Overcoming Two Common Barriers To Happiness in Life after Kids

Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne

Mar 24 2024 • 30 mins

Don’t let these 2 things stop you from living a fabulous life now that your kids are grown!

On today’s episode of Life after Kids, we’re delving into the common hurdles of jealousy and pride, discussing how these two things can rob us of joy during a pivotal time of life transition.  And we’re having a candid discussion about the nuances of finding happiness after the kids have moved on.  We combine personal stories, reflections, and actionable advice to make this conversation a must-hear.  You’ll emerge with a sense of empowerment and the courage to seek assistance when needed for a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Coveting and jealousy are significant thieves of joy, especially in later life stages; acknowledgment and self-awareness are key to overcoming them.
  • Comparison spurred by social media can lead to an unhealthy focus on what's missing rather than appreciating what's present in one's life.
  • Gratitude and understanding the price of others' accomplishments can appraise one's own life choices constructively.
  • Pride can manifest as resistance to seeking help or boasting as a defense mechanism; both extremes can disrupt genuine connections with others.

To overcome jealousy and feelings of inadequacy, focus on your unique gifts rather than comparing yourself to others. Likewise, pride is often a defensive mechanism to avoid showing vulnerability or admitting the need for help. These destructive emotions are further magnified by social media's omnipresence, where the highlight reel of others' lives can overshadow our sense of contentment. In this filtered world that we live in, it’s so important to practice gratitude and realistic self-assessment in embracing our stage of life and personal accomplishments.  Be sure to catch the full episode of Life after Kids to hear the raw and vulnerable insights we share and to gain more invaluable tips for navigating life after kids.

0:01:10 | Coveting and jealousy as thieves of joy
0:02:49 | The negative impact of comparing oneself to others
0:03:47 | The influence of social media on coveting and jealousy
0:05:21 | Coveting relationships and the importance of being happy for others
0:06:46 | Acknowledging and feeling one's own emotions while celebrating others
0:07:17 | Setting guardrails for social media usage
0:08:31 | Practicing gratitude for what one has
0:09:24 | Recognizing the price others pay for what they have
0:09:53 | Embracing one's own reality and self-worth
0:10:30 | The importance of focusing on personal goals.
0:11:47 | The negative effects of constantly wanting what you don't have.
0:12:52 | how pride can be a defense mechanism to appear strong.
0:14:26 | The importance of self-awareness and not being overly prideful.
0:15:50 | the harmful effects of the "superwoman syndrome" and the need to do everything on one's own.
0:17:19 | Dr. Brooke shares her personal experience with pride and hearing aids.
0:21:41 | Admitting the need for and accepting help as we age

Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids!

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Making tomorrow even better than today,

Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne

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