Through The Glass Recovery Podcast

Through the Glass

Welcome to Through the Glass Recovery Podcast, where we believe that connection is the opposite of addiction, vulnerability is the antidote to shame, and that recovery isn’t just rewarding, but also a lot of fun. Listen as we get together with friends to shed light on the hard things, talk about the other side of addiction, and how we create a life so full there’s no space left for alcohol. Visit our website at read less


E90: Emotional Intelligence and Addiction: Everything You Need To Know
5d ago
E90: Emotional Intelligence and Addiction: Everything You Need To Know
Emotional intelligence (or "EQ") is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions. Described this way, it's easy to see the link between emotional intelligence and addiction. Dealing with challenging emotions is the number one cause of relapse, and for many of us who struggle with addictive behaviors, we never developed the skillset necessary to cope with these emotions in healthy ways. We've invited Nick (The People DisPleaser); Mike, founder of Sober Press, and sober author Ginelle to share what they've learned about emotional intelligence. Anyone who is actively in recovery from addiction knows they need to develop their EQ. Listen to this podcast episode all about the value of emotional intelligence, and how to develop the skills and mindset necessary to stop the emotional struggle. In this episode: Learning to recognize feelings and emotionsHow Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown helped us learn to name emotionsUsing somatic exercises to develop intuition, aligning the heart and the mindFinding the courage to learn and practice vulnerabilityThe value of talking to others, either in the recovery community or in counselingKindness and honesty as emotional skillsHow our natural reactions evolve over timeRecognizing the physiological and emotional value of cryingLearning to allow feelings to be exactly what they areHow feelings and emotions are influenced by othersthe 5 parts of emotional intelligence --- This week’s podcast guests are: Nick, the People DisPleaser Mike, creator of SoberPress Ginelle, author of Make a Home Out of You --- Let’s connect! Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E89: Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction: Changing the Narratives About Alcohol
May 20 2024
E89: Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction: Changing the Narratives About Alcohol
When your subconscious, underlying beliefs conflict with what you've learned to be actually true (cognitive dissonance), it becomes very difficult to permanently overcome addiction. But what does that mean? How does it work? And most importantly, how do you fix it? In this sobriety podcast episode, we've invited Angie B, director of Peer180 RCO in Grand Junction, CO, and Matt, co-creator of The Mocktails Made Us, to share their experiences with rewriting old narratives surrounding alcohol. They share what beliefs they used to carry, and how they've worked to rewrite them, so that they can thrive in long-term sobriety. In this episode: The belief that you can't trust yourselfChanging it up - using skills learned from trauma to serve othersAllowing others to share their perspectives and differing beliefsBreaking out of societal normsThe belief that drinking is what you're "supposed to do"Asking for help - it's not weak!Expressing emotions, even when you were taught not toUnderstanding the link between cognitive dissonance and addictionReframing conflict to be something you welcome, instead of something you fear --- Matt is one-half of "The Mocktails Made Us" duo alongside his girlfriend, Brittany. As an alcohol-free couple living in Las Vegas, they advocate for the benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle, proving that if they can avoid alcohol in "Sin City," it's possible anywhere. After spending 20 years in a destructive cycle of alcohol use, Matt had his last drink on New Year's Eve 2022, initially committing to a dry January. Feeling great thereafter, he decided to embrace an alcohol-free lifestyle permanently. Join Matt and Brittany on their journey @themocktailsmadeus on Instagram and on their "The Mocktails Made Me" podcast at" --- Angie B. Grew up in Detroit, Ml, spent 3 years in Minneapolis MN and moved to Grand Junction in 1987. She loves being in the Grand Valley-away from the cold! Angie has a Bachelor's Degree in Operational Management. She spent 10 years working with the National Council on Alcoholism/Drug Abuse and her next 15 overseeing the Mesa County AmeriCorps Project.  She started with Peer 180 Recovery Community Organization as a Board Member in 2020, Volunteered as Exec. Director Nov. 2020 and was hired as Exec. Director in May 2021.  A Recovery Coach herself, she has since become an Academy Trainer in order to help others get their foot in the door. In May 2022 Peer 180 acquired the old Union Station Building to rent and has become a Recovery Community Center. Angie is in long term sustained recovery- 43 years and has maintained a recovery assistance home for 25 of those. Her passions are riding her Harley, her dog (Clutch), camping, organizing recovery events, helping others and developing a Flower Farm to retire to. --- Let’s connect! Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E88: Grief and Alcohol: Navigating Grief in Sobriety
May 13 2024
E88: Grief and Alcohol: Navigating Grief in Sobriety
