157: How To Move Past Scarcity & Into The Power Of Hell Yes!

Goals With Soul

Oct 23 2023 • 18 mins

*If you’re an impactful coach or healer who wants to better articulate the value of your unique brilliance, I have opened up just 2 spots for FREE messaging assessments.

Click HERE to secure your spot.*

What happens when you’re speaking to your dream client and you face the dreaded money objection?

Perhaps it’s an objection you’re currently facing with your own business decision-making too - insecurity, uncertainty, stuck in indecision – not brave enough to press the button and say yes!

How do we overcome it?

In this week’s episode, I delve into the 4 levels of consciousness around marketing.

We’re all in those lower energy states of reactionary and wilful at certain times, making snap decisions that aren’t necessarily the most considered.

When in the upper levels of consciousness, intellectual decision-makers want to understand everything involved. As a service provider, you need to provide this information so potential clients can make that informed choice.

Then you have your intuitive people who dive in with a HELL YES when it just feels right.

Reactionary people may give you that quick yes, but are they the clients you actually want? If you are offering something longer-term that requires commitment and accountability, their reactivity may well drain your energy.

But whilst a client may come to you in a reactionary state, that just means the time isn’t now. I believe in divine timing – when the moment is right, the magic will happen.

This is why I avoid scarcity or bro marketing. It just doesn’t align with my beliefs.

When I first came up with my Business Energetics Manifesto, I set an intention that I was no longer available to work with clients that drained my energy.

This meant taking different actions – having the confidence to kindly decline clients who weren’t a perfect fit.

This opened up a spaciousness that allowed me to attract and welcome the perfect-fit clients.

And that HELL YES energy achieves the best results!

Enjoy the listen!


If you’re an impactful coach or healer who wants to better articulate the value of your unique brilliance, I have opened up just 2 spots for FREE messaging assessments.

Click HERE to secure your spot.