Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne

Drs. Brooke and Lynne

We're getting real, raw and vulnerable on all things MIDLIFE.  And, we're having honest conversation about our struggles and what it really takes to live a meaningful Life after Kids.
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Tips and Insights for Reconnecting with Your Spouse in Life after Kids
Tips and Insights for Reconnecting with Your Spouse in Life after Kids
For almost all mothers, the best thing that ever happened to us is our kids.  And yet, after they’re born so many of our own needs take a back seat to theirs.  Their lives become our lives and often there are areas of our own life that get neglected.  One of those areas is an important one.  It’s our relationship with our spouse or significant other. Considering Father’s Day, we decided to focus this episode of Life After Kids on the critical topic of reconnecting with your spouse post-childrearingWe delve into practical strategies for rekindling the relationship with your significant other, using the framework of the "What's Your Purpose?" quiz. This episode isn't just for married women but offers valuable insights for single moms, those dating, or anyone keen on enhancing their relationships. Key Takeaways:Remember the Initial Spark: Regularly reflect on what initially attracted you to your spouse to reignite those feelings.Shared Experiences: Revisit cherished memories and experiences to strengthen your bond.Understand Dominant Styles: Use the "What's Your Purpose?" quiz to identify your spouse’s dominant style and tailor your approach accordingly.Personalized Connection: Specific actions can help reconnect, such as taking advice seriously for Magnificent Motivators or participating in tasks with Diligent Doers.Selfless Love: Practice selfless love and appreciation for each other to build a stronger, more resilient relationship.Listen to this week’s episode of Life after Kids in its entirety to learn more about using the "What's Your Purpose?" quiz to understand each partner's dominant style, categorizing them as Diligent Doers, Remarkable Relators, Magnificent Motivators, or Awesome Analyzers. By tailoring connection strategies to these categories, you’ll get a personalized approach to strengthening your relationships. Most importantly, don’t forget the significance of selflessness and mutual understanding in fostering a strong, enduring marital bond.RESOURCES:The Life after Kids What's My Purpose QuizThe 5 Love Languages BookTimestamp Summary | 0:00  | Reconnecting With Your Spouse Using the What's Your Purpose Quiz | 2:29  | Prioritizing Spousal Connection Before and After Kids Leave Home | 3:51  | Rekindling Romance by Remembering Why You Fell in Love | 10:17  | Understanding Four Types of Personalities and Their Dominant Styles | 12:12  | Understanding and Embracing Differences in Relationships | 16:10  | Effective Communication Strategies in Relationships | 19:38  | Selflessness and Control in Improving Marital Relationships | 21:33  | Reconnecting Through Shared Activities and Understanding Personality Types | 27:53  | Understanding and Appreciating Different Spousal Strengths | 34:47  | Balancing Work and Relationships with Diligent Doers | 38:12  | Understanding Relationship Dynamics Through Purpose and Communication Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Mid-Year Goal Check-In Tips For A More Purposeful Life after Kids
Jun 9 2024
Mid-Year Goal Check-In Tips For A More Purposeful Life after Kids
We all heard it straight from Ferris Bueller when we were younger, but in this phase of life, we’re fully comprehending what he meant.  Life does indeed move pretty fast and if you blink, you could miss it.That’s why tools like goal setting and mid-year goal check ins are so important for making the most of our life now that the kids are grown, and these tools are the focus of this week’s episode of Life after Kids. We share personal experiences and highlight the importance of appreciating the highs and lows in life. This segues into a discussion about the need for periodically checking in on our goals rather than waiting for the end of the year to ensure we’re making the most of our next chapter.Key Takeaways:Three R Framework: Recap, Reflect, Recommit as a strategy for effective goal check-ins.Celebrating Wins: Importance of acknowledging successes and progress to maintain motivation.Flexibility: Allowing for goal adjustments based on changing priorities and life circumstances.Integration into Daily Life: Practical tips for incorporating goals into daily routines.Family Involvement: Encouraging discussions around goals with family for shared growth and accountability.Dive with us into the structure and benefits of The Life after Kids Goals Framework, designed specifically for moms in midlife. Learn more about regular goal check-ins, such as quarterly or mid-year, to keep on track, stay engaged with your goals and continue making progress throughout the year. Listen to the full episode of Life after Kids for personal insights and practical tips to ensure that you are equipped to create and maintain a meaningful life now that your kids are grown.Don’t forget to set some goals that scare you a little bit. If it doesn't scare you, it's probably not big enough!RESOURCES:The Life after Kids Goals FrameworkRoadmap To A Midyear Check-inTaking Risks in Midlife PodcastTimestamp Summary | 0:00  | Overcoming Illness and Appreciating Life's Highs and Lows | 1:48  | Effective Goal Setting and Mid-Year Check-Ins | 5:53  | Creative Ways to Display and Use Goal Frameworks | 6:53  | The Importance of Setting and Checking Goals for Personal Growth | 13:38  | Reconnecting with Your Partner Through Goal Setting | 16:37  | The Importance of Setting Fun Goals Like Attending Concerts | 17:53  | Perception of Time and Aging | 19:25  | Finding Urgency and Purpose in Life Goals | 20:05  | Mid-Year Goal Check-In Using Recap, Reflect, Recommit Framework | 23:41  | Mid-Year Check-In: Celebrating Successes and Reflecting on Growth | 26:34  | Recap, Reflect, and Recommit to Your Goals Mid-Year | 28:31  | Embracing Flexibility and Grace in Achieving Goals | 29:22  | Setting Scary Goals and Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Aging Stereotypes: Embracing Youthful Style and Attitude
Jun 2 2024
Aging Stereotypes: Embracing Youthful Style and Attitude
Welcome to another episode of "Life after kids with Doctors Brooke and Lynne," where we dive into the stereotypes surrounding aging and how to defy them. This episode promises to debunk the myths of what it means to grow older and explores the endless possibilities awaiting those around and over the age of 50.The conversation kicks off by delving into the pressure society places on aging individuals, particularly when it comes to personal style and societal expectations. And we discuss the dilemma of staying relevant and true to oneself while navigating the opinions of younger generations, particularly our own children. Decidedly, public perception of aging is indeed shifting thanks to the influence of public figures like Jennifer Lopez, who showcase a vibrant, active lifestyle that defies traditional age boundaries.Key Takeaways:There is significant societal pressure regarding age-appropriate style, but it's vital to dress and present ourselves in ways that make us feel confident and vibrant, regardless of age.Aging stereotypes have shifted considerably, and today's 50-year-olds can lead as youthful and dynamic lives as they choose.Role models, like Jennifer Lopez, are changing the narrative around what it means to be 50, allowing for more creative freedom in self-expression.The concept of individuality is crucial—while defying stereotypes, it's equally important to do what feels comfortable and authentic to oneself.Embracing a philosophy of challenging the