The UnTapped Power of Amazon LIVE Creator

The UnCaged™ Entrepreneur Heather Havenwood

Oct 27 2020 • 25 mins

Hey Influencer!

I just completed my first two AMAZON LIVE CREATOR Videos on my Amazon Influencer Page!


Ok, so this is super cool! Think Martha Stewart and Home Shopping Network!

I am so excited about the possibilities! In this podcast, which was done LIVE on my Twitter @hhavenwood You Tube HeatherHavenwood and Facebook @HeatherHavenwood

I share ideas on how you can leverage and use Amazon LIVE Creator as a BRAND and an INFLUENCER!


go check out my Amazon Influencer page at

Please share!

Heather Ann Havenwood

Stevie Award Winner 2020 - Most Innovative Woman of the Year - Social Media

Woman of Achievement 2020 - Ms. Texas

Woman of Achievement 2020 - Media Award Winner

Modern Profits - Speaker of the Year 2019