How to Market Your Business with Just $1,000 per Month

The Social Geeks Podcast

May 4 2023 • 18 mins

Do you have limited budget to throw at your sales and marketing? Are you're trying to get the maximum ROI that you can for your business?  Well, You're in luck. This episode is all about how you can spend a thousand dollars or less a month on your marketing to get started out, to maximize your ROI. In this episode, Kyle provides tips for business owners and entrepreneurs who have a limited budget for sales and marketing. With a budget of $1000 or less a month, social media advertising, content strategy, and customer reviews and testimonials can help businesses maximize their ROI.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having a high performing website that converts is crucial for any digital marketing effort.
  • Social media advertising is a good starting point for small businesses starting out.
  • Crafting a content strategy based on target market, pain points, goals, and barriers is important.
  • Customer reviews and testimonials can help build trust with potential customers.
  • With social media, businesses can create different videos and images to advertise on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Experimenting with different types of content on social media can help businesses understand what resonates with their target audience.
  • It's important to track conversion events on a website, even if not currently advertising, to build data for future campaigns.
  • Businesses should think about their unique selling proposition (USP) and how to communicate it effectively to potential customers.
  • Email marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach and nurture leads.
  • Collaboration with influencers or other businesses can help increase reach and build credibility.
  • Remarketing campaigns can help businesses reach people who have already shown interest in their product or service.
  • Businesses should track and analyze their marketing efforts to continuously improve their ROI.

Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking and experimentation for small businesses with limited marketing budgets. By focusing on building a strong website, understanding their target market, and using cost-effective tactics like social media and email marketing, businesses can maximize their ROI and grow their customer base.