status quo and maintaining high personal standards can significantly impact the quality of life as one ages.Join us for the full episode of Life after Kids as we highlight the importance of personal standards and challenging the norm as keys to thriving at any age. In this phase of life, remember to seek inspiration from individuals who have accomplished outstanding feats later in life, proving it's never too late to start new ventures. We hope this episode serves as a beacon of empowerment for those of you looking to redefine aging on your own terms.RESOURCES:Ageless Beauty Workbook and Guide| Timestamp  | Summary | 0:00  | Challenging Over 50 Stereotypes and Aging Possibilities | 0:56  | Perceptions of Aging Through Decades | 3:17  | Embracing Life's Blessings and Children's Perspectives | 4:18  | Age Stereotypes and Sneaker Culture Clashes | 6:53  | Defining Age-Appropriate Style and Self-Expression | 10:08  | Challenging Norms and Attitudes Toward Aging | 12:19  | Debating Age-Appropriate Hairstyles and Celebrity Transformations | 14:26  | Breaking Age Stereotypes with Youthful Fashion and Triathlons | 16:20  | Defying Age Stereotypes Through Inspirational Achievements | 19:18  | Breaking Stereotypes: Age and Success in Modern Times | 21:03  | Challenging Norms and Personal Style Choices | 22:33  | Revitalize Your Look and Boost Your Confidence Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Taking Care of Aging Parents: Challenges and Self-Care Tips
May 26 2024
Taking Care of Aging Parents: Challenges and Self-Care Tips
For many midlife moms, just when life just starts to get a little quiet because the kids have grown up, we’re faced with another life event that can rock us to our core…taking care of aging family members.In this episode of Life after Kids, we’re wading into the sensitive and complex topic of caregiving for aging parents, a reality faced by many in the so-called sandwich generation. Our conversation touches on the emotional and logistical challenges that arise when adults find themselves caring for their elders while still supporting their own children.Key Takeaways:Caring for aging parents often leads to the 'sandwich generation' dilemma, where individuals support both their children and elderly parents simultaneously.The importance of self-care cannot be overstated; caregivers must prioritize their well-being to avoid exhaustion and other mental health strains.Strategic planning, including estate planning and securing appropriate insurance and benefits, can alleviate some of the logistical and financial burdens.Various living arrangements for elderly care have both pros and cons; decisions should be made based on individual family dynamics and needs.Utilizing community resources can provide significant support for caregivers, including respite care, meal delivery services, and compensations or tax credits.Watch the full episode of Life after Kids for a compassionate exploration of the situations individuals can find themselves in as caregivers. Learn about various living arrangements available for elderly care, from in-home care to assisted living facilities, weighing in on the benefits and strains of each option.  And, unpack the psychological aspects of caring for aging family members as we address the guilt and stress that caregivers often endure and the importance of self-care to prevent burnout and depression.RESOURCES:The Life after Kids Membership Community| Timestamp  | Summary | 0:00  | Addressing a Tough Topic Impacting Many Women | 0:43  | Balancing Care for Aging Parents and Children | 4:26  | Family Caregiving Across State Lines | 6:01  | Coping With Aging Parents and Personal Self-Care | 8:56  | Planning for Quality of Life in Old Age | 11:20  | Self-Care Strategies for Caregivers | 15:38  | Deciding on Elderly Care Options and Managing Stress | 16:29  | Embracing Community in Assisted Living Transitions | 18:36  | Understanding Senior Living Options and Care Levels | 19:38  | Navigating Elderly Parent Care Decisions | 22:37  | Navigating Sibling Dynamics in Elderly Parent Care | 24:28  | Coping with the Challenges of Caring for the Elderly | 26:30  | Leveraging Community Support in Elderly Care | 29:25  | Discussing Elderly Care and Community Support Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Connecting with Grown Kids: Understanding Their Unique Needs and Personalities
May 19 2024
Connecting with Grown Kids: Understanding Their Unique Needs and Personalities
One of the biggest struggles for moms is connecting with our older kids on a deeper level to improve our relationship as they leave the nest. In this episode of Life after Kids with Doctors Brooke and Lynne, we delve deep into the complexities of connecting with grown children. This discussion serves as a guide for parents who yearn to maintain and strengthen the bond with their children as they transition into adulthood. We provide insights and practical advice as a resource for parents navigating this unique stage of family life.Key Takeaways:Recognizing and respecting a child's unique personality type is central to establishing a deeper bond.Consistent and early efforts to understand and communicate in a child's preferred style solidify relationships.Expressing gratitude for their qualities and acknowledging their achievements fosters a positive connection.Personal fulfillment outside of parental roles prevents dependency and promotes a healthier dynamic.Engaging with one’s children on topics they're passionate about shows care and interest, which is crucial for maintaining a close relationship.Watch this week’s full episode of Life after Kids to gain understanding of individual personality traits, drawing from the "what's your purpose" quiz.  We’ll show you how to apply this to forge stronger connections with your adult children while categorizing personalities into four broad types and expounding on tailored communication strategies that resonate with each. From creating activities aligned with your kids' inclinations to expressing appreciation for their unique perspectives, we share an array of tactics that promise to enhance parent-child relationships. Take a journey with us into the art of family communication, underscored with personal anecdotes and relatable examples. Timestamp  | Summary | 0:00  | Reconnecting With Adult Children | 0:30  | Discover Your Purpose With Our Quiz and Understand Your Kids | 1:15  | Connecting with Children Through Understanding and Communication | 5:11  | Understanding Family Communication Dynamics | 7:30  | Identifying and Connecting With Children's Unique Strengths | 11:57  | Bonding Through Shopping and Household Tasks | 12:58  | Encouraging Communication: Positive Reinforcement in Parenting | 14:52  | Understanding Children's Unique Communication Styles | 15:16  | Connecting With Analyzers and Motivators in Family Dynamics | 19:51  | Effective Communication With Independent Adult Children | 21:47  | Nurturing Bonds With Remarkable Relators | 22:16  | Parenting Insights and Connecting With Each Child's Needs | 24:11  | Guiding Career Choices in Business for College Kids | 24:31  | Decoding Personal Strengths in Professional Roles | 26:25  | Balancing Motherhood, Self-Fulfillment, and Child Independence | 28:08  | Fostering Resilience and Connection in Parenting Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Nostalgic Reflections on Childhood Favorites and Not-So-Favorites
May 12 2024
Nostalgic Reflections on Childhood Favorites and Not-So-Favorites