Grief and alcohol don't mix. We all know this... and yet, when grief strikes, it's hard not to want to numb the pain. We get it. In this sober podcast episode, we gathered some very special people with poignant stories together to share what they've learned about navigating grief sober. Polly has lost not one, but two husbands. Dave's step daughter passed away suddenly last year when he was 8 months sober. And Corina shares about the grief of divorce, along with the grief of losing loved ones. Listen as they share their stories in this very honest, open conversation about why grief and alcohol don't belong together, and how to move through grief in healthier ways instead. "The tools we use for sobriety aren't just for sobriety - they're tools for life." In this episode: The fear of facing grief, and how it leads to even more alcohol useEveryone experiences grief differently, and that's okayDrinking only postpones the feelings that eventually must be feltAllow space for things that make you smile amidst the griefGrieving relationships - friendships, divorceDealing with the anger and bitterness that come with griefFacing the fear of the unknown after experiencing a lossLearning to surf the waves of grief, similar to surfing the waves of cravingsUsing the tools of sobriety to cope with grief in healthy ways If you're facing tough emotions and could use some more guidance in doing it sober check out these other podcast episodes: Cope With Emotions (Without Alcohol) Managing Negative Emotions in Recovery --- Corina is currently living her best sober life with her partner Greg and their rescue animals (2 former street cats from Egypt and a wild puppy monster from Edmonton’s SPCA). She works locally as a special education teacher and spends her free time enjoying nature walks or bike rides along the ocean or on the many trail systems nearby. Her healing journey in sobriety has come with beautiful gifts including authenticity, acceptance, compassion, and peace with others as well as herself. As the adventure continues, she gratefully looks forward with to more opportunities for discovery  believing that “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”  — Brené Brown, Rising Strong --- Hello world! I am Dave. After an over 20 year drinking career it was time to retire. I am growing and learning about myself everyday. Presence with family is my favorite gift recovery has given me. I didn’t know it also came with a community of beautiful people and connection. My hope is to inspire and support others with sharing my story through Instagram and fb. Follow my journey, @djsobershorts. --- Let’s connect! Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E87: Talking to Your Kids About Your Addiction
May 6 2024
E87: Talking to Your Kids About Your Addiction
Talking to your kids about your addiction is hard and it's scary, but it's also necessary. When you're a parent and you're working through addiction and recovery, it's a challenge to know how much to share, and how to share it, with your children. In this groundbreaking episode, we have a conversation with Matt and Rachael about how we've approached talking to our own kids - of all ages - about our recovery. This is also a very personal episode, because Julie's teenage daughter Cora joins us, to share with our listeners what it's like from her perspective. If you've got kids, this episode is a MUST listen. In this episode: Preparing for the hard questions your kids WILL eventually ask youAllowing our kids to share what they experienced, without getting defensive or upsetThe value of letting your kids see your flawsMaking your kids feel safe enough to ask for helpCreating a space where families can talk about addiction and recovery without shame or fearHow sharing our experiences with alcohol can affect the decisions they make when they're confronted with itCo-parenting with different viewpointsResources are available to support your kids, if you don't feel capable right now --- Matt, a 39 year old father of two from Burnt Hills, New York is14 and a half months sober.  He always believed he would get sober but at the same time feared it may never come.  The past five and half years have been a battle with alcohol that he wishes upon no one.  Along the way he has had the constant support of his family, friends and so many he has met along the way to help him achieve sobriety.  He wants to thank you all for sticking with him through all this.  He’d like people to know that substance abuse and mental health issues do not discriminate and that if you are struggling there are people out there who want to and who will help you.  Matthew Perry always said to people who are struggling “It’s not your fault”, but this Matthew believes it’s your responsibility.  It’s your responsibility to acknowledge, accept and treat it every day, just like you would any other disease.  Be kind to those who are still struggling.  Sobriety is hard, but it’s worth it. shamman780 – instagram Ben Meyer Recovery Foundation Youtube Video --- My name is Rachael and I’m a proud to say I’m in long term recovery from both drugs and alcohol. My recovery date is 7/30/2017. I have chosen not to be anonymous and to use my voice and passion to help others like me find a solution. I am a harm reductionist and a certified peer support specialist in 2 states as well as recovery advocate. I am passionate about helping and inspiring others to better themselves which is why I created my page  Addict with Purpose. --- Connect with Julie & Steve: Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find us on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E86: Losing Friends When You Quit Drinking: Here's How to Deal
Apr 29 2024
E86: Losing Friends When You Quit Drinking: Here's How to Deal
I would love to waltz in here and tell you all your friendships are going to be even better when you get sober. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Losing friends when you quit drinking is one of those challenges that nearly everyone has to learn to cope with, and it can be a very real struggle. It's painful to lose friendships, or even to watch them change as we move into this new, alcohol free phase of our lives. We've gathered three fantastic guests to join us on this episode, to share what they've experienced and also what they've learned. Jason (Sober Gangster); Lisa (Hart2Heart Coaching); and our good friend Monica get real about how they're navigating a whole new social experience, sans alcohol. Have a listen - you'll walk away knowing you're not alone, and with some new ideas and perspectives to help you on your own journey of sobriety. In this episode: How your circle shrinks as you get older, and especially in recovery - and how that's a natural processExploring how your standards change as you begin the work of emotional sobrietyDealing with surface level, superficial friendshipsBeing intentional with where you put your energyHow to be a real friendNavigating friendships with people who aren't soberHow to find people that are on a similar pathSurprising fact: losing friends who ARE in your recovery circles is quite commonGrieving lost friendshipsHow to build a core community - no matter how long you've been at thisUnderstanding that recovery changes us - and our friends