[Interview] David Searns and Victoria Kenward, Co-CEOs of Haley Marketing

Secrets of Staffing Success

Sep 22 2021 • 53 mins

25 years ago, Haley Marketing was launched.

Over the past quarter century, the company has grown from a two-person start-up to an industry leader with 60 employees providing marketing and technology services to more than 1,400 staffing and recruiting firms around the world.

However, the journey was anything but a straight path!

In this episode of Secrets of Staffing Success, our Co-CEOs, Victoria Kenward and David Searns, share the story of Haley Marketing’s founding, a few lessons of survival, and the critical factors that lead to the company’s success over the years.

Highlights of this episode include:

  • The importance of having clear, shared company values…and integrating those values into hiring, management, and day-to-day decision making.
  • Understanding the difference between putting the right people on the bus and defining the right seats on the bus. David explains how getting that wrong led to the darkest day in the company’s history.
  • The value of caring for your people, focusing on strengths, and helping team members to realize their dreams—even when those dreams are not with your company.
  • How having the courage to scrap legacy thinking, reinvent business models, and take the first step into uncharted waters was essential for survival.
  • Realizing that ignorance can be a blessing and having a willingness (and optimism!) to take on new challenges can lead to unexpected opportunities.
  • The value of saying “Sure, we can do that.”
  • Plus, Vicki and David share their views about the near team future of your “marketing stack” and the potential opportunities from cutting edge technologies likely to be impacting the staffing industry in the next three to five years.

Connect with David Searns and Victoria Kenward on LinkedIn and learn more about Haley Marketing.

To listen to the SMART IDEAS Summit recordings,   visit https://www.haleymarketing.com/25bash