In the latest episode of Life after Kids, we welcome you into an intimate and nostalgic conversation that takes a delightful stroll down memory lane. Join us in a lively discussion about the quirks, the culture, and the cherished memories that define our experiences of motherhood and the evolution of personal technology from our childhood years.This episode touches on the heartfelt simplicity of Mother's Days past while reflecting on the joys of motherhood and the significance of Mother's Day.  Plus, we share an amusing discussion on the impact of cultural fads and technologies from childhood.  And we examine the nature of technological advancements like vinyl records, Walkmans, and phone evolutions.  The conversation then evolves into precious tales from the past, invoking the warmth of simpler times.Key Takeaways:Nostalgia Trip: The episode delivers a potent dose of nostalgia, highlighting how specific items, like exercise records and Saturday morning cartoons, were cornerstones of their childhood.Cultural Shifts in Technology: The progression from vinyl records to today's on-demand digital culture emphasizes the rapid pace of technological change.Memories of Motherhood: Anecdotes about Mother's Day highlight traditions and shifts in societal expectations surrounding parenting and celebrations.A Look Back at Fashion and Entertainment: The hosts reminisce about the iconic fashion trends of the '70s and '80s, and the evolution of entertainment.Desire for Simplicity: The conversation underscores a longing for the slow-paced and simpler lifestyles of past decades, contrasting today's faster and more connected world.Listen to the full episode of this week’s Life after Kids to explore how certain artifacts of our youth, such as mixtapes and metal lunchboxes, have left a lasting impression. Engaging personal anecdotes and celebratory tones abound as we recount shared cultural moments from Saturday morning cartoons to the unforgettable melodies that defined a generation.  Timestamp  | Summary | 0:00  |  Chatter and Mother's Day Musings  | 4:04  |  Over Vintage Music Formats and Mixtape Crafting | 6:14  |  Trip Through Childhood Memories and Fashions | 9:08  | Decluttering Philosophy and Family Memories | 10:29  | Journey Through the Evolution of Telephones | 13:03  | Over Classic Saturday Morning Cartoons and Wrestling | 14:01  |  Slow Saturday Mornings and Classic Cartoons | 15:58  | Nostalgia, Aging, and Cultural References in Conversation | 19:11  | Nostalgia Over Obsolete Technologies and Old Entertainment Rituals | 20:36  |  Reflections on Childhood Outdoor Play | 22:43  |  the Impact of Instant Gratification | 25:05  | Changes in Lifestyle Over Decades  | 29:16  | Sensitivity in Retro Television Shows | 30:42  | Reflections on 'We Are the World' and Its Global Impact | 33:49  | Reflections on the Fifties and Historical Eras | 37:24  | Discover Resources at Life After Kids Community Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Letting Go of Worry: Navigating Life after Kids
May 5 2024
Letting Go of Worry: Navigating Life after Kids
No matter how old we get or how old our kids get, we never STOP WORRYING ABOUT THEM! Worrying is often what mothers do best…In this heartfelt and genuine discussion, we dive into the universal experience of parental worry as their children grow older and gain independence. We explore how to cope with children leaving for college and embarking on their lives beyond the family home, offering insight to listeners navigating similar situations.The episode of Life after Kids opens with our typical light-hearted banter, but quickly transitions into a discussion about the emotional challenges faced by parents whose children are moving on to college or the working world. Key Takeaways:Parental worry evolves as children grow, highlighting the need for parents to adapt their coping mechanisms.The conversation focuses on the importance of surrendering control and trusting that adult children will make the right choices.Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne discuss the benefits of grounding practices like yoga, prayer, or even simple routines to manage stress.Incorporating mindfulness and the practice of being in the present moment is emphasized to reduce worry about the future.Diet, sleep, and other lifestyle factors can exacerbate worries, so managing these aspects can help maintain emotional equilibrium.  Join us for the full episode of Life after Kids to hear Dr. Lynne shares a poignant moment of realization about her daughter's future departure, sparking a conversation about the inevitability of worrying and the importance of coming to terms with a lack of control. Plus, Dr. Brooke reflects on her experience with her son and the changes that come when parenting roles inevitably shift. Together, we offer practical advice and strategies for managing this worry, focusing on personal well-being, controlling what's controllable, and finding comfort in community and faith.RESOURCES:Lavender Essential OilMagnesium for better sleep and relaxation | Timestamp  | Summary | 0:00  | Moms Managing Worry as Kids Grow Independent | 2:33  | Motherhood, College Goodbyes, and Emotional Realizations | 5:27  | Family Dynamics With an Only Child | 6:39  | Embracing Uncertainty and the Art of Letting Go | 10:13  | Effective Strategies for Stress Management and Better Sleep | 12:09  | Embracing Mindfulness and Letting Go of Control | 14:05  | Overcoming Anxiety and the Challenges of Air Travel | 15:04  | Finding Peace Through Faith and Practical Strategies | 16:30  | Reflections on Overcoming Seemingly Trivial Worries | 16:57  | Strategies for Managing Worry and Improving Sleep | -  | Leveraging Community Support for Parenting Challenges | 20:21  | Managing Worry Through Control and Healthy Actions | 22:34  | Parental Self-Doubt and Letting Go | 24:11  | Diet's Impact on Anxiety and Worry | 25:23  | Managing Stress and Finding Purpose Beyond Parenting | 27:31  | Strategies for Reducing Parental Worry Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Finding Motivation and Purpose in the Empty Nest Phase
Apr 28 2024
Finding Motivation and Purpose in the Empty Nest Phase
In this episode of Life after Kids, we discuss how to find motivation and purpose when you have more time on your hands, particularly after entering the empty nest phase of life. We explore the complexities of adjusting to life when the busyness of raising children subsides, offering tangible advice and insights to those searching for fulfillment in this new chapter.Key Takeaways:Parkinson's Law: Work expands to fill the available time, illustrating why you may feel less productive when you have more time.Finding Purpose: Recognize the emotions behind feeling lost or unmotivated in an empty nest and reframe this time to discover new interests or hobbies that can lead to fulfillment.Time Management: Organizing and planning your day, even if it's filled with leisure activities, can fend off feelings of unproductivity and ensure a sense of accomplishment.Mindset Shift: Shifting your mindset by focusing on gratitude and redefining tasks can transform your perspective and reignite motivation.Physical and Emotional Health: Emotional well-being and physical factors, such as diet and hormones, play a role in motivation levels and should not be overlooked.RESOURCESThe Life After Kids Membership CommunityThe Life after Kids Goals Framework  Listen to the full episode for a comprehensive dive into mastering motivation in times of abundant freedom, and stay tuned for more transformative discussions in future episodes of Life after KidsTimestamp  | 0:00:25  | Discussion on the concept of Parkinson's Law | 0:03:32  | Anticipation of the empty nest phase | 0:05:43  | Addressing the need for rest and relaxation | 0:06:42  | The balance between rest and staying active | 0:09:03  | Misplacing the focus on kids leaving instead of finding balance and purpose | 0:10:00  | Importance of finding a new purpose and overcoming fear and lack of confidence | 0:11:25  | Feeling significant as a mom and the fear of losing that significance | 0:12:59  | Enabling children by constantly being needed, not healthy for anyone | 0:13:43  | Embracing the possibilities and not selling oneself short | 0:15:12  | Taking on activities that light you up and bring fulfillment | 0:16:54  | Trying new things and learning from the experience | 0:17:50  | Clues to talent: time flows, learning fast, yearning for more | 0:18:20  | Hobbies can be satisfying and a blessing to others | 0:21:11  | Combat the natural decline of productivity as we age | 0:23:27  | Keep a planner and be intentional with your time | 0:24:51  | Procrastination may be a sign of something deeper | 0:26:23  | Consider emotional and physical factors affecting motivation | 0:27:55  | Hormones can impact productivity and mindset | 0:27:55  | Reframing tasks with gratitude | 0:29:06  | What is wrong is always available, but so is what is right | 0:29:32  | Gratitude for being a mother | 0:31:57  | Make the most of your day Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Accepting and Loving Our Bodies in Midlife