have to learn to work through that, tooHow to use the internet to find people to build connections with Want to hear more about friendships? Check out this episode from last season! --- At 18, I entered prison. At 19, facing a potential 10+ years for parole violation, a pivotal decision changed my life. In a jail cell on October 12, 1996, at 3 a.m., I swore off mind-altering substances. The 21st encounter with handcuffs pushed me to break free. Living clean and sober for 27 years, I’ve found genuine freedom—earned through work, willingness, and honesty. Sobriety, my most gangster feat, opens doors to a life beyond imagination. – Jason Williams aka Sober Gangster --- Hi, I’m Monica! I’m 54, reside in southern New Jersey, USA, and I am over 3.5 years sober. On Dec. 31, 2019, I woke up with my last hangover. I was finally done making life harder on myself, hurting my relationships, and slowly killing myself. I’ve learned that sobriety is a never-ending journey to becoming the person you were meant to be. It’s been incredibly hard, at times, but the gifts that sobriety have given me are much bigger than any hurdles I’ve overcome. I’ve worked to heal from my past, strengthened my relationships with my kids and husband, built a thriving massage practice, and made forever friends in recovery. I wouldn’t trade my sober life for anything. --- My name is Lisa Hart Anderson. I am a sober woman in her 5th decade reinventing her life in this beautiful world of recovery. I am a Certified Recovery Coach where my passion is to help others stay on the sober path and find joy and fun again in this new life of sobriety. I have been married 33 years, have 3 grown sons, and embracing the empty nester world as I continue to help and encourage others. Throughout my life, I have been an educator, mentor,instructor and coach. It has always been in my heart to teach, guide and inspire with compassion and empathy. Insta and TikTok- hart2heartcoaching Website --- Let’s connect! Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E85: Exploring the Link Between Alcohol and Social Anxiety (And Empowering You To Overcome It!)
Apr 22 2024
E85: Exploring the Link Between Alcohol and Social Anxiety (And Empowering You To Overcome It!)
When your liquid courage goes away, how do you get past the social anxiety when you get sober? First, just know you're not alone. So many people struggle with this! Remember when you walk into a situation that a lot of other people there are feeling just as awkward as you are. We gathered some folks together who have all struggled with social anxiety, and they share their experiences and their wisdom, so hopefully you walk away with some more confidence and a deeper understanding of what it takes to move through social anxiety without alcohol. Join us as we chat with Robbie (host of Golden Hour Adventures podcast); Gina (also known as rapper Modern Day Monk); and Through the Glass regular Matt, as we wade into all those feelings of awkwardness and insecurity. "The only way to get comfortable doing things sober... is to do things sober." In this episode: Actionable tips to help you change your thought patterns in social situationsHow some of our guests made social anxiety go away completelyLearning to make friends in sobrietyRecognizing (and learning) your lacking social skillsHow to embrace the awkwardInsecurity about appearanceHow Covid affected drinking, sobriety, and social interactionsOvercoming the cycle of anxious thoughtsAnxiety over how people are going to react to your decision to stay soberFacing the fear by pushing through itLetting people get to know the new, sober version of youConnection and vulnerability are the key to social anxiety (I mean, aren't they basically the key to everything?)Most people aren't hyper aware of others. I promise.Getting comfortable with yourself will give you the confidence to be comfortable with others "Alcohol worked for me... until it didn't." --- Hello my people!  My name is Gina Murillo also known as Modern Day Monk. I'm a strong woman in long term sustained recovery and I live a wonderful life as a result of that. I consider myself a vibe influencer, a recovery rapper, and recovery speaker. I teach Muay Thai kickboxing and train Brazilian Jiu-jitsu at the best gym in Grand Junction called Grand Valley Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I'm also a full time student at Colorado State University and spend my free time helping others in all kinds of ways. My intention is to share my experience, strength, and hope with the world to help empower those around me. You can find some of the life lessons that I have learned on my social media, as I share them to inspire others. Thank you for taking the time to check out my journey. All love. --- Robbie: I started my sobriety journey due to being sick of the same old story I would put myself though. I found my cannabis and alcohol use getting worse as the years went on. I used them to cope with everything and anything. I'm now nine months sober, I couldn't be happier with my decision to take on this new journey --- Matt, a 39 year old father of two from Burnt Hills, New York is14 and a half months sober.  He always believed he would get sober but at the same time feared it may never come.  The past five and half years have been a battle with alcohol that he wishes upon no one.  Along the way he has had the constant support of his family, friends and so many he has met along the way to help him achieve sobriety.  He wants to thank you all for sticking with him through all this.  He'd like people to know that substance abuse and mental health issues do not discriminate and that if you are struggling there are people out there who want to and who will help you.  Matthew Perry always said to people who are struggling “It’s not your fault”, but this Matthew believes it’s your responsibility.  It’s your responsibility to acknowledge, accept and treat it every day, just like you would any other disease.  Be kind to those who are still struggling.  Sobriety is hard, but it’s worth it. shamman780 - instagram Ben Meyer Recovery Foundation Youtube Video --- Let’s connect! Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E84: How To Stay Sober When Your Spouse Still Drinks
Apr 15 2024
E84: How To Stay Sober When Your Spouse Still Drinks
