Why Every Business Needs a CRM: A Social Geeks Case Study

The Social Geeks Podcast

Jan 31 2024 • 9 mins

In this detailed conversation we delve into the importance of tracking your sales and marketing and the pivotal role of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. Specifically, we focus on HubSpot CRM which we consider a highly recommended tool for all businesses. We walk you through a real-life case study of a 24/7 fitness gym we worked with in 2023, where implementing HubSpot CRM drastically improved their sales and marketing strategies. You'll learn about the functionalities of this tool, how to effectively track your sales pipeline, and the powerful insights you can gain from detailed reporting. We emphasize that marketing goes hand in hand with sales tracking and without it, businesses may risk unnecessary costs. If needed, our digital marketing agency is here to support you on your CRM implementation journey.

00:04 Introduction to Sales and Marketing Tracking

00:05 The Importance of a CRM

00:29 Our Experience with HubSpot CRM

00:49 Case Study: Improving a Gym's Sales Process

01:29 Implementing HubSpot CRM for the Client

01:54 Results and Insights from the CRM Implementation

02:33 The Power of Sales Tracking

02:56 A Deep Dive into HubSpot CRM

04:38 The Impact of CRM on Sales Conversion

05:27 HubSpot CRM Reporting Features

08:15 The Value of CRM in Customer Service

09:09 Conclusion and Offer for CRM Implementation Help