Apr 21 2024
Accepting and Loving Our Bodies in Midlife
It’s said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  If that’s the case, of all the people we think beautiful, we should be enamored with what we see in the mirror most of all.You’re invited into an honest and nuanced discussion about body image, aging, and self-acceptance on this week’s episode of Life after Kids.  Delve with us into what it means to feel comfortable in your own skin as you get older and how to navigate the changes that come with age, including physical appearance and internal insecurities.Key Takeaways:Self-Reflection: Understanding why certain comments or insecurities have a deep impact on us can help in addressing and overcoming them.Positive Self-Talk: Engage in affirmative statements and focus on the aspects of your body and self that you love and admire.Action vs. Acceptance: Consider taking action to address areas of self-esteem concern if it contributes positively to your wellbeing but also learn to accept the beauty of natural aging.Internal Alignment: Align your actions and choices with how you want to feel and what’s healthiest for your body, rather than solely focusing on external appearances.Compassionate Perspective: Remember that even those who are perceived as having 'perfect' bodies also experience insecurities; you're not alone on this journey.Listen to the full episode of Life after Kids to hear a personal story about receiving a negative comment regarding body image on social media.  And follow along with  a conversation on how such remarks impact women's perceptions of themselves and the importance of crafting a positive self-image. We also dissect the intricacies of body shaming, the struggles of changing bodies, and the societal pressures on physical appearance. In this phase of life, the most significant thing to remember is to focus on health and personal happiness rather than pursuing unrealistic standards of perfection.Timestamp Summary | 0:04:17  | The impact of insecurities and self-reflection | 0:08:27  | The challenge of accepting our changing bodies | 0:09:29  | Importance of self-acceptance and focusing on positive aspects | 0:10:10  | Conclusion and final thoughts on body shaming | 0:10:10  | It's easy to say it, but how do you really feel it? | 0:11:00  | Loving our bodies regardless of how they look | 0:12:39  | Finding a balance between self-acceptance and making changes | 0:14:01  | Getting clear on what makes you content and comfortable | 0:15:28  | The impact of feeling comfortable in our own skin | 0:16:48  | Taking advantage of regenerative medicine technologies | 0:17:37  | The fine line between accepting aging and making changes | 0:18:50  | Doing what makes you feel young and confident | 0:19:59  | Dealing with mean people and not caring about their opinions  | 0:24:39  | The importance of having a strong enough reason to make changes to one's body. | 0:26:48  | Practicing self-affirmations and focusing on the things you love about your body. | 0:28:55  | Advice against body shaming others and encourages self-improvement instead.  Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Keys To A Successful Partnership In Life After Kids
Apr 14 2024
Keys To A Successful Partnership In Life After Kids
In this engaging episode of Life after Kids, we unpack the essentials of creating successful partnerships and collaborations, whether in business, personal relationships, or friendly endeavors. Today’s conversation is perfectly tailored for women who are at the crossroads of self-expression and expansion after their children have grown up. Key Takeaways:Partnerships should come naturally and not be forced, highlighting the compatibility factor as a green flag.A successful partnership must lack any hint of competition, focusing on collective accomplishments rather than individual gain.Vision alignment is key; knowing and agreeing on the end goal ensures a streamlined and cohesive working relationship.The strength of a partnership can often be gauged by the existing level of trust and quality of communication between parties.Partnerships offer opportunities for growth and expansion but require honesty, regular vision check-ins, and clear ground rules to thrive.Listen to this week’s episode of Life after Kids in its entirety for a route to understanding and harnessing the power of collaboration and a discussion about the value of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses before embarking on a partnership. Plus, we’ll unfold practical advice on navigating the complexities of working with friends or family in a business context by sharing our personal experiences. If you’re considering collaborating with someone on a new business, a project, or an event, don’t discount the importance of compatibility and shared vision for success. Timestamp Summary | 0:00:30  | Importance of considering partnerships and collaborations | 0:01:47  | Risks and challenges of partnering with friends or family | 0:03:28  | Using the "What's Your Purpose" quiz to understand each other's strengths | 0:05:16  | Strengthening friendships through understanding and grace | 0:06:56  | Navigating conflict and disagreements with empathy | 0:08:45  | Overcoming expectations and embracing differences | 0:09:23  | Tips for entering a partnership and collaborating with a friend | 0:09:52  | Prioritizing friendship or work relationship in collaboration | 0:10:18  | Consider partnerships with acquaintances for easier collaboration | 0:11:23  | Evaluating the existing relationship as a red flag | 0:12:48  | No competition should exist between partners | 0:13:40  | Falling in love with the same vision for the future | 0:15:51  | Ground rules: not taking things personally, compartmentalizing | 0:17:11  | Setting boundaries between friendship and business | 0:18:44  | Friendship always comes first, even if the business suffers | 0:19:29  | Differences can be advantages in business partnerships | 0:20:10  | You have to agree to always be honest with each other. | 0:21:39  | The level of communication and trust in a partnership is crucial. | 0:22:07  | Difficult communication can hinder progress in a partnership. | 0:23:32  | Working with people you like makes the process more fulfilling. | 0:24:21  | Collaboration with other businesses can bring more value to your own. Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Forgiveness: Finding Grace and Healing in Relationships
Apr 7 2024
Forgiveness: Finding Grace and Healing in Relationships