Is it possible to stay sober, when your spouse still drinks? This is one of the most common challenges our listeners have shared with us, so we've rounded up some guests to share their experiences with it. Of course, the answer is very personal and unique to your situation. But we hope that with some added perspective, maybe you'll find some tips and tools to navigate this situation in your home, if it's one you are struggling with. Join us as we chat with Kate (Walking The Straight Line), Jordana (Executive Director of a healthcare organization) and Through the Glass regular Sherralynn about how our partner's drinking has affected our sobriety, and how we've learned to handle it. In this episode: Understanding that you aren't the problem - it's not your faultCodependency and enmeshment, and how they affect our marriagesYou can't fix or save anyone, no matter how much you love themPrioritize building a support communityYou can't get sober for someone else - and that applies to your spouse as wellShifting away from being "drinking buddies" and finding a new identity within the marriageMaking the decision to separateKnowing and communicating boundariesUnderstanding what is your responsibility, and not taking on more than thatFinding the courage to communicate your needsLearning to prioritize yourself and your sobriety Meet our guests: My name is Jordana Blesa sober 11 years. Sobriety date 12.27.12. I was born in South America (Argentina) raised in sunny California. I was born into a family of Medical Professionals who were very successful in the medical field. I struggled with school growing up and was labeled with several mental health diagnoses so I believed for a long time “I was and am a problem”. Through my journey of recovery I see that mental health is a “super power” and with the appropriate tools, resources and authentic relationships  I am more than capable and competent.  As a young adult I was home schooled and placed in sports: Gymastics and Figure Skating. I excelled at sports and travelled the world as a professional figure skating representing the USA. After several traumatic events I walked away from the sport and went down a journey of self-sabotage, self-imposed crisis and overcame all obstacles and barriers by grace. Through anger and “proving a point” I was able to obtain my Bachelors degree in business and my MBA. All my experiences have led me to work in the behavioral health field. I currently work as an Executive Director for a healthcare organization and have been for the past 4 years helping family members, loved ones, dependent individuals and showing them with a team how recovery is beautiful, rewarding and life is meant to be lived. My mantra is “your past does not define you”. Personally I am an advocate for recovery, live my truth, help others in the recovery community and try my best plant the seed that recovery is possible. I am 39 years old, married and living in Baltimore, Maryland pursuing my dreams in healthcare with a robust team by building from the ground up a 300 bed substance abuse/ mental healthcare facility revolutionizing treatment for Marylanders.   My goal is to continue to disrupt the industry of healthcare, continue planting seeds that recovery is possible and being a living example that recovery is possible. “Together we can change the world”.  Social media-  Instagram- jordy_84- Facebook- Jordana Blesa- Linked In- Jordana Blesa- Non-profit Director for f#ck the Stigma Instagram  - Facebook: YouTube- --- Kate Taylor is a seasoned writer and editor, having worked in London, New York and Rome and with companies such as Disney and the United Nations. She is a big voice on Instagram where she talks about her sobriety and the journey from drinking wine on a nightly basis to where she is today. You can follow her at @walking_the_straight_line --- Sherralynn is a bookish, Anglo-French mum of three who is currently between jobs, but a communicator by profession. She was raised in Norfolk, UK and lives near Paris, France with her French family and cat. Sherralynn’s sober journey began in 2016 after discovering This Naked Mind, and becoming “sober curious”. One baby and several other breaks from alcohol later, she found her sober tribe in August 2022, including Julie and Steve, and hasn’t looked back since. She can be found at @sober_af_for_today on Instagram, or on IAS under Motivated_AF. --- Visit our website at for more information about all of the sobriety resources we offer!
E83: From Denial to Disclosure: The Importance of Honesty in Recovery From Alcoholism
Apr 8 2024
E83: From Denial to Disclosure: The Importance of Honesty in Recovery From Alcoholism
Honesty is one of those topics that seems pretty simple and clear cut at first, but starts getting a little squirmier the more you dig into it. There's layers there, too. Many of us tend to think we're pretty honest folks, but as we work more and more on our recovery, we start recognizing areas of our lives where we'd actually been quite dishonest... and that's especially true when it comes to being honest with ourselves. We've invited three inspiring people in long term recovery to come chat with us, and reflect on how honesty has played in a role in their recovery from alcoholism... and how that's evolved over the course of time. Listen as we talk with Kenny, Emily, and Adam and get real about honesty.   "Recovery meant getting honest with myself about my contentment and quality of life. I had to realize I was settling for less than my full potential." In this episode: Honesty with yourself - and how that evolves with greater self awarenessExcuses and lies of omissionUsing lies to hide and cover up addictions, imperfections, mistakes and flawsDishonesty and perfectionismAdvocating for yourself as a part of honestyRecognizing the physical reaction that happens when you are dishonestHow ego applies to honestyUnderstanding - and getting honest about - underlying subconscious beliefsThe freedom that comes with living an open and honest life "I always believed it was okay, as long as I didn't get caught." --- About our guests: Kenny Hill is a combat veteran who has been sober for 17 years. He now works as a therapist with addiction and trauma in his private practice, called Recovery Hill. Beyond his professional life, Kenny has a podcast called Patina’d Podcast, where resilience is the underlying theme as guests discuss their origin stories. This podcast can be found