How to stand out - Neil Weitzman

K2 Sales Podcast

Apr 23 2024 • 51 mins

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Cold outbound is difficult.

There are many new competitors out there…

  • New businesses
  • AI
  • Complacency
  • Time

How can we make it easier on us and more enjoyable for our prospects?

Also, a good return on our time and efforts.

Tune in to my conversation with the great Neil Weitzman, Founder of PORCH and Fractional CRO revenue•x where he shares tactically ways to connect with our ICP, engage in an energetic and  meaningful way and have a two way conversation.

Isn’t this every sales person’s goal??

Investing in ourselves and our team will yield results over time, but how many of us are doing this?

What community are you part of?

Are you giving first or taking?

How are you making your audience feel?

Are the questions you ask impactful, making them scratch their head and think?

Are you at  events that inspire connection, sharing, comparing perspectives?

This is the foundational to bulldog trust and forming long term partnerships.

Get a pen and paper and get ready to take notes.

Neil’s tips will help you make a difference in your Q2 numbers and the experience you provide for your prospects.

**Innovative Outreach (00:01:11)**
Discussing creative, low-risk outreach methods for improved responses.

**Warm vs. Cold Leads (00:02:10)**
Comparing warm and cold leads, using networks for warm leads, and community reciprocity.

**Prioritizing Warm Outreach (00:07:12)**
Highlighting the benefits of starting with warm outreach.

**Locating Prospects (00:08:33)**
Identifying where prospects congregate, like communities and events.

**Event Engagement (00:10:25)**
Ideas for engaging people at events, favoring face-to-face over cold emails.

**Memorable Event Booths (00:15:34)**
Creating standout booth experiences, like using a popcorn machine.

**Utilizing Warm Leads (00:18:08)**
Using warm leads and sensory tactics for better response rates.

**Bronto: Personal CRM (00:19:07)**
Neil introduces Bronto, a tool for managing personal and business contacts.

**Warm Introductions & Referrals (00:20:13)**
Stressing the use of warm introductions and referrals for networking.

**Mixing Outbound & Warm Tactics (00:22:28)**
Balancing cold and warm outreach, encouraging creativity and experimentation.

**Leadership & Development (00:27:40)**
Discussing the importance of leadership and team member development.

**Team Empowerment & Learning (00:29:23)**
The role of leaders in promoting team empowerment and learning.

**Simplifying Warm Connections (00:32:13)**
Making it easy for contacts to provide warm introductions and referrals.

**Avoiding Laziness (00:35:56)**
Avoiding the easy path, focusing on proactive networking and development.

**Connections & Reciprocity (00:36:39)**
Using networks and reciprocating to build strong business ties.

**Networking & Follow-up Success (00:37:14)**
An example of effective networking and follow-up.

**Reciprocity in Business (00:38:48)**

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