In this episode Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we dive into the complexities of relationships, particularly the dynamic between adult children and their aging parents. As members of the "sandwich generation," many adults face the dual responsibilities of caring for their kids and their own parents simultaneously—a situation ripe for emotional challenges and opportunities for personal growth. We maneuver through the tough terrain of FORGIVENESS, a topic that could not be more relevant for listeners wrestling with past hurts and the search for resolution. Embark with us on an exploration of forgiveness and be encouraged to evolve past familial strife by embracing empathy and grace. Listen to this week’s episode of Life after Kids in its entirety to hear deeply personal anecdotes as we share our experiences with the broader theme of offering second chances.   Timestamp Summary | 0:00:59  | Challenges faced by the sandwich generation | 0:02:12  | Overusing the term "toxicity" and the need for forgiveness | 0:03:39  | The importance of forgiveness for personal well-being | 0:06:26  | Realizing parents are flawed individuals | 0:07:12  | The tendency to compare parents to others | 0:08:48  | The grace and understanding that comes with parenting | 0:09:42  | Personal story of apologizing to the speaker's own mother | 0:10:37  | Dr. Brooke reflects on her childhood and realizes the weight her struggles must have had on her mother's heart.  | 0:12:19  | Taking responsibility for one's own life and shifting from a victim mentality to ownership is a pivotal moment in maturity and personal growth. | 0:12:49  | Dwelling on past transgressions and blaming parents does not make today better and hinders positive changes. | 0:14:17  | The realization that life is happening for you, not to you, can be a powerful mindset shift and lead to acceptance and making the best of one's circumstances. | 0:15:29  | Turning past pain into purpose can be a way to contribute strengths and gifts to the world. | 0:18:05  | Reflecting on childhood and addressing unresolved issues with parents becomes more urgent as time passes and parents age. | 0:18:55  | Approaching parents with the intention of mutual understanding and healing can lead to a better relationship before it's too late. | 0:20:30  | Dr. Lynn shares her experience of losing her father and the importance of expressing thoughts and feelings before it's too late. | 0:21:06  | The focus on self-love should not overshadow the importance of maintaining relationships and addressing unresolved issues. | 0:21:37  | Setting boundaries and distancing toxic people in your life. | 0:22:21  | Finding a middle ground with family members and setting boundaries. | 0:23:31  | Accepting that you can't change other people's behavior. | 0:24:57  | Choosing forgiveness and focusing on the good qualities of others. | 0:26:49  | Preparing for pushback when setting boundaries with others. | 0:27:38  | Giving people second chances and allowing them to change. | 0:30:11  | Extending grace and being the bigger person in relationships. Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Finding Meaning and Fulfillment in Life after Kids with Travel and Hobbies
Mar 31 2024
Finding Meaning and Fulfillment in Life after Kids with Travel and Hobbies
If you’re feeling a bit lost now that the kids are grown and you want to get to know yourself again, consider travel and new hobbies as a means of self-discovery and growth.In this episode of Life after Kids, we explore how to find joy and meaning in activities such as solo travel and engaging in new hobbies. And, we offer practical tips and considerations for those contemplating solo adventures, from ensuring safety on trips to maximizing the growth and learning opportunities that travel offers.Key Takeaways:Solo travel and taking up new hobbies can bring joy, fulfillment, and personal growth, particularly during the life phase after children have left home.It's important to balance individual interests with relational dynamics, allowing for personal activities while maintaining healthy relationships.Taking the first step towards solo travel may involve joining group retreats or vacations that offer a balance of independence and community.Safety is a priority for women traveling alone; researching destinations and taking appropriate precautions can enhance the travel experience.Personal growth can equally occur through exploring local areas or new activities within one's town, highlighting that travel does not necessarily require distant journeys.Embark on a journey of self-discovery and adventure in this latest episode of Life after Kids and be inspired to embrace the beauty of spending time alone and pursuing individual interests. Let this conversation serve as a guiding light for you to find personal fulfillment and enjoyment in travel and adventure as you navigate the all-too-familiar terrain of life after kids.  And remember, any time you get out of your four walls and travel, you’re opening new doors for yourself and experiencing growth that leads to you becoming more of yourself.Resource: Book: Eat Pray Love  Timestamp  | Summary | 0:00:00  | Introduction to the topic of solo travel and hobbies | 0:03:09  | Dr. Brooke's perspective on solo travel and her preference for finding someone to go with | 0:03:33  | Dr. Lynn's perspective on solo travel and her openness to trying it | 0:06:15  | Dr. Lynn shares her enjoyment of traveling alone and the benefits of solo time | 0:08:59  | Discussion on the idea of taking solo retreats and joining group activities | 0:10:12  | Dr. Lynn expresses her desire to go on a solo trip to write a book | 0:10:57  | Solo travel as a way to self-discovery and personal growth | 0:11:53  | Solo travel in big transition periods | 0:12:29  | Considering group tours or retreats for solo travel | 0:13:40  | Tips for planning a solo trip: research, safety, and informing others | 0:15:09  | Road tripping as an alternative to international solo travel | 0:16:39  | Examining personal limitations and beliefs about solo travel | 0:17:24  | Dream destinations for solo travel | 0:19:16  | Different preferences for city vs. beach solo travel | 0:19:59  | Benefits of traveling alone: freedom and personal choice | 0:22:22  | Appreciating different cultures | 0:23:25  | Pursue hobbies alone | 0:24:29  | Explore new places in your town Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Overcoming Two Common Barriers To Happiness in Life after Kids
Mar 24 2024
Overcoming Two Common Barriers To Happiness in Life after Kids
Don’t let these 2 things stop you from living a fabulous life now that your kids are grown!On today’s episode of Life after Kids, we’re delving into the common hurdles of jealousy and pride, discussing how these two things can rob us of joy during a pivotal time of life transition.  And we’re having a candid discussion about the nuances of finding happiness after the kids have moved on.  We combine personal stories, reflections, and actionable advice to make this conversation a must-hear.  You’ll emerge with a sense of empowerment and the courage to seek assistance when needed for a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Key Takeaways:Coveting and jealousy are significant thieves of joy, especially in later life stages; acknowledgment and self-awareness are key to overcoming them.Comparison spurred by social media can lead to an unhealthy focus on what's missing rather than appreciating what's present in one's life.Gratitude and understanding the price of others' accomplishments can appraise one's own life choices constructively.Pride can manifest as resistance to seeking help or boasting as a defense mechanism; both extremes can disrupt genuine connections with others.To overcome jealousy and feelings of inadequacy, focus on your unique gifts rather than comparing yourself to others. Likewise, pride is often a defensive mechanism to avoid showing vulnerability or admitting the need for help. These destructive emotions are further magnified by social media's omnipresence, where the highlight reel of others' lives can overshadow our sense of contentment. In this filtered world that we live in, it’s so important to practice gratitude and realistic self-assessment in embracing our stage of life and personal accomplishments.  