on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcast. He also put together a mini-documentary series specific to addiction called “Story Of.” Each guest has sustainable recovery, and shares their experience and personal tips for long-term sobriety. Here is the link for ‘Story Of’: Kenny's Instagram: And Patina’d Podcast Instagram: --- Adam Head spent the majority of adulthood running from a life that he found unfulfilling by drowning it in vodka and peppermint schnapps. This eventually landed him in the hospital with a diagnosis of acute alcohol induced liver failure. Fast forward through five rehabs, hundreds of meetings and a divorce, and he still found himself drinking. Until he discovered CBT, Spirituality, and the power of identity. He now lives a life he describes as overflowing with joy and is "effortlessly sober." X - @theadamhead --- As always, you can find more information about our guests, as well as all of the other resources Julie and Steve offer, at
E81: Self Esteem and Sobriety: Building Confidence After Quitting Drinking
Mar 25 2024
E81: Self Esteem and Sobriety: Building Confidence After Quitting Drinking
Let's chat about self esteem and sobriety - and why it's so important. Life doesn't automatically just get easy when you quit drinking. Uncomfortable emotions still crop up from time to time, and one of the best things we can do is develop the skills to move through those emotions in a healthy way. One of the emotions that throws people for a loop is insecurity, so that's what we're gonna tackle today. In this episode, we've invited sober influencer Azure, sober podcaster Brianna, and sober influencer Ginelle to come share with us how they've dealt with insecurity, and what they've done to increase their self esteem since they stopped drinking. If we can learn healthy ways to step out of insecurity and into confidence, we'll be able to handle life that much better. Stay tuned for some great insight and some helpful tips that you'll be able to use the next time insecurity gets the best of you. "This isn't a game I play alone." In this episode, you'll hear about: The difference between external and internal self esteemThe value of trusting and believing in your own intuitionLetting go of living to impress others, and finding the courage to stop being fakeHow to define realistic expectations so you can reasonably lower your standardsLearn the importance of small, esteemable acts and how to incorporate them into your lifeUnderstand how excessive apologizing minimizes our value and lowers self worthHow to cope when regret is the source of your insecurityThe value of therapy - not just in sobriety, but in building self esteemThe interconnectedness of shame, vulnerability, and healthy self esteem To learn more about Ginelle, Azure, and Brianna, click here Visit our website at for access to weekly zoom support meetings, our weekly newsletter, and other resources to support your sobriety.
E80: The People Pleaser's Guide to Sobriety
Mar 18 2024
E80: The People Pleaser's Guide to Sobriety
The stereotypical "alcoholic" is seen as selfish. Always focused on their own gain, getting their needs met, and using other people to make that happen.  But... it's actually far more common for people struggling with alcohol misuse to be people pleasers. They bend over backward, taking care of everyone, keeping everyone happy, to the point where they find themselves exhausted, empty, and full of resentment. People pleasing can be a huge pitfall in maintaining lasting sobriety. Today we're joined by Robbie, co-host of Golden Hour Adventures podcast; Leah, sober yoga instructor; and Daph, recovery coach and sober companion, to chat about what people pleasing looks like in our lives, how it affects us, and how we've found the courage to say no more often. "Sometimes I forget to check in with myself." In this episode, you'll hear about: People pleasing as the desire to be liked and to fit inUnderstanding the pressure that people pleasing places on us in our daily livesSaying yes when we really mean no, and how that leads to resentment, which leads to drinkingBoundaries and how to set them if you're a people pleaserPeople pleasing to avoid conflictDealing with the guilt and resentment that we carry from decisions made from people pleasingLearning - and remembering - to check in with yourselfEarly sobriety requires a certain amount of being 'selfish'Working through the fear of disappointing others To learn more about Robbie, Leah, and Daph, click here Visit our website at Through the Glass Recovery for access to weekly zoom support meetings, our weekly newsletter, and other resources to support your sobriety.
E79 Cultivate Hope: Finding Meaning and Purpose in Recovery
Mar 11 2024
E79 Cultivate Hope: Finding Meaning and Purpose in Recovery
We hear from a lot of people who are struggling with finding purpose in recovery. That feeling of being lost, of just floating through life, can be frustrating and can even lead to thoughts of drinking again. We know that if you have found your purpose in life, and you've found the courage to live out that purpose, maintaining lasting sobriety becomes achievable. So we've gathered together a group of folks to share their experiences in finding their purpose, and how it's looked in their lives. You'll hear from sober podcast host Michal, sober influencer Gary, and John, who is a sober ultra runner. We hope you're inspired to dig a bit deeper, and take the steps necessary to live out your own purpose. "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose in life is to give it away." -Pablo Picasso In this episode, we talk about... Defining our values so that we can more clearly understand our purposeAllowing your purpose to evolve with youHow sobriety provides the clarity necessary to discover your purposeEveryone has a gift. To know your gift is to know your purpose - or at least get you pointed in the right direction.Purpose is nearly always centered in helping others in some wayDon't overcomplicate it! Your purpose is likely something quite simple.Finding purpose in recovery means you must first discover your true identityExperiment with what works. Keep an open mind and be willing to change directions often.What to do if you know your purpose, but you're too afraid to say it out loud "I know what my purpose is today. I don't need to commit to that for eternity."
