hardest of times
  • Trying to avoid feeling shame with perfectionism
  • How perfectionism can lead to relapse
  • Learning to live in the "gray" area of life, as opposed to black and white thinking
  • Understanding that lifting shame makes us stronger in our recovery

"I thought I was a bad person because I couldn't stop. That just continued the shame cycle."

To learn more about our guests, visit out website at throughtheglassrecovery.com

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