Be sure to catch the full episode of Life after Kids to hear the raw and vulnerable insights we share and to gain more invaluable tips for navigating life after kids. Timestamp/Summary0:01:10 | Coveting and jealousy as thieves of joy0:02:49 | The negative impact of comparing oneself to others0:03:47 | The influence of social media on coveting and jealousy0:05:21 | Coveting relationships and the importance of being happy for others0:06:46 | Acknowledging and feeling one's own emotions while celebrating others0:07:17 | Setting guardrails for social media usage0:08:31 | Practicing gratitude for what one has0:09:24 | Recognizing the price others pay for what they have0:09:53 | Embracing one's own reality and self-worth0:10:30 | The importance of focusing on personal goals.0:11:47 | The negative effects of constantly wanting what you don't have.0:12:52 | how pride can be a defense mechanism to appear strong.0:14:26 | The importance of self-awareness and not being overly prideful.0:15:50 | the harmful effects of the "superwoman syndrome" and the need to do everything on one's own.0:17:19 | Dr. Brooke shares her personal experience with pride and hearing aids.0:21:41 | Admitting the need for and accepting help as we age Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
The Most Important Needs Of A Mom in Life after Kids
Mar 17 2024
The Most Important Needs Of A Mom in Life after Kids
We all want to be fulfilled and happy in this phase of life, but somedays it feels like we’re swimming upstream.  There are a few basic things that all of us need to flourish in this phase of life, but many of us don’t know what they are. In this episode of "Life after Kids," we’re talking about the primary needs that are fundamental at all stages of life but take on particular significance now that the kids are growing up and we’re entering a new season of life.  It’s important to understand and address these needs—certainty, uncertainty, significance, love and connection, growth, and contribution— so we can live a more fulfilling phase of life after our children leave the nest.Key Takeaways:The six primary needs discussed are certainty, uncertainty, significance, love and connection, growth, and contribution, and how they impact midlife women.Self-awareness about which primary need is driving one's behavior can help identify areas of imbalance and lead to a more fulfilling life phase.Practical suggestions are offered to meet each need in healthy ways, such as adopting new hobbies, taking risks, or volunteering to address the need for love and connection and contribution.It’s important to balance between certainty and variety to avoid feelings of boredom or stagnation.Pursuing growth and contribution can lead to deep personal fulfillment and contentment.Navigating the complexities of 'empty nest syndrome' can be tricky.  It’s important to find ways to redefine your purpose and foster growth in your daily life.  Let’s find a balance between the need for stability and the desire for variety and change together.  Listen to this week’s episode of Life after Kids to explore these conflicting needs and challenging emotions and get practical strategies for finding fulfillment and alignment in this phase of life. RESOURCES:The Find Your Purpose Quiz  0:01:24 | Need for certainty and stability, and its importance0:03:12 | Dr. Brooke's personal experience with the need for certainty.0:07:52 | Addressing the need for uncertainty in relationships and finding healthy vehicles for variety.0:09:56 | Changing up routines for brain health0:10:40 | Healthy expressions of significance0:14:25 | Love and connection as a primary need0:18:45 | The importance of personal growth0:19:53 | Feeling fulfilled through daily growth0:20:36 | Importance of growth and learning through reading0:21:13 | Taking risks and trying new things to grow0:21:30 | The importance of contribution and giving back0:22:42 | Giving time, energy, and talents to contribute0:23:44 | Feeling fulfilled and content through gratitude and giving0:24:59 | Taking the first step to make a difference0:26:04 | Embracing the journey and becoming the best version of yourself0:26:38 | Reminder to continue growing and accomplishing goals  Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Navigating Relationships with Older Kids and In-Laws
Mar 10 2024
Navigating Relationships with Older Kids and In-Laws
Would you agree that bigger kids mean bigger problems?  In this phase of life, one of our biggest struggles is learning how to best parent our older kids.  We all seem to be getting a crash course in letting go.  In this engaging episode of Life after Kids we’re examining the evolving challenges of parenting as children grow older, moving from the simplicities of potty training to the complexities of existential issues in adulthood.  We illuminate the timeless struggle of letting go and the emotional toll it can take on parents as their children forge their own paths.Key Takeaways:Parenting transitions from physically to emotionally exhausting as children grow into adults, facing more significant life challenges.Effective communication with adult children involves more listening and guiding than imposing direct solutions.Maintaining relationships with adults requires respecting their life choices, even when those choices differ from a parent’s wishes or expectations.It's crucial to foster a supportive community among parents to share struggles and refrain from judgment.Building a fulfilling life independent of children's choices can help parents cope better with the changing dynamics as children marry and start their own families. Listen to today’s episode in its entirety to hear us open up about realizing that parenting doesn't end when children leave the nest; it simply transforms, and that the most difficult part of motherhood might just be witnessing your children face life's adversities. In the end, we all grow in the struggle, even our kids.Timestamp0:01:32 | Challenges of letting go and allowing kids to face their own struggles0:03:16 | Importance of not judging other moms and offering support instead0:06:15 | The difficulty of surrendering control as kids become adults0:07:21 | Shifting dynamics of communication and finding a balance as parents0:09:09 | Importance of fostering open communication with older children0:10:33 | The importance of empowering children to make their own decisions0:11:23 | Encouraging children to prioritize their own happiness0:12:01 | Using the Socratic method to guide adult children0:14:30 | Being open to receiving advice from adult children0:15:36 | Balancing short-term happiness with long-term gains0:17:47 | Concerns about changing relationships with daughter-in-laws after marriage0:19:18 | The tricky dynamics between mothers-in-law and sons0:20:46 | Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law dynamics0:21:14 | The importance of recognizing the formation of a new family unit0:23:30 | Avoiding overstepping boundaries and not expecting something in return0:24:10 | The law of reciprocity and giving without expectation0:25:40 | Having a strong sense of self and a fulfilling life outside of children0:26:32 | Letting go of being the most important woman in your son's life0:27:10 | Fostering a positive relationship with daughter-in-law0:28:12 | Finding gratitude in the ways daughter-in-law complements your child0:29:37 | Accepting the changes in the relationship as children grow up0:33:07 | The importance of self-awareness Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Taking Risks in Midlife: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Mar 3 2024
Taking Risks in Midlife: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