E78: How To Build a Sobriety Support Network
Mar 4 2024
E78: How To Build a Sobriety Support Network
If you're feeling alone in your sober journey, if you're wishing you had some extra sobriety support, this sober podcast episode is for you. We've gathered three inspiring women to share with us how they've built a sober support network that works for them. The conversation explains perfectly how no one recovery journey is the same as any other, and how our needs for support in recovery are as unique as our journeys. Listen as we chat with TikToker Taylor, Courtney, author of The One Brought Back , and Through the Glass regular Sherralynn, and discovery many new resources that you can use to build a sobriety support network of your very own. "Online strangers saved my life." In this episode, you'll hear about: The I Am Sober app and community where Steve, Julie, and Sherralynn all metWhy it's important to find people who are also in recovery, so they can relate to your experiencesHow to find online meetings (like the ones we host!)The pros ad cons of telling your immediate family and friends right awayCourtney's journey through court ordered rehab, AA, and other recovery programs and how it was helpful for herHow your church family can provide sobriety supportFiguring out where you feel the most safe, so that you can be vulnerableHow people who aren't in recovery just don't understand, and how that's okayThe importance of continuing to experiment with new sources of support, as you continue to grow on your journeyNot knowing what to expect at a support meeting, and what it's really like when you finally do show up "I didn't want to be the kind of person who needed to go to meetings." To learn more about Sherralynn, Courtney, and Taylor, visit our website at  There, you can also sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E77: Recognizing the Alcohol Voice: Practical Tips for Managing Cravings and Urges
Feb 26 2024
E77: Recognizing the Alcohol Voice: Practical Tips for Managing Cravings and Urges
"The Alcohol Voice was telling me, 'You don't have to feel this way.'" Urges and cravings to drink alcohol look different for everyone, but most of us can agree on one thing: there's a voice that pipes up inside our head, trying to convince us to drink. That voice sounds a lot like our own, and it gets really creative and tricky, trying to find ways to get you to give in and have the drink you've been working so hard to avoid. It's not unlike the angel on one side and the devil on another. In this podcast episode, we're joined by sober influencer Elle (@soberinthesprings) and Rich, a recovery coach, to talk about what that voice sounds like inside our heads. We share some practical tips and tricks to shut the voice down and manage the urgest and cravings so common in early sobriety. "You will never regret choosing to stay sober." In this episode: Knowing when you've reached a limitGiving yourself permission to do whatever you must, to put your sobriety firstThe alcohol voice is a bullyHow alcohol marketing gives alcohol its voiceLearning to confront and question thoughtsThe drinking voice is an alarm - let's talk about how to respond to it.Mental tips and tricks to move through an urge to drinkHow we compare our problems to others and use that to justify our drinkingOur #1 tool for dealing with the drinking voice To learn more about our guests, visit our website at Get in touch with Steve and Julie: Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E76: Conflict Resolution: Improving Communication Skills in Recovery
Feb 19 2024
E76: Conflict Resolution: Improving Communication Skills in Recovery
So it turns out, a lot of us were really bad at communicating. And then we got sober, and realized we couldn't just hide from difficult conversations and conflict anymore. We had to actually learn how to handle it. And it started with learning healthy communication skills in recovery. In this podcast episode, we dig into communication, and how to handle conflict effectively, after you get sober. We're joined by Mike, creator of Own Sobriety; Chris, creator of More Than 28; sober influencer Higgy, and our friend Melissa for a conversation about how we've learned healthy communication skills in recovery. "I had to learn how to tolerate discomfort." In this episode: Finding the courage to say what you need to sayLearning to identify and then express needsUnderstanding that conflict in relationships is normalFacing the shame of forgetting drunken conversationsDeveloping active listening skillsRecognizing when you are being heardYou must know yourself in order to communicate effectivelyRecognizing and unlearning unhealthy behaviors (i.e. manipulation)Honesty and communication skills in recoveryHow to communicate without the "lubricant" of alcoholGaining confidence and self awareness in sobriety allows for improved communicationIdentifying and communicating boundaries To learn more about our guests, visit our webite at Get in touch with Steve and Julie: Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E75: Redefining Love: Build Thriving Relationships in Recovery
Feb 12 2024
E75: Redefining Love: Build Thriving Relationships in Recovery
In this Valentine's Day episode, we invite our guests to share their thoughts on love. We share what we've learned about love and how it affects our relationships in recovery. You'll hear from sober influencer Amber, Jared Blaine - host of the Blaklist Podcast, and sober influencer Jennifer, about how their understanding of love has changed as they've worked on healing and understanding themselves. Each of us walked away with a new understanding of love, and we know you will, too. "I had this idea that love was giving all of yourself, no matter what." In this episode, you'll hear about: Sobriety allows us to show up in loving relationships in the way that others deserve.Understanding attachment theory and how it pertains to our relationships is helpful.Our upbringing models love to us, and creates our definition of love.Learning to embrace solitude when you're singleDiscovering and understanding emotional needs, and how to meet them.It is possible to be loved by someone, but not feel loved by them.Love is an action, and it requires constant practice.Loving someone from afar, or leaving in love, can both be healthy solutions.How codependency and love are interrelated.Conflict in love - what it looks like, and determining healthy vs. toxic relationships in recovery. In this episode, we mention the following books and resources: Codependent No More by Melody Beattie Rewired by Erica Speigelman The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman (Click the link to take a quiz and discover your own love language!) If you loved this conversation and want to learn more about how our understand of love changes in recovery, be sure to check out this episode. To learn more about our guests visit our website at Get in touch with Steve and Julie: Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E74: Courageous Conversations: How Vulnerability Fuels Recovery
