REPLAY: Demo best practices, Chris Orlob

K2 Sales Podcast

Apr 16 2024 • 50 mins

In this previous episode, Karen Kelly and Chris Orlob former Head of Sales Gong, current CEO of discuss best practices in demos. Chris emphasizes the importance of mapping demos to the customer's pain points and solving their specific problems.  Chris introduces his "FAVORITE" framework for demoing a single capability successfully, which includes Frame the pain, Ask a Question, Visualize the outcome, Orient them to the screen, Reveal workflow, Implant the Value, Tell a story and Elicite a response .

The Purpose of a Sales Demo 7:37
The purpose of a sales demo is to catalyze a decision, not just to inform or educate. The demo should serve the customer in making the next decision in the sales cycle.

Solving the Customer's Problem 8:26
The subgoal of a demo is to solve the customer's problem, as this helps them make a decision.

The mistake of not mapping features to tangible pain points 9:45
Chris discusses the common mistake of showcasing features that don't solve a problem, and the importance of aligning what you show with the pain points shared by the customer.

The importance of understanding the buyer's journey and making micro decisions 11:21
Karen and Chris talk about the significance of understanding the buyer's journey and making smaller decisions along the way, rather than trying to close the deal in one call.

Differentiating between problems and solutions 17:01
Chris emphasizes the need to differentiate between problems and solutions, and how reps often mistake solutions like visibility and coaching for actual problems.

The Importance of Asking Specific Questions 19:31
Exploration of the missed opportunity in demos when vague terms like "better" are used instead of asking specific questions.

The Order of Operations in Demo Presentations 20:09
Insights on the importance of strategically selecting the order in which different stakeholders are engaged in a demo presentation.

The importance of framing the conversation 28:14
Chris discusses the importance of framing the conversation in a way that sparks curiosity and leads to a one-on-one meeting to further discuss the buyer's unique problem.

The lack of sales education 29:31
Chris explains that the lack of education and guidance from sales leaders is a major reason why reps don't ask the right questions or engage effectively in demos.

Asking effective questions during demos 33:08
Chris emphasizes the need for reps to ask strategic and thought-provoking questions during demos to drive engagement and create a contrast between the buyer's current state and the potential solution.

The first phase of a demo 37:14
Chris discusses the first phase of a demo, which includes a meet and greet and reviewing the perspectives of people not yet spoken to.

The favorite structure framework 38:20
Chris introduces the favorite structure framework for demoing a single capability, which includes steps like framing the pain, asking questions, visualizing the outcome, and revealing the workflow.

The importance of a great sales experience 45:10
Chris and Karen discuss how the sales experience foreshadows the customer experience, and how a poor sales experience can lead to a loss of confidence and potential customers not sticking around.

The Mistake of Not Using Storytelling in Demos

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