If you’re ready to explore what’s next now that the kids are grown and you want your presence to make an impactful difference, it might be time to get out of your own way and leave your comfort zone behind!In this episode, we’re having an honest conversation about embracing risks and the importance of personal growth in midlife. Seeking comfort may no longer be the ultimate goal.  Instead, stepping outside of our comfort zone can lead to meaningful experiences and a fulfilled life.Key Takeaways:Many individuals in midlife are seeking challenges that push them out of their comfort zones rather than just comfort.Personal growth should be a continuous journey, and taking risks is a significant part of this growth.The fear of failure should not hinder taking actions that can lead to self-discovery and confidence.The episode motivates individuals to reflect periodically on the risks they’ve taken to ensure they’re not becoming stagnant.Setting goals to actively take risks can contribute to a more vibrant and fulfilled life. Here’s the thing about risks.  They’re subjective.  Which means that what may seem minor to one person can be a significant leap for another. The focus shouldn’t be on the risk itself or comparison to what others are doing, but on the growth and confidence gained through the process.  We encouraged you to reflect on the risks you’ve taken in your life and to set goals to continue this practice.  Remember that it is crucial to push past the fear of failure to truly blossom in midlife.   Because every time you take that step, you prove to yourself in a very real and concrete way that you are stronger than you think! RESOURCES:Life after Kids Goals FrameworkLife after Kids Private Facebook GroupTimestampSummary0:01:18 | Importance of stepping out of comfort zones and avoiding stagnation0:03:08 | Finding meaning and purpose in life after kids0:04:17 | Embracing personal growth and becoming more of oneself0:06:02 | Examples of risks: reaching out to influencers, public speaking, trying new activities0:08:35 | Resisting the urge to slow down and embracing possibilities0:13:14 | The importance of taking risks for personal and professional growth0:21:40 | Regularly reflecting on the risks taken every 90 days0:21:40 | Taking risks and stepping out of the comfort zone0:22:07 | Growth and vibrancy come from taking risks0:22:55 | Give yourself credit for taking risks, regardless of size0:23:47 | The pain of not taking risks outweighs the fear of failure0:24:31 | Focus on the growth and pride in taking action, not the result0:25:21 | Regrets of not taking risks can linger for a lifetime0:26:10 | Start with small risks and build momentum0:27:38 | Set goals to take one to three risks each year0:28:29 | Seek support and accountability when taking risks Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Letting Go of Control: Parenting Older Kids
Feb 25 2024
Letting Go of Control: Parenting Older Kids
Is there anything that keeps a mom of grown kids up more at night than worrying about whether you prepared them enough to be independent in the world?  This is an issue for so many of us and let’s face it, “mom guilt” is real, so, in this episode of Life after Kids we’re diving into the often-challenging journey of parenting older kids and the process of letting go of the controls as they transition into adulthood. Dr. Brooke shares a personal story that sparks a rich and relatable discussion about family values that parents hope to instill in their children, and we take an insightful look at the expectations and uncertainties that surface when children leave the nest, especially focusing on how young adults manage their own spaces once they're no longer under the watchful eye of their parents. Key Takeaways:Letting go of control is a natural and necessary part of parenting older children as they become independent adults.Parents may discover that the standards and values they modeled, rather than enforced, can have a lasting impact on their children.It's important for parents to release guilt and have trust in the upbringing they've provided, acknowledging that children grow into their own with time.Observing and understanding each child's unique strengths and differences is crucial for supportive parenting that fosters self-confidence.The way parents interact with and speak about their children can greatly affect sibling relationships and dynamics within the family.Picking your battles was so important when the kids were little, and it may be even more important now that they’re grown.  Remember to lead by example, and model behavior rather than incessantly directing it. As moms of older kids, we must nurture, guide, and allow our children to carve out their own path, while embracing their unique qualities.  Learn more by listening to today’s full episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.Timestamp Summary0:02:47 | Dr. Brooke shares her personal story about her son's cleaning habits.0:07:28 | Dr. Brooke advises to pick your battles and lead by example rather than constantly nagging your children.0:09:33 | The influence of environment and the importance of encouraging children to raise their standards.0:17:11 | Dr. Brooke emphasizes the importance of leading by example in parenting0:18:42 | Dr. Lynne introduces the idea that self-confidence as a parent can affect how we view our children's habits0:20:19 | The importance of recognizing and valuing each child's unique experience0:23:47 | Validate and affirm your children's uniqueness.0:24:41 | Observe your children and identify their strengths.0:26:07 | Pray for your children's relationships with each other.0:26:51 | Speak to your children about embracing their differences.0:28:33 | Celebrate and validate differences in your family.0:29:44 | Avoid pitting your children against each other.0:32:40 | Focus on strengths and what's right about people.0:34:05 | Let go of mom guilt and shame.0:34:22 | Be the adult you want your child to become. Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination To Thrive in Midlife
Feb 18 2024
Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination To Thrive in Midlife
If there’s one thing that will keep us from finding new purpose in this phase of life more than anything else, it’s the fear of not being perfect or good enough followed by a whopping dose of procrastination!In this week’s episode of Life after Kids we unravel the intricate relationship between procrastination and perfectionism. We discuss how these behaviors not only affect women but also pose a universal challenge to personal growth and happiness.  And, we give practical strategies for overcoming these obstacles, drawing upon our personal experiences and professional insights within the framework of Enneagram personality types.Key Takeaways:Procrastination affects most people and is often linked to an underlying pursuit of perfection.The Enneagram personality typing system is employed to understand coping mechanisms related to perfectionism.Self-acceptance and internal validation are crucial to breaking free from perfectionism.Prioritize tasks and find satisfaction in your accomplishments, regardless of perfection. There is freedom in the mantra "done is better than perfect." Think of it any time you feel the need to procrastinate.  And watch this episode of Life after Kids in its entirety to learn the common pitfalls of aiming for perfection in various aspects of midlife.  