Feb 5 2024
E74: Courageous Conversations: How Vulnerability Fuels Recovery
Vulnerability is one of the hardest pieces of a strong recovery foundation, but it's also one of the most important. Without embracing the discomfort, you'll never find the connection that is truly the key to thriving once you quit drinking. In this podcast episode, we are joined by Justin from The Hope Shot, Casey from F-around and Recover, and our friend Matt to talk about the challenges they have faced when it comes to showing up vulnerably. We talk not only about the wins, but also the struggles, especially when it comes to men and facing society's beliefs surrounding vulnerability.  Connection is the opposite of addiction. Vulnerability is how we find connection. In this episode: Showing and receiving love feels vulnerableIt takes time to break down walls and let people inDrinking numbs our emotions; vulnerability is allowing ourselves to feel themCalculated risk: knowing when you're ready to face something vulnerableDespite society's beliefs, vulnerability is strength and courageBeing vulnerable with strangers is sometimes easierOwnership of our mistakes and flaws is vulnerabilityHow honesty pertains to vulnerabilityWhy the people close to us are the hardest to be vulnerable withFacing fear and standing up for yourselfMisplaced vulnerability - finding the right person with whom to share your truth Today February 5th, Matt celebrates one year of Sobriety.  This is something he always believed would happen but at the same time feared may never come.  The past five and half years have been a battle with alcohol that he wishes upon no one.  Along the way he has had the constant support of his family, friends and so many he has met along the way helping him achieve sobriety.  He wants to thank you all for sticking with him through all this.  He'd like people to know that substance abuse and mental health issues do not discriminate and that if you are struggling there are people out there who want to and who will help you.  Matthew Perry always said to people who are struggling “It’s not your fault”, but this Matthew believes it’s your responsibility.  It’s your responsibility to acknowledge, to accept and to treat it every day, just like you would any other disease.  Be kind to those who are still struggling.  Sobriety is hard, but it’s worth it. Casey Jordan is a recovery advocate and father of 2 from Hillsboro, Ohio. When Casey made the choice to get sober in May of 2022, he quickly became passionate about spreading hope to others in active addiction. He started the online recovery community “F Around & Recover” shortly after finishing an inpatient rehab program as a way to connect with other sober individuals and inspire anyone struggling to take the first step toward recovery. Since founding F Around & Recover, Casey has increasingly focused his energy on spreading the message that recovery is NOT “one size fits all”, feeling strongly that people shouldn’t be shamed for using different paths to sobriety. His dream is to play a role in recovery and sober living programs being implemented in rural communities. When Casey isn’t running “F Around & Recover”, he can usually be found spending time with his young kids. Get in touch with Steve and Julie: Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E73: The Next Chapter: Maintaining Sobriety After the Early Days
Jan 29 2024
E73: The Next Chapter: Maintaining Sobriety After the Early Days
For many of our listeners, Dry January is coming to a close, and you're starting to think about maintaining sobriety going forward. If you've decided you want to keep going, but you're not sure what that needs to look like, this episode is just for you. We've invited Chuck LaFlange, host of the Ashes to Awesome podcast, Jason Williams of Sober Gangster, and sober influencer Hayley Delashmit to dig into what it looks like after you've gotten used to not drinking, and are ready to start moving forward into really building an alcohol free life. We ask them the question, "What Now?" and they all share their very different, very valuable experience. "When it gets easy, I get complacent. And complacency is almost scarer than turmoil." In this episode:   Periods of growth come and go, ebb and flow. That's normal.How to avoid complacency - tips and tools for maintaining sobriety long termFinding your purpose, understanding that it will shift as time goes onKeep doing the things that workStart uncovering the reasons why you drankLearning to stay in the moment - the power of mindfulnessCreating intention in day to day actions Bonus topics: Dealing with the shame of relapseThe power of social media in maintaining sobriety "When I get stagnant, I get slippery." At 18, I entered prison. At 19, facing a potential 10+ years for parole violation, a pivotal decision changed my life. In a jail cell on October 12, 1996, at 3 a.m., I swore off mind-altering substances. The 21st encounter with handcuffs pushed me to break free. Living clean and sober for 27 years, I’ve found genuine freedom—earned through work, willingness, and honesty. Sobriety, my most gangster feat, opens doors to a life beyond imagination. – Jason Williams aka Sober Gangster Chuck's 25-year struggle with addiction, marked by relapses and PTSD, took a turn following his father's death and his mother's constant reminder, "You are loved." This led to his recovery and the creation of the Ashes to Awesome Podcast. Alongside co-hosts Ryan Bathgate, and Dr. Lisa, the podcast addresses addiction and mental health, promoting hope, love, and acceptance. It's a platform for sharing stories and support, not only for those in recovery but also for their families, embodying a message of transformation and understanding. Hi ya’ll I am Hayley Delashmit or “Giggles”. I was raised in Nashville, TN. I did take a random adventure and moved to Buffalo, NY in 2010 for 2 and a half years.(GO BILLS) . I currently live in a small farming and trucking town in Munford, TN.  My sober birthday is January 11,2023. I recover out loud just so people know that they are seen and they matter. God gave me the strength and the voice to speak with kindness, grace and understanding just so I can let people know there is HOPE and that they are not ALONE.  This next chapter of my sober journey will be by Gods grace I get placed on the Liver Transplant list and in the meantime I will spread hope and smiles because smiles and laughter are contagious!  I am mostly found on  Facebook but I also have a tik tok & both are under my name, Hayley Delashmit! Get involved in the Through The Glass Recovery community! Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. We also have a new Facebook Group where our friends and listeners can offer support to one another. Come join us! You can also find us on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E72: Sobriety vs Recovery - What's the Difference, and Why Should You Care?
