Janet Mesh: Perfecting Agile Marketing and the Quick Pivot

Martech Zone Interviews

Sep 10 2020 • 29 mins

In this Martech Zone Interview, we speak to Janet Mesh, CEO and Co-founder of Aimtal. Janet is an advocate and practitioner of agile marketing with her internal team and external clients. With daily (virtual) stand-ups, collaboration software, and weekly sprints, Janet and her team have perfected the Quick Pivot, a process to pivot strategies based on the results of her clients' campaigns. Janet and her team have built their wildly successful online marketing agency through focusing on a variety of elements, agile marketing being one of them. To market with agility means to be constantly improving your techniques through taking on high-value projects, working in small increments (sprints), and then analyzing your results and continuing to improve them from there on out. One of the most important elements of agile marketing is teamwork -- something Janet is very passionate about and loves to speak on. In this episode we'll discuss: * What is Agile Marketing? * What is the agile marketing process that takes place internally with Janet's team? * What are the tools necessary to maintain an successful agile marketing strategy? * How can it be applied to omni-channel marketing efforts like content, social, and ad campaigns? * How do you keep expectations set with clients on deliverables? * What is the Quick Pivot strategy? In this time where the vast majority of companies had to quickly pivot their marketing strategies - many moving from in-person to digital mediums - agile marketing is becoming an essential culture and process to adopt with your marketing teams or agencies. This episode has some great nuggets to get you started! Special Guest: Janet Mesh.