TimestampSummary0:00:19 | Discussion on how procrastination and perfectionism affect women0:02:02 | Explanation of the Enneagram personality type 1 (perfectionist)0:03:35 | Strategies for overcoming procrastination0:06:20 | Introduction to the "eat the frog" principle0:07:25 | Importance of prioritizing tasks and tackling the most important ones first0:08:59 | Consideration of subconscious messages behind procrastination0:09:17 | Subconscious message and alignment with tasks0:09:55 | Differentiating between tasks we don't like and tasks we can't ignore0:10:17 | Questioning if tasks are aligned with what we truly want0:10:35 | Importance of asking the right questions0:11:28 | Perfectionism as a defense mechanism0:12:30 | Comparing ourselves to sanitized versions on social media0:13:08 | The trap of chasing an unattainable ideal0:13:51 | The truth behind perfect-looking photos0:14:45 | Vulnerability and keeping it real0:16:07 | The fear of appearing ignorant or out of the know0:17:58 | Speaking up for oneself as an act of self-love0:18:45 | Overthinking and making situations bigger in your mind0:19:52 | The power of speaking up and realizing you're not alone0:21:42 | Letting go of the need for perfection in appearance or home0:22:41 | Starting imperfectly to improve and learn0:24:13 | Working on loving yourself more than seeking validation from others0:28:10 | Importance of self-validation for a purposeful and joyful life0:30:19 | Step one is learning about who you are and how you contribute to the world.0:31:09 | Being yourself allows others the freedom to do the same.0:31:36 | If someone is not happy with your true self, it may be time to find new people in your life.0:32:42 | Practice vulnerability with safe people and interrupt the pattern of putting up walls. Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Taking Care of Your Heart For A Healthier Life after Kids
Feb 11 2024
Taking Care of Your Heart For A Healthier Life after Kids
The most commom cause of death in women over 40 is heart and cardiovascular disease.  After all these years, the number one threat to our health and our life is heart issues.  And since it’s Valentine’s Week and American Heart Month, we thought a discussion on best practices for keeping your heart healthy naturally would be prudent.  In this episode, you’ll hear our trademark banter, personal anecdotes, and expert perspectives on maintaining a healthy heart through practical lifestyle choices.Key Takeaways:Heart health for women is a paramount concern that can be addressed through diet and exercise.Symptoms of heart issues in women can differ from men, making awareness crucial.The role of epigenetics demonstrates the potential influence of lifestyle on genetic predispositions.Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in promoting heart health and should be sourced with care.Recognizing and addressing metabolic syndrome early on can avert the path towards heart disease.We want to emphasize that while heart disease remains the leading cause of death for women in the US, it is largely preventable through proactive lifestyle modifications.  Listen to this week’s episode in its entirety to get critical strategies for maintaining a healthy heart so you can live a long, vibrant life while pursuing more purpose and meaning in Life after Kids. Resources:Favorite Omega 3 OilFavorite Vegan Omega 3 OilTimestampSummary0:00:00 | Introduction to the episode and topic of heart health for women0:03:21 | Importance of prioritizing physical health for overall well-being0:05:07 | Symptoms of heart disease in women0:06:21 | Heart disease as the leading cause of death for women0:07:39 | Practical ways to prioritize heart health0:09:10 | Impact of genetics and family history on heart health0:09:31 | The role of lifestyle factors in preventing heart disease0:11:39 | Taking responsibility for your health and making choices from that mindset0:12:20 | Heart health is reversible through lifestyle interventions0:13:27 | Moving your body doesn't have to be intense, even a 10-minute walk can make a difference0:16:28 | Focus on what you can add to your diet instead of just taking things away0:19:35 | The impact of sugar on heart health and inflammation0:20:24 | Importance of exercise for heart health and varying your routine0:20:56 | Varying exercise routines to prevent wear and tear on joints0:22:08 | The importance of varying exercise to avoid overtraining and inflammation0:23:00 | The significance of omega-3 supplements for heart health and inflammation0:28:59 | Third-party testing for clean omega-3 supplements0:30:11 | Understanding metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for heart disease0:31:45 | Raising standards for health to promote vitality and longevity0:33:31 | The importance of starting your day with a heart-healthy meal0:34:52 | Suggestions for a healthier morning meal: protein or healthy fats0:37:32 | Embracing change and making positive choices for your health Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
Discovering Your Strengths with The Life after Kids Purpose Quiz
Feb 4 2024
Discovering Your Strengths with The Life after Kids Purpose Quiz
We’re breaking down our unique Find Your Purpose Quiz so you’ll have a better understanding of your results and what to do with them  We meticulously break down the possible outcomes of the quiz, and we provide actionable advice on how you can leverage this newfound knowledge to pursue meaningful and fulfilling endeavors that align with your natural abilities and goals. Peppered with personal anecdotes and expert tips, this episode will encourage you to reimagine your identity and potential in life's next chapter.  Key Takeaways:The Life after Kids Find Your Purpose Quiz is an instrumental tool for gaining self-awareness and understanding your unique strengths.Four main personas can describe a person's innate characteristics: Diligent Doers, Magnificent Motivators, Remarkable Relators, and Awesome Analyzers.Recognizing your category can help direct you toward endeavors that bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment.It's important to adopt goals and pursue activities that resonate with your personal talents and inclinations.Collaboration is powerful, and  knowing your strengths can complement others in partnerships and team dynamics.Delve with us into the transformative journey that awaits women after the pivotal phase of full-time mothering, helping to uncover one's true calling and purpose.  Discover where you fit within the four personality types and how to navigate life after kids with renewed purpose and enthusiasm. And stay tuned for future episodes as we promise to continue covering poignant and transformative topics for moms of older kids! Resources:Take the Life after Kids Find Your Purpose Quiz, designed for moms like you to gain greater self-awareness while helping to understand your inherent strengths and talents.TimestampSummary0:00:28 | Importance of self-awareness and using the quiz0:02:02 | The benefits of knowing your strengths and weaknesses0:03:07 | The importance of partnerships and collaborations0:04:33 | Saving time and energy with self-awareness0:05:07 | Tips for taking the quiz and being authentic0:05:58 | Introduction to the first area of the quiz: "My Home"0:06:33 | Description of the "Diligent Doers" personality type0:07:29 | Dr. Brooke's experience as a diligent doer0:08:59 | Challenges of being a diligent doer and finding balance0:10:07 | Conclusion and summary of the first area of the quiz0:10:07 | The importance of setting deadlines and prioritizing tasks.0:10:41 | Self-awareness and finding the right deadlines.0:13:14 | The characteristics of magnificent motivators and the importance of finding outlets for their talents.0:17:04 | The  importance of utilizing talents and strengths for personal fulfillment.0:18:12 | Dr. Lynne shares her personal experience of understanding her work style and finding balance on vacation.0:20:55 | Importance of self-awareness for standing out Enjoy the show, and we hope you learn a little bit more about living a fulfilling, vibrant, and meaningful Life after Kids! If you like what you hear please rate and review the podcast, hit subscribe, and pass it along to a friend. Making tomorrow even better than today, Dr. Brooke and Dr. Lynne PS... Don't forget to follow us! Instagram Facebook Tik Tok