Jan 22 2024
E72: Sobriety vs Recovery - What's the Difference, and Why Should You Care?
Sobriety vs. Recovery. You hear the words "sobriety" and "recovery" used interchangeably all the time, but there's a distinct difference, and if you're wanting to live a fulfilling life without alcohol, it's important that you understand what these words mean. In this episode, Steve is joined by Robbie, (host of Golden Hour Adventures podcast), Jon (author of Parables: Musings from an Addict on the Journey Toward Wholeness), Johnny Joy (creator of Sobritree app), and sober influencer Hayley to discuss what recovery has looked like in their lives, and how it differs from being "sober". "There are a whole lot of sober people that are still very far from recovery." Creating a recovery maintenance plan that suits your needsThe value of connection in recoveryGetting to know your authentic selfWhat does, "dry drunk" mean?Growth as the foundation for recoveryThe benefits of the social media recovery communityLearn to leave space for mistakes; recovery is trial and errorIt's about what works for you - this is YOUR journeyTaking ownership of your recovery instead of placing blameRecovery doesn't mean giving up everything you enjoy Want more insight on sobriety vs. recovery? Check out Episode 32: Are Sobriety And Recovery The Same? "Recovery is clearing up the mess that caused everything to go haywire in the first place." This week's guests: Johnny Joy. Yes that’s my real name. I am the founder of SobriTree, a resource guide for sobriety your way. I am a 4th generation Colorado Springs native, father of 2 amazing girls and husband to one incredible woman. I am a recovered drunk and pill addict, 10 years in March. My goal for the second half of my life is to help as many people save their own as possible, whenever I can, wherever possible. I am the luckiest guy I know and sobriety is the single most powerful thing that I have ever done. I want to share that message with the world. Robbie started his sobriety journey due to being sick of the same old story he would put himself though. He found his cannabis and alcohol use getting worse as the years went on. He used them to cope with everything and anything. Robbie is now over a year sober, and couldn’t be happier with his decision to take on this new journey. Robbie co-hosts Golden Hour Adventures podcast and can be found on Instagram @runshills605. Hi ya'll I am Hayley Delashmit or "Giggles". I was raised in Nashville, TN. I did take a random adventure and moved to Buffalo, NY in 2010 for 2 and a half years. (GO BILLS) . I currently live in a small farming and trucking town in Munford, TN.  My sober birthday is January 11,2023. I recover out loud just so people know that they are seen and they matter. God gave me the strength and the voice to speak with kindness, grace and understanding just so I can let people know there is HOPE and that they are not ALONE.  This next chapter of my sober journey will be by Gods grace I get placed on the Liver Transplant list and in the meantime I will spread hope and smiles because smiles and laughter are contagious!  I am mostly found on  Facebook but I also have a tik tok & both are under my name, Hayley Delashmit!   Get in touch with Steve and Julie: Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. We also have a new Facebook Group where our friends and listeners can offer support to one another. Come join us! You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok
E71: Shame In Recovery - Escaping the Shame Cycle
Jan 15 2024
E71: Shame In Recovery - Escaping the Shame Cycle
Nearly everyone experiences shame in recovery… and it seems many of us drank to try to avoid feeling shame in the first place. "I drank to avoid feeling the shame of drinking," is a familiar concept to many of us. The shame cycle perpetuates, keeping us going round and round and never quite knowing how to stop. In this episode, we address dealing with shame in recovery. We're joined by social media sober influencers Benjamin Lerner and Sonya Johnson, and CEO of Camelback Recovery Tim Westbrook as we talk about how shame held us trapped in our addictions, and how overcoming that was key to staying successfully sober. "I drank to avoid feeling the shame from drinking." In this episode: Using honesty to combat shameAvoiding the feeling of shame by drinking, lying, and other unhealthy habitsTalking about what you're ashamed of is ultimately how you'll set yourself freeFinding the right people to share your truth with is imperativeAllowing someone to walk alongside you in the hardest of timesTrying to avoid feeling shame with perfectionismHow perfectionism can lead to relapseLearning to live in the "gray" area of life, as opposed to black and white thinkingUnderstanding that lifting shame makes us stronger in our recovery "I thought I was a bad person because I couldn't stop. That just continued the shame cycle." To learn more about our guests, visit out website at Get in touch with Steve and Julie: Visit our website at to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. We also have a new Facebook Group where our friends and listeners can offer support to one another. Come join us! You can also find Julie and Steve on:  Instagram  